Monday, February 12, 2024

The Dimming, the Documentary on Chemtrails and Weather Modification

Thanks to GeoEngineeringWatch

Controlling the weather means controlling the food.  Cutting off precipitation in some countries can result in famines.  That's one way to bring an enemy to its knees.  

15-Minute Cities Means Ghettoizing You and Your $1 Million Home.

Thanks to the great Christine Anderson.  Find her Twitter feed here.  

They're running this now because they've already seen some success with COVID at getting people to do things or take things harmful to their existence if for no other reason than to offer you a 10% discount or 100 dollars if you sign up.  Don't do it.  Don't do it for yourself.  Don't do it for your neighborhood either.  Just don't do it.  Don't sacrifice your life and freedom for the convenience of saving a few hundred dollars.  Please.   

Thank you to HorsesRGreat.

And if you need a reminder as to where they're headed with this, check out this list of objectives for UN Agenda 2030.

One World Government.
One World cashless currency. One World Central Bank.
One World military.
The end of national sovereignty. The end of all privately owned property.  
The end of the family unit. Depopulation, control of population growth, and population density.
Mandatory multiple vaccines.  Universal Basic Income (austerity).
Microchip Society for purchasing, travel, tracking, and controlling.
Implementation of a world social credit system, like China has. 
Trillions of appliances hooked into the 5G monitoring system (the Internet of Things). 
Government-raised children.
Government-owned and controlled schools, colleges, and universities.
The end of private transportation, owning cars, etc.
All businesses are owned by the government and corporations.
The Restriction of non-essential air travel.
Human beings concentrated into human settlement zones, and cities.
The end of irrigation.
The end of private farms in grazing livestock.
The end of single-family homes.
Restricted land use that serves human needs.
The ban of natural non-synthetic drugs and naturopathic medicine.
And the end of fossil fuels.

Sunday, February 11, 2024


The EPA ordered Berkey to reclassify their water filter as a pesticide-treated device? Because the silver content kills microbial bugs

The EPA ordered Berkey to reclassify their water filter as a pesticide-treated device?  Oh, because of the antibacterial properties of silver parts inside the water filter?  Wait, because the silver kills bugs?  Oh, my God.  From MyHealthForward,
Berkey Water Filters and the EPA have been fighting for over a year. The EPA has blocked Berkey from selling their water filters since last December when they first issued a stop-sale order in Decembrer 2022. Berkey’s water filter element claims to stop biological growth. The EPA considers this claim and the water filters to be a pesticide as a result. Berkey is suing the EPA in response. Berkey water filters cannot be sold in California because of their no-lead law. Do you think Berkey or the EPA is in the right here?

Agenda 2025: iSi se puede!

Find the details on the UN Agendas 2021, 2025, and 2030 here.  It is kind of fitting that the post above comes from a Twitter feed called "The Milgram Experiment" given how week after week, month after month, a government crisis is dropped onto our privacy or our cities or schools or something or other to test our resolve to living free, to maintaining a certain standard of living and pushing back on government overreach.