Sunday, July 14, 2024


Compare this, 

to this,

BRANCA: pointing a gun at someone is a felony good for 10 to 20 years in jail.

Don't be too quick to get your gun out, folks.  The moment you point a gun, make someone else aware that you have a gun for the purpose of changing their behavior, you've just checked all the boxes for aggravated assault with a firearm, with a deadly weapon.  That's a felony good for 10 to 20 years in most jurisdictions, often more time with a gun sentencing enhancement on top of that.  Now, you have to justify that conduct as lawful self-defense.  The moment you've made someone aware that you have a gun and are prepared to use it for the purpose of changing their behavior, that's arguably aggravated assault with a deadly weapon good for 10 to 20 years in prison, maybe more, unless you can now effectively argue that affirmative defense of self-defense.  So there's a burden on you now. 


From Dr. Manner's point of view, he thought breast cancer was easily the most treatable.  He treated it with vitamin A, Laetrile, and the pancreatic enzymes that help break down the tumors that are lacking.  In a lot of people who have breast cancer, their pancreas is not producing pancreatic enzymes at the proper rate, the same enzyme that digests animal protein.  So if you're trying to get the pancreatic enzymes to eat at the outer shell of the cancer so that the Laetrile can work, you want to lower your animal protein intake.  --Dr. John A. Richardson, Jr.

Death of Cancer, 1989 published by the Metabolic Research Foundation and authored by Dr. Harold Manner, 1925-1988.  Fired from Loyola University, a full professor, head of the Biology Department.  Dr. Manner focused on breast cancer.  

Why did Manner focus on breast cancer? 

Had to do with a relative of his who had breast cancer and learned of it through different seminars.  Manner got tired of seeing women get disfigured by mammograms.

From Dr. Manner's point of view, he thought breast cancer was easily the most treatable.  He treated it with vitamin A, Laetrile, and the pancreatic enzymes that help break down the tumors that are lacking.  In a lot of people who have breast cancer, their pancreas is not producing pancreatic enzymes at the proper rate, the same enzyme that digests animal protein.  

So if you're trying to get the pancreatic enzymes to eat at the outer shell of the cancer so that the Laetrile can work, you want to lower your animal protein intake.  So a keto diet, almost get rid of your animal protein.  And with breast cancer, it's one of the ones that gets quickly addressed.  And again, I can get in trouble for saying that, because you've got to listen to your doctor and do all that, listen to your doctor's advice, but these doctors are trained in using pharmaceuticals.  They're not trained in using natural things.  Dr. Manner used everything natural.  He said it was a metabolic disease.  And all cancers are a metabolic disease, not a medical disease.  

On September 10, 1977, he announced an 89% regression of breast tumors in laboratory mice through [pancreatic] enzymes (Lipase, Protease, Amylase), vitamin A, and Laetrile.  Dr. Manner, a courageous pioneer researcher says cancer is not a medical problem--it is a metabolic problem. Mastectomy may now be a thing of the past. 

9:10  What were the enzymes, John? 

9:11  The pancreatic enzymes Trypsin, Chymotrypsin,

Pro Enzymes are the most potent metabolic enzyme formula available. We have designed our product to include the most important enzymes to help your body thrive. Each capsule contains over 13 different enzymes, including Pancreatin 10X, a-Chymotrypsin, Bromelain, Trypsin, Amylase, and Rutin, each having its own purpose. Works great with Vitamin B17 (Laetrile™) and Pro B15 (Pangamic Acid)

You can pick up apricot seeds from the Richardson Nutritional Center site.

and . . . the same enzymes we sell on our website, but they're available at the local health food store, pancreatic enzymes for whatever reason, and that's the trophoblast theory which is a whole other show we can talk about how Dr. James Beard, 1857-1924, came up with the theory (Suzanne Somers' doctor, Nicolas Gonzalez, reviewed the theory and wrote about it, The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer, coauthored by Linda Isaacs, 2019) that when a pancreas starts to develop in the fetus, that's when it stops multiplying when it does indiscriminately and then becomes fingers and toes and hair when the pancreas starts to develop, more specialized under the influence of the pancreatic enzymes.  In cancer cells, these pancreatic enzymes stop the cancer from multiplying for whatever chemical reason, and that allows the Laetrile, the B-17, and the B-15 to attack it.  But you also need vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, all these other things.  So it's not just a silver bullet, it's a metabolic issue where if you bring your immune system up and give it the proper nutrition, you can wipe it out. 

