Saturday, November 4, 2023

Big industrial farms want to maximize profits by raising as many animal species as they can per square foot of space, and there's a limit to how much biological stress an organism can sustain.

1:45. What about mRNA shots either four animals as pets or in our livestock equally as frightening.  Tell me what this is all about.
1:55. I was invited to speak recently at the Western price foundation annual meeting and this was in Kansas City Missouri very nice and I enjoyed myself and I and because this is the food crowd they invited me to speak about vaccines.  Well this is a food and agriculture people so I have to kind of look and I wanted to look into this issue I did split my talk 50/50 between the COVID shot and the any agriculture mRNA vaccines. So I started researching and I and I was actually terrified that the situation is worse than I thought because what I found was first of all the genetic vaccines have been used in food supply in animals for quite some time now primarily since 2005 in fish farmed fish so right away I tell everybody don't consume farmed salmon or trout especially not from the northern hemisphere I would say maybe the South is better but since 2005 they've been using DNA vaccines in fish farm fish and these are the DNA plasmid vaccines.

3:31. For what purpose, do you know?

3:32. The problem is that vaccination in general, but especially the vaccinations on a farm, to animals, is an attempt to control the uncontrollable.  They want to cram the animals into tight spaces, whether it's in water or some kind of controlled water space or in the housing for the farmed animals.  Big industrial farms want to maximize profits by raising as many animal species as they can per square foot of space, and there's a limit to how much biological stress an organism can sustain.  And this is a huge biological stress if they cram them together.  They're in an unnaturally sized environment.  They are swimming in each other's excrement essentially, and, of course, they get sick, and then what do we do?  Well, the USDA the CDC, and everyone else call it viruses.  Oh, we have this fish virus and that fish virus, and we need vaccines for those viruses.  And so they come up with these DNA plasmid vaccines platforms that have been in use since 2005 in different applications . . . . 

5:00. If they're putting DNA plasmids into these fish, why aren't they getting cancer and dying?  Like they're smaller, they should die faster and get sick and even sicker.

5:10. I think they do get sicker and they die faster except that they get harvested before the signs materialize. 

Note how the following paragraph from this article cites the condition as "rare."  Word for word, that's exactly how side effects from mRNA vaccines were sold by the PR firms pimping the vaccines.  Sound familiar?  Are you getting a sense of what these American institutions are like?  I hope so.  
[The salmonid fish, rainbow trout,  Oncorhynchus mykiss, and Atlantic  salmon, Salmo salar, are among the numerous commercially important fish species that could be affected by mycobacteriosis. In this respect, the occurrence of M. salmoniphilum among salmonid fish is considered rare, with few examples in the literature.]
So I could not find much information on the safety.  I'm still looking, but I did find that there are a lot of papers written hand-waiving away the fact that this is potentially dangerous, that it can cause cancer, and that it can transfer because they are in water, right?  So it can transfer to