Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ARMSTRONG: the model forecasts that Trump should win. I do not see how the Neocons would allow a Trump victory to occur

I have said historically that the LEFT is always the most violent because the foundation of what they preach is that they are the victims of the rich. Vance actually made this point.
"The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months,” Vance said. “And two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months.”  --Martin Armstrong

In fact, from the outset, [the Neocons] directed American foreign policy to sanction even Western companies that made pipe for all of the Russian pipelines to Europe since 1960. This has been going on for 72 years. The origin of the Neocons was actually inside the Democratic Party. They wanted the totalitarian power that Marxism created, but they were not fond of the economic equality positions. Thus they became the “conservatives” inside the Democratic Party – not the Republicans. Yet ever since, they have gathered Republicans to support their causes as well and that is typically waging war and their main goal is always Regime Change. Today, they have become an unelected silent third party that infiltrates the current administration to gain their objectives.



COMMENT: Well, based on the last 2 screenshots you posted of you asking Socrates about what if Kamala wins and then this one, it appears that even though Socrates projects a Trump / Republican win in 2024, THEY will not allow that due to what Socrates says in both posts . . . a Dow high in 2024 and a 2-year decline + a 20% – 44% decline in the DOW if Harris “wins.”
Oh crap!  Chaz

REPLY: I have always sought to differentiate my personal opinion from that of the computer. I have shown the model forecast that 4 out of 6 show that Trump should win. I have expressed my opinion that I do not see how the Neocons would allow Trump to occur. I was in a meeting in Berlin in May after the WEC in London. I stated there that I personally believed that they would try to assassinate Trump. They thought I was a little out there on that one. I explained that was my opinion because the computer overwhelmingly points to a Republican victory. The 2020 projection was 50/50 so I reported it would be a tight race.

I have said historically that the LEFT is always the most violent because the foundation of what they preach is that they are the victims of the rich. Vance actually made this point.

"The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months,” Vance said. “And two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months.”

He added, “I’d say that’s pretty strong evidence that the left needs to tone down the rhetoric and needs to cut this crap out. Somebody’s gonna get hurt by it, and it’s gonna destroy this country.”

Look, I just know these Neocons. They will keep trying to start World War III and/or kill Trump. There is way too much at stake for them here. I think you are going to read in the future that this was a major black-ops conspiracy. They have spent their whole lives hating Russians. I cannot see them quietly fading into the sunset. Let’s see. If they kill Trump or start World War III before January, then he wins, but they have trapped his agenda into war.

PAUL SALADINO: McDonald’s salt contains 3 ingredients!? 😳

The salt on McDonald's French Fries has three ingredients:  1) Salt, or sodium chloride, 2) Sugar in the form of Dextrose, and 3) Silico Aluminate, an aluminum salt (Aluminum in your French Fries?  Okay, that's war) that's been linked to all sorts of neurological harms in humans, including neurodegenerative issues, dementia, like Alzheimer's Disease.  That's what's in your salted McDonald's.  Not just sodium chloride, salt, sugar, and aluminum salts?  Tread intelligently.

ARMSTRONG: This is a continuation of a coup, which is getting serious.

This is  NOT a Democrat vs Republican election. This is Neocons vs American People.  --Martin Armstrong

I have warned that there is WAY TOO MUCH ON THE TABLE here if Trump wins. That will terminate the agenda of the Neocons and their dream of conquering Russia, which has been their lifelong dream. I believe that they were psychologically damaged when we were told in the ’50s to hide under our desks because of a possible Russian nuclear attack. They appear to have been mentally impacted living in fear of Russia.

I did a report on the Rise of the Neocons and their rise to power. These people have seized control of our Foreign Policy and are driving the world into World War III. I know some of these people and have looked them straight in the eye. The Neocon movement was began by Irving Kristol whose son Bill Kristol even spoke at one of our conferences.

