Thursday, August 22, 2024

California Gov't has turned into Oprah! A house for you! One for you! A four-bedroom, two-bath for you!! A house for EVERYBODY!!!

PETER ST ONGE: How did American politics get so dumb? Easy: Government Schools.

Left-wing American intellectuals were fascinated by Prussia's indoctrination and imported it to the United States.  They were motivated not by peasant revolts but by the frustratingly small government ethos of American Catholics.  --Peter St Onge

It's a modern fetish that we are brilliant but our ancestors were idiots.  After all, they didn't have iPhones, the internet, or Kim Kardashian.  There's also an academic consensus, for what it's worth, called the Flynn Effect, the idea is that people do better on puzzles, so we must be smarter.  Of course, one wonders if puzzles translate into say understanding monetary policy or how welfare destroys families.  Thankfully, we have a real-world test, an actual political campaign.  Back when I was a professor, I ran every inaugural address through a Flesch Kincaid text analysis to measure the grade level.  The logic being that top speech writers know how to talk at the voter's level.  Doing that, it turns out that we are getting dumb breathtakingly fast.  In 1900, inaugurals were written at between 13th and 14th grades, in other words, modern college level.  Today, they are 8th grade for Obama, 9th grade for Trump, and 7th grade for Biden.  It gets worse further back we go.  Andrew Jackson's 1828 inaugural was written at 22nd-grade level, meaning strictly speaking two PhDs were the median voter in 1828.  Keep in mind, that Jackson was a populist man of the people.  Washington's inaugural is closer to 26th grade, so you'd need that third PhD.  Also, keep in mind, that almost nobody in 1828 or 1789 had a formal education.  

Jackson, for example, kicks off [his inaugural address] with "Undertaking the arduous duties that I've been appointed, . . ."

Washington starts with "Among the vicissitudes incident to life, . . . ." 

For Biden, it's "This is America's day."

So how did we get so dumb?  Easy: Public Schools.  The modern government school came from 1800s Prussia who had enough of worker riots in peasant revolts and resolved to indoctrinate kids into pro-regime obedience.  It worked like a charm, turning the once unruly Germans into a government-directed Army that went on to do terrible things.  Left-wing American intellectuals were fascinated by Prussia's indoctrination and imported it to the United States.  They were motivated not by peasant revolts but by the frustratingly small government ethos of American Catholics.  Progressives figure they couldn't progress figured they couldn't frog march American Catholics into government Utopia, but by gum they have their children.  These activists spread government schools to every state and got a major boost post-war when competence tests were declared discriminatory forcing companies to instead rely on formal education to discover Talent this launched the University from a fringe toy of the 1% into a $300,000 tax on anybody hoping for a white collar job.  Meanwhile, like all government programs, opportunists, i.e., teachers' unions, took over spending at this point $878 billion per year, dutifully peddling politics but neglecting the actual purpose of education, leaving American kids illiterate and innumerate.  In a video last year, I mentioned how fully 23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math.  And in Detroit, 96% of students can't do math; 95% cannot even read, but by gum, they know their Demi genders.  Take people who can't name a state or don't know what a Supreme Court is, wash them with decades of left-wing propaganda, stick them in a voter booth, and here we are.

If we are to save our democracy we have to save our voters by replacing government schools with schools that actually teach instead of indoctrinate that could mean school choice,, it could mean vouchers it could be homeschooling co-ops, but until we fix it, things will keep getting worse.

Here's Rothbard's "Education: Free and Compulsory," 1979.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

AUSTIN FITTS: Goal is Digital ID. Just say no.

This scene with Christopher Walken is from the 2012 movie, Seven Psychopaths

ROSSINI: Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize... And was at war every single day of his presidency.

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: I have warned that the Neocons are scared to death of Trump, and if RFK joins Trump as the Attorney General, as I have been arguing behind the curtain, they are desperate to start World War III before the election.

Indeed, Russia has an opportunity to now annihilate the entire invading force, including Americans, by deploying a small tactical nuclear weapon inside its own borders. Nobody can say anything about that, and Russia would be within its right to do so just as if Chinese, Russian, or North Korean private military invaded the United States.  --Martin Armstrong

Last June, Biden lifted the ban on American contractors sending mercenaries into Ukraine. When he lifted the ban on American weapons, allowing them to be deployed inside Russia, this was another step that de facto allowed these private American military operations to invade Russia pretending it is not the official United States. I have warned that the Neocons are scared to death of Trump, and if RFK joins Trump as the Attorney General, as I have been arguing behind the curtain, they are desperate to start World War III before the election.
The Neocons used Biden to circumvent Congress to create World War III, deploying private armies to negate Congressional approval.  --Martin Armstrong
Sources are reporting that Stephanie Holmes, the US ChargĂ© d’Affaires in Russia, was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explain why Americans have invaded Russia with the invasion of the Ukrainian Army into the Kursk region.  By 2008, the US Department of Defense employed 155,826 private contractors in Iraq — and 152,275 troops. This degree of privatization is unprecedented in modern warfare. The Neocons used Biden to circumvent Congress to create World War III, deploying private armies to negate Congressional approval.

Indeed, Russia has an opportunity to now annihilate the entire invading force, including Americans, by deploying a small tactical nuclear weapon inside its own borders. Nobody can say anything about that, and Russia would be within its right to do so just as if Chinese, Russian, or North Korean private military invaded the United States.

September has been a significant target on our computer all year for civil unrest and international war. Gold’s performance appears linked to this action, whereas silver and platinum have not responded. While gold may peak by next week, September remains a major Panic Cycle in many markets, including gold. Russia is certainly within its right to use whatever means necessary to eradicate this invading force. If it does not respond on its own territory, then it would only invite a full-scale NATO invasion.

These Neocons are traitors to the United States and the future of our nation, all for their personal hatred of Russians.