Laetrile Case Histories; The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience, John Richardson, 1977.  The only book on Laetrile that I read was G. Edward Griffin's book, World Without Cancer: The Story of B-17, 1974.

ARMSTRONG: with the Democrats trying to pull [Trump's] Secret Service protection and denying RFK Jr Secret Service protection, one must face the reality that there is a very dark side to Washington that never sees the light.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "Trump Beware--This May Be Only the First," found at Armstrong Economics. 

They tried to get Gorbachev to join NATO, which set off the coup against him in Russia, ending with Yelsin becoming Russia’s leader. When they tried to blackmail Yeltsin to stick in their puppet, Boris Berezovsky, that is when Yeltsin turned to Putin because the Communists were also trying to impeach him. Putin was neither an oligarch nor a communist. That is why Hillary blamed Putin for interfering in the 2016 election, for they had interfered in the Russian 2000 election.  --Martin Armstrong

The country is so polarized by this demonization of Trump that, beginning with Hillary calling half the country “deplorables,” what has set in motion is the decline and fall of our country. It was McCain who handed the fake dossier Hillary paid to have written against Trump all because the two of them were Neocons, and as I have reported before, I was asked to invest $10 billion into Hermitage Capital to take over Russia, which Edmond Safra and Bill Browder owned. This has always been these Neocons and their hatred of Russians. They have been waging endless wars with no victories, and more than 50% of the national debt is all because of them and their abuse of American power. We are still paying interest in the funding for every war, including World War II, because they NEVER pay anything off.
They tried to get Gorbachev to join NATO, which set off the coup against him in Russia, ending with Yelsin becoming Russia’s leader. When they tried to blackmail Yeltsin to stick in their puppet, Boris Berezovsky, that is when Yeltsin turned to Putin because the Communists were also trying to impeach him. Putin was neither an oligarch nor a communist. That is why Hillary blamed Putin for interfering in the 2016 election, for they had interfered in the Russian 2000 election.

Donald Trump MUST be careful. I question how someone could be on that roof in shooting distance without the Secret Service’s awareness. Just because Trump has survived one assassination attempt, with the Democrats trying to pull his Secret Service protection and denying RFK Jr Secret Service protection, one must face the reality that there is a very dark side to Washington that never sees the light.

Most people are not aware, but there have been multiple attempts against other presidents also during periods that have often been disconcerting. The assassin was 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who Secret Service agents killed at the scene after the shooting. He had donated $15 to a progressive Democrat movement. The FBI identified him as a resident of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania – about 35 miles south of Butler, where Trump was holding his rally.

There were 2 tries against Abraham Lincoln with the second one succeeding.

There were also 2 attempts against William Howard Taft in 1909 and again in 1910.

There were also 2 attempts against Franklin Roosevelt.

There were 2 against Harry Truman as well as against Richard Nixon and George W. Bush.

Gerald Ford had 3 attempts on his life. 

Even Jimmy Carter had 2 attempts.

The record for attempted assassinations is held by Obama, with 8 attempts on his life. Even Bill Clinton had 5 attempts. We must be aware that the Democrats have so polarized this election with hatred that we must be deeply concerned that if Trump is assassinated, this country will be torn apart.  

Armstrong points out that political assassinations of leaders or presidents were a 19th-century idea, called "Propaganda of or by the Deed" that required physical violence to inspire revolution.
The very idea of assassinating leaders such as President Lincoln and President McKinley was part of an international trend that began during the 19th century and was based upon the theory that some dramatic deed was necessary to spark a revolution. It was called the "Propaganda of, or by, the deed,” and it advocated physical violence in a dramatic, provocative public act perpetrated against political enemies to inspire others to act in a popular mass rebellion or revolution. This was a political philosophy that was part of the radical thought process that was emerging with Marxism. Still, it was not precisely advocated by Marx, who was generally a revolutionary.

There have been four Presidents assassinated and three who were wounded, with two misses since 1865. 

1865, Abraham Lincoln, April 14th

1881, James A. Garfield, July 2nd

1901, William McKinley, September 6th

1912, Theodore Roosevelt, October 14th (wounded)

1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt, February 15 (5 shots fired missed)

1963, John F. Kennedy, November 22nd

1975, Gerald Ford, September 5th, and 22nd (missed)

1981, Ronald Reagan, March 30 (wounded)

2005, George W. Bush, May 10 (hand grenade thrown but was dud). 

2024Donald Trump, July 13th (wounded) 

DUMB GUY: I don't understand why our monetary system is privatized by a bunch of people who live in Brussels and Switzerland. If there's nothing backing the money . . . I don't want cocaine or child sex