Saturday, May 25, 2024

MARGARET THATCHER: If you were to make a table of countries in proportion to the natural resources they have, the top one would almost certainly be Russia

Only 1% of the plants on the planet are edible. That should tell you something.

That's because most plants are trying to kill you or make you sick.   

Across Germany, when clubs play electronic music the crowd spontaneously sings lyrics to the effect of "Germany is for Germans, foreigners out!"

Because of this, 

A populist movement in Germany is rising. 

The plan is civil war.  The plan is secession one way or another.  The whole idea of California and Texas getting together and ousting the . . . I don't buy that, right.  California and New York would go their separate ways if Trump wins.  If Biden wins, Florida, Texas, and the South would go, yeah, we're done.  But that's the big fake out because the real target is the bond war.  The real target is the bond market.  

The way Europe survives, this is all about Europe, it's all about Davos.  Davos still exists.  We could reach peak Davos but they refuse to lose.  They're still trying to make moves.  They're making a lot of moves as a matter of fact.  And they've been making a lot of moves in the last 48 hours that had me ranting into a microphone for 45 minutes before we started here this morning. 

For Europe to survive, you have to break the U.S. financially, legally, politically, culturally, on the border, all of it.  While Europe fiscally integrates, politically integrates and will not tolerate any dissension, they're actively trying to break us apart.  Why?  If you have Janet Yellen and Joe Biden spending more than $2 trillion a year than we are bringing in, then you're just eroding the fiscal position of the United States.  You're undermining the validity of the US Treasury as a reserve asset in the world.  You can't make the Euro a reserve asset but I don't think they actually wanted the Euro to be a reserve asset otherwise it never would have gone into negative interest rates in the first place.  They've always wanted to replace the Euro because it's a faulty structure so they needed to have a new structure, a new Euro with a better structure, one that looks a lot like the United States dollar with one issue, one Central Bank; not 20 central banks issuing euros.

Everyone talks about de-dollarization. But the real story at this point in history is the collapse in Euro reserves relative to US dollars and gold.