Tuesday, February 6, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The total “official” amount of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million. That is more than the total population of Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Now, they are handing them money, for they will start a crime wave if they do not. The most honest people will steal food when hungry. They think they will be able to buy their votes, and Biden will hand these people citizenship, and they will be able to claim Social Security with some disability. All of this is to rig the 2024 election.  --Martin Armstrong

Sources are saying that the majority of people flooding in through the Southern Border are now from Africa and the Middle East, with a lot of Chinese thrown in for good measure. They denied two of my employees from Europe who have UK and German passports and have been coming to the USA before to come in for the WEC last November. All of a sudden, there is discrimination going on, and it’s about if they are educated and skilled, they are denied. The Biden administration is completely out of control. We cannot afford another four years of this insanity.

The total “official” amount of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million. That is more than the total population of:

Montana  [1,142,746]

Delaware  [1,044,321]

South Dakota  [928,767]

North Dakota  [788,940]

Alaska  [773,536]

Vermont  [647,818]

Wyoming  [586,485]

TOTAL: 5,912,613  [this is a decent site for tracking data in each state]

The people being let in are not generally highly skilled, and they can’t even speak the language to get a good-paying job. Now, they are handing them money, for they will start a crime wave if they do not. The most honest people will steal food when hungry. They think they will be able to buy their votes, and Biden will hand these people citizenship, and they will be able to claim Social Security with some disability. All of this is to rig the 2024 election. Biden may step down before the Democratic Convention from August 19 to 22, 2024. This sets Biden up to take all the arrows, and Michelle Obama takes the stage. They MUST defeat Trump to adopt the World Economic Forum 2030 Agenda.

We are showing Panic Cycles and Directional Changes due in May markets in September. So get ready. This election year, 2024, will be one epitaph of the United States. It is highly doubtful that we will even see a 2028 election in the future.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!! --Sage Hana

One guy [Steve Kirsch] is a big tech One ID surveillance helpful inventor who came up the ranks with DARPA as a kid and went on to become a quarter billionaire in Democratic party Mega donor.

When COVID "emerged," he was involved with a Rockefeller philanthropy-administered fund that studied Remdesivir.

He is concerned about overpopulation.


The other guy [Dr. Robert Malone] is a lifetime biowarfare Industries medical countermeasures scientist.  When COVID hit, he was involved with a defense threat reduction agency project that was designed to identify medical countermeasures for a novel entity, say a novel coronavirus.  Well, that project came up with Remdesivir.  

He is also concerned with overpopulation.  


These two guys found themselves on a podcast about "How to save the world" from the coronavirus pandemic with another guy [Bret Weinstein] whose brother [Eric Weinstein] was a consigliere for another billionaire.  That other billionaire runs a CIA data mining site.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!!  --Sage Hana 


LARRY COOK: Pediatricians exist solely for vaccine pushing, not health.

Sound Choice representative, Dr. Deischer, is pretty candid as to the presence of aborted fetal tissue in childhood vaccines.  Chilling.  Bone-chilling.

Widespread sterilization operation led by the U.S. during the 1950s and 60s in Puerto Rico.

This documentary was referenced in this interview with Jose Vega by Garland Dixon.

La Operación is a 1982 documentary that shows the widespread sterilization operation led by the U.S. during the 1950s and 60s in Puerto Rico. Ana María García directed the film which highlights how the U.S. pushed for increased female sterilization in Puerto Rico. She mixes in the documentary a blend of interviews with women from different socioeconomic and racial backgrounds but the interviews are not the only focus of her work; she also incorporates scenes showing a sterilization procedure in addition to other historical and contextual parts. 
Puerto Rican women and their families were promised success and stability after they underwent “la operación,” or sterilization. These efforts undercut the agency of women over their own bodies as they may have been drawn to the procedure and its false promises out of economic necessity/social pressure. The operation was marketed as a solution to poverty and many women thought that once their tubes were tied, they could be “untied.” This was not the case and they ended up losing their reproductive rights to give birth to more children. The film portrays these women as victims of this lack of knowledge and forced sterilization. 
La Operación [. . .] does a remarkable job of linking colonial policies and their impacts on the lives of Puerto Rican women, a perspective that is often left out of discussions about the U.S.-led sterilization. [Description from Journeys at Dartmouth essay.]
This background on this period of Puerto Rican history is good.  

You have to ask yourself, "What did people do for health and immunity before the ubiquitous vaccines? What did pets do?