Saturday, July 27, 2024

RICHARD GAGE: Israel does not want Hamas having this money or access to this gas this is in parallel with their plan to develop the Ben Gurion Canal , which would compete with the Suez Canal

This is concerning to all of us because it turns out that the Gaza attacks on October 7th, 2023 paralleled almost line for line the playbook used for 9/11. And I found 22 parallels and this is based on the excellent work of research and delivery of Kevin Ryan, originally who developed the parallels for Gaza but for COVID-19 also with 9/11.  The first one that I spent some time diving into is that they established a goal for strategic interests in another country.  They actually established these goals well ahead of these attacks so we actually know why the attacks are happening.  For instance, in Gaza, many people don't know that there's an incredible set of natural gas discoveries, deposits, outside of Israel.  But where? Outside of Gaza, immediately offshore of the Palestinian-controlled area. It's their gas, 1.2 trillion cubic feet, and oil, too, 71 million in oil and almost half a trillion in profits from these gas deposits but the Israelis and the Palestinians have been fighting over this.  Nevertheless, Israel has already signed contracts with International firms to exploit those resources and even claim as the energy answer for Israel now becoming an exporter of natural gas.  The UN has cited a report saying this is not your gas.  This belongs to the Palestinian people, and they've been deprived of these profits which could not only make them energy independent again but exporters.  So Israel does not want Hamas to have this money or access to this gas; they've been tying it up quite a bit. This is in parallel with their plan to develop the Ben Gurion Canal which would compete with the Suez Canal and this has been on the books for decades.  decades.  They would make this canal twice as wide and twice as deep, allowing for bi-directional shipping.  30% of the entire world's shipping goes through the Suez Canal.   Well, it's very expensive and it's very time-consuming because they have to line up and they can only go one way at a time through the Suez Canal.  And it's expensive because Egypt has to develop a dredge continuously the sand, and they have nationalized the canal away from the global developers and they have at times prevented Israel from even using it.  This is a problem for Israel, so they've developed this other solution.  And it's three times as long.  It's a huge $55 billion project.  The problem is they have to go around Gaza because Gaza is there.  Well, that's going to require them to go through the sandy desert which they'll have the same problems as Egypt did.  If they could go straight through Gaza, they could save a third of the length of the canal.  They could save massive costs on and the maintenance cost of that dredging . . . 

Check out the full interview here.

Friday, July 26, 2024

ATTORNEY BOBBIE ANNE COX: The death of the toxic Chevron Doctrine at the hands of SCOTUS is a big win for We The People!

SUZZANNE MONK: J6 Prisoner, Pauline Bauer, was asked if she wanted to receive the injection 17 times in 72 hours

Suzzanne Monk is an author, activist, and chair of Patriot Action Pac.  She founded Reopen America [2 days after the March 2020 lockdowns were declared] during the 2020 lockdowns to combat the beginning of what we saw as medical tyranny.  After discovering in the spring of 2021 that the January 6th detainees were being medically abused due to the COVID-19 protocols, she became focused on the plight of the J6 prisoners and has spent the last 3 and 1/2 years advocating for their release, their fair treatment, and eventual justice.  In January of this year, 2024, she launched the J6 Pardon Project with a mission to facilitate and support President Trump in pardoning the J6ers.

Many of the J6 prisoners weren't housed in DC.  

J6 prisoners have been threatened with their lives to take the job to survive along with medical torture and deprivation.