I confess, originally, that I believed that the Neocons were about economics. I even helped Bill Kristol launch his magazine, taking the back cover for months. I was probably the first to advertise full-page advertisements in the Weekly Standard. They were economic-oriented advertisements – not geopolitical. Bill Kristol managed to convince Rupert Murdoch to fund the Weekly Standard. As The New Yorker wrote, 
“For twenty-three years, it was the most influential, and often the most interesting, publication of the American right, championing a less dreary and more adventurous conservatism, one that insisted that Washington was the center of human events.”

In 2009, Murdoch sold the Weekly Standard, 1995-2018, to Philip Anschutz, a Republican billionaire who made his fortune in oil and railroads. The match was not made in heaven. What killed Bill Kristol’s Weekly Standard as it collapsed after 23 years was his own Neocon philosophy that attacked Trump because he was against war and did not share Kristol’s grand redesign of the world order. Kristol turned his magazine outright against Trump in 2016 because Trump was anti-war and Hillary was a Neocon. Kristol used his magazine to try to stop Trump because he was anti-war. He killed his magazine over this issue.

These people switch parties to whoever will wage war. Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala. Then you have all the Neocons coming out to claim they are Republicans for Kamala


We are in the midst of a continuation of the same coup I wrote about in how they really stole the 2020 election – using the January 6th event to impose EMERGENCY RULES to shut down any challenges. And if that did not work, Pelosi also imposed COVID RULES that no more than 53 people could be on the floor at one time when if a state’s vote was challenged it was to be debated before the FULL Congress.

I also reported that sources had said that a VIRUS WAS COMING two months before anyone heard of such an event. These things have all been well planned, and it has been over the desire to conquer Russia.

Hillary blamed Putin, and we had hundreds of millions spent on nothing. [Why] did they paint Trump as Putin’s puppet? Because they wanted to wage war against Russia, and Trump did not. So, they did not want anyone talking to Putin. They claimed no war was because Trump was Putin’s puppet.

I reported on the private blog that “My RELIABLE  sources in December [2019] began saying that “a virus is coming” and Gates began selling off stock in other companies.” If you look at the portfolios, you will see even the WEF began dumping shares before anyone heard of COVID.

The rumors circulating are that those in the Deep State have been leaking info about Trump, and we already know that they do not want Trump in office. This would-be assassin was from out of state. Yet, he somehow knew Trump’s schedule and found a gun in Florida conveniently to carry out the act. This is a continuation of a coup, which is getting serious. Routh’s connection to Ukraine is troubling for it shows he was pro-war and reportedly said that, “We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians.”

I fear Socrates will be correct, and this 2024 election will be the last. This is NOT a Democrat vs Republican election. This is Neocons vs American People.

Sheriff Snyder said, “How does a guy from not here get all the way to Trump International, realize that the president, former president of the United States, is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity?” He’s asking the same question the rest of us are! Can the FBI/NSA/Homeland Security be trusted? Watch Green Zone if you have not.

Andreas Viestad visits Stavanger, the culinary and cultural capital of Norway. fire. Season 6 Episode 11

Host Andreas Viestad visits Stavanger, the culinary and cultural capital of Norway. Against this exciting backdrop, Andreas cooks delicious fish and seafood dishes and a spectacular dessert prepared over an open fire. Season 6 Episode 11

HEALTH RANGER: People who claim they are "with the FBI" are not sworn FBI agents. They are contractors hired to try to frighten people

Health Ranger writes, 

Every person should learn from this video. People who claim they are "with the FBI" are not sworn FBI agents. They are contractors hired to try to frighten people. This is a classic sign of a tyrannical regime that's out of control and attempting to suppress free speech by intimidating innocent Americans. The FBI has become a den of thieves and a whorehouse against justice. 

Yeah, when the officer on the right gestured with his badge on his belt, that's not showing ID or showing proof that he's a sworn agent.  A picture, badge number, employee number, city where office is located, and still I'd want to see some card-carrying ID like a driver's license.  Sorry, in a low-trust world, or a low-trust environment, I don't talk to too many people declaring that they are "officials" of anything.