Tuesday, July 23, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Diversity is used as a way of pushing out the Patriots

So you know my big concern is the Republicans are now going to be used to market the control grid to conservatives and I think my message looking at what's been happening is we have to double down on our efforts to stop the control grid so if somebody tells you that we need Biometrics for digital ID to deal with election fraud or the Border don't believe them don't believe it it's a marketing job for conservatives.  Any comments on any of those meetings?

00:33, POLLY TOMMEY. Can you just expand on that Catherine I'm at Biometrics just explain that to our people a little bit more thoroughly. 

00:41. AUSTIN FITTS. So if I want to go to an all-digital financial system, which is where I get the power . . . I mean what we're looking at is a coup d'etat, and the coup d'etat is changing control of fiscal policy and the legislative and executive branches from representing the people to being controllable by the bankers.  What an all-digital financial system allows the bankers to do is run all of that fiscal policy and all of the legislative policies through the financial system so the bankers . . .  literally, it's a coup of the bankers to take control of the whole government instead of the banking half.  So traditionally we've had the people's representatives in the legislative branch and the executive branch and then we've had the bankers run the monetary policy.  Now, the people who run their monetary policy, you know, grossly oversimplified, can take over the rest.  

It's exactly what we saw in that great video of Carstens from the Bank of International Settlements, saying, "You know, we can make the rules centrally and we can enforce the rules centrally and that includes taxation without representation."  And so the question is how can you sell this?  Chairman Powell has said he needs legislative, new legislation, and legislative authority to do that, and, of course, you need a way of selling conservatives on, you know, I hate to say this, giving up their 1st Amendment rights, giving up their 2nd Amendment rights, giving up their guns or having gun control radically increased.  But most of all, they need to be sold on digital IDs and biometrics, and, you know, what Trump and that group is really good at doing it and saying is "Oh, we have to stop immigration on the border, so everybody needs an ID so we can stop [the inflows].  We can send the immigrants home and stop immigration."  That's number one.  You know, or "We need more surveillance and more control and that includes the digital IDs and election fraud."  So there is a real push to get conservatives to buy into the control model, you know, for different reasons that are used in different sorts of marketing to people of different political persuasions.  And what we're seeing you know and I'm just reading between the lines of the RNC, we're using all sorts, it's really beautiful, seeing diversity used as a way of pushing out the Patriots.  And there's a real effort now, I think, you've seen a lot of factions coalesce around a Republican sweep of both Congress and the presidency, and on that sweep they would love to push through the control grid.  

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: In the last year of Obama, they lifted $6.5 trillion

What Mr Global wants . . . so we bubble the paper and we bubble the paper and we bubble the paper.  We have massive collateral fraud, and what Mr. Global wants is the land and the real assets.  And the way they're going to get the land and the real assets is they will assert financial transaction controls.  If you can put everybody on the gold or silver or Bitcoin system when the vast majority of people don't have those and can't transact in dollars, they have to sell their land and real estate.  They lose their businesses, you've got them over a barrel. 

00:31. Let's say Trump wins, when's the election in November early November inauguration January 20th whatever it is between those goal posts how much money gets lifted by the Biden Administration?

00:47. In the last year of Obama, they lifted $6.5 trillion.  Again we have agreement on factions, so everybody is going to be in on the deal.  I don't think there's going to be a lot of people cut out because if they get cut out they'll talk.  But the reason we said "Plunder Theater: Are You Not Entertained?" the plundering that you can do between now and January 20th is extraordinary.  And then when you bring Trump in, the plundering you can do in terms of land grab in the country, stripping the laws, stripping the Federal Civil Service, all these things, the plunder is going to be absolutely extraordinary.  So I've talked about the rape of Russia now coming to the United States in the rape of the United States.  And I think it's absolutely what's going to happen.  We know they want to pull apart the United States, that could happen.  And they want radical changes in the government.  I don't know if you've been watching any of the RNC Convention, but they stripped a lot of language about the 2nd Amendment out; they still have a statement in the platform in the beginning, but very weakened and a big promotion of diversity.  And, of course, diversity is what you do when the organized crime guys want to cut everybody out.  There's a whole world of Patriots you're going to cut out and you're going to cut them out using diversity.  The "New Diverse Republican Party," the organized crime guys aren't going to get cut but the Patriots are going to get cut.  Private equity on January 21st is going to say, "Blow the whistle. Go!"

Get your groove on, here come the lies . .

Public school and college helped you learn and they are there to make you succeed.  


The Reserve is federal.  


Jussie Smollett was a victim of a hate crime.


Climate change is caused by man.


. . . 

Monday, July 22, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: Once upon a time, everyone wanted world peace. Today, they want WORLD WAR to get out of their debt crisis. There will be no pensions that survive – including Social Security

Thank you to Martin Armstrong's post, "Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Warns--Do Not Vote Democrat," at Armstrong Economics. 

In this election, the choice is either World War III or Trump.

Once upon a time, everyone wanted world peace. Today, they want WORLD WAR to get out of their debt crisis.

There will be no pensions that survive – including Social Security  --Martin Armstrong

Tulsi Gabbard, who is a Democratic American politician, is also a United States Army Reserve officer who was a candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election, Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command United States Army Reserve. She dares to speak out about the Neocons. Kamala would be just another placeholder. The real question is, since high school, Hillary wanted to be the first woman president. That was the whole ’60s issue of bra-burning and hatred of men. I am not so sure she is willing to sit this one out. She wants to be drafted and play the magnanimous role of doing it to save the country. Already, Kamala is claiming Trump will install a nationwide abortion ban. The Supreme Court has handed that to the States.

In this election, the choice is either World War III or Trump.

Once upon a time, everyone wanted world peace. Today, they want WORLD WAR to get out of their debt crisis.

There will be no pensions that survive – including Social Security

CHASE HUGHES: Confidence is a willingness to be socially injured. Just a full openness to social injury.

35:40. When it comes to off camera, who am I off-camera? There are 5 more elements to this, which is  1) How do I manage my environment, which is like do I have French Fries under my driver's seat that have been thee for 8 months?  2) My time.  3) My appearance.  One question we have in the Appearance Assessment and this Authority thing assesses all of this.  APPEARANCE: How would a stranger rate my diet diet on a 1 to 10 if they just looked at me across the room?  Just based on how I look, yeah.  How would they rate my diet and my lifestyle?  So it's Appearance, Social, and Financial.  Also your social skills and how you manage your money so it's just like what you said these unpaid bills that tends to leak out through our body.

36:32. I guess these are all part of DISCIPLINE? 

36:34. These are all part of the AUTHORITY. 

36:36. And one of the components of AUTHORITY is DISCIPLINE?  For me, the way I categorize it is it's all underneath that DISCIPLINE piece and SELF-MASTERY, which you mentioned.

36:45. The first video of yours that I ever watched, probably before you saw any of me, was a dopamine detox video that you did.  You were talking about discipline a lot, and I want to give you a hack that maybe you can use and try it out.  How does reading all this research and stuff on dopamine detox translate to your mammalian brain?  Because you're mammalian brain does not speak English at all; it cannot speak a language.  So when I'm  training operatives or just one-on-one clients, I'm always thinking of how can I make this person understand this at a mammalian level?  How can I teach this to a dog?  So how would I make discipline important to a dog?  And in our mammalian brain the one thing that we really need to think about is imagery, that's we're visual creatures.  We don't have a relationship with our future-self, and the way that I define discipline is my ability to prioritize my Future-Self ahead of my present-self.  So future-me is more important than me right now.  If you have discipline, you're looking backwards with gratitude, you're looking forward with concern.  So how do I get my brain to start understanding that concept?  And what I will do with these clients, there's an app, I can't remember the name of it, there's an app on your phone that can make you look like 90 years old.  Have you seen these things?  So I'll have them use this app, print that out, and hang it in like 10 places in your house so that every single day you're developing a relationship with this older version of yourself.  And what do you do with like after a thousand repetitions?  You're shopping for like a Honda Accord and you finally buy a Honda Accord.  What happens, like they're everywhere, but you didn't tell your brain to look for those cars.  Your brain learned it through repetition and exposure.  So you're doing the exact same thing except on purpose and not on accident.  The Honda Accord thing is an accident; the hanging old version of me pictures all over the place is definitely on purpose.

so it's apparent social and financial your social skills and how do you manage your money

40:23, HUGHES.  If I were to sum up confidence in one sentence that no one ever heard but that makes the most amount of sense is "a willingness to be socially injured."  Just a full openness to social injury.  Vulnerability?  Yeah, to where I'm no longer concerned with that level of thing.  And the way that I describe confidence is let's say that the average person makes $60k a year.  And if that person were to walk into a super expensive department store, like Hermes, I think is super, crazy expensive.  If they walked into a Hermes, they're going to see their cheapest bag is like $14 grand, $15 grand.  They're going to walk in there and as soon as they step in they think they're being judged.  And they've proven this.  Even a neutral facial expression that walking into that store will look judgmental.