04:15, MONK. Back in 2020, as I started ReOpen America, in that year you know we worked pretty hard to try to push back on that first year of severe medical tyranny.  Come spring of 2021, I started to see those arrests from January 6th, 2021, more arrests in March, and I became aware that the folks being held in the DC Detention Center were being egregiously mistreated because of the COVID-19 protocols 23, 24-hour a day in lockdown.  lockdown.  Basically, that means that everybody is in solitary confinement at all times.  They were being denied all grooming services.  When you're in jail, you don't have a razor, or nail clippers, you have to go to the medical facility to get any of that done.   So nobody was getting shaved, nobody was getting groomed.  They weren't allowed to get showers for days on end because they were in lockdown.  No medical treatment.  No visits from their attorneys.  They had no in-person treatment.  And the worst of it was the constant, constant pressure to get injected with this experimental drug that we all know as a bioweapon.  In 2021, a dear friend Pauline Bauer, whom I testified for or put it an affidavit on her behalf in court.  She was in the DC Detention Center for only 72 hours.  In those 72 hours, they took her to the medical facility to ask her if she wanted to receive the injection 17 times.  They'd wake her up and drag her down to the medical facility and ask her again.  And that's just one example.  We've had people denied medical treatment unless they get injected.  injected.  You know, it's a lot of pressure out here to avoid that Krispy Kreme donut, right, but when it's in jail it's whether or not you get freedom, whether or not you get to visit your family whether or not you get to get out of your cell so they put those folks in a situation where you have to decide do I get to stay in solitary confinement and keep myself unpoisoned or do I take that poison?  I can tell you, that these prisoners who are sitting in the Bureau of Prisons right now for January 6th, they will talk a lot about a lot of egregious situations.  Physical abuse, tainted food with feces and urine, mold, all sorts of problems but one thing Jane, they won't talk about it's too much for them and that's where they were forced to get the injection it has traumatized to the point it is almost a subject non grata because of the things that they've pressured these inmates with in order to get them injected it is something that they are not even emotionally capable of talking about and these are folks who can talk about a lot of hard stuff.

17:15  HVAC collapsed with debris falling all over the floor and had to move all the inmates.  

17:20, RUBY.  The J6ers that were not charged, and not charged, and no due process for the crime of exercising their 1st Amendment rights, they're not all in DC, correct?  And how many people are we talking about and where are they?

17:39  1,500 plus arrests.  The arrests have actually increased this year.  We're now at two a day, they're averaging two January 6th arrests a day right now. 

17:54, RUBY..  So people are still being arrested?

17:55  Yes, yes, that is correct. 

18:00  I think people think 50 or 60 people are sitting in jail in DC. and they're all 20-year-old Proud Boys. 

18:07, MONK.  200 to 250 people are incarcerated currently.  It shifts because they're holding a lot of these January 6ers in pretrial sometimes for years.  So those folks are incarcerated but not yet convicted.  So they're innocent until proven guilty unless, of course, you're a January 6er and then you're incarcerated until convicted, and then they keep you in.  Once they get these convictions, and what I'm telling you what's happening in court is that they're not being allowed to present evidence.  They weren't allowed to use the term "self-defense" if they were defending themselves.  They're not being allowed to present evidence that they were helping officers!!!!!! Officers have perjured themselves on the stand live, openly done up.  Michael Fanone and Harry Dunn have lied on the stand against January 6th so they are being denied everywhere aspect of 


They were giving COVID patients Heparin in COVID wards.

"White clot syndrome, by the way, is not new. This paper was published in 1988. The treatment where people were using heparin to try and to stop normal red blood clots was generating white clots." Polymer chemist Greg Harrison describes for Tony Lohnes (), Richard Hirschman (@r_hirschman), John OLooney (), and Deborah George how the "white clots" now being found in the bodies of COVID-"vaccinated" people are actually not new. In fact, Harrison shows that the clots were described in the peer-reviewed literature as early as 1988. Harrison notes that when medical professionals attempted to use heparin—an anticoagulant or "blood thinner"—to tackle red-blood clots, that, in turn, led to the formation of the bizarre white clots. OLooney notes that medical professionals were giving COVID patients heparin, to which Harrison says, "it was the wrong thing to give them." Harrison even notes that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reacts with fibrinogen (a protein involved in the formation of blood clots), just as heparin does, meaning it too can cause the formation of the white clots.

"White Clot Syndrome: When Heparin Goes Haywire," Kuhar and Hill, Am J Nurs1991 Mar;91(3):59-60.

Full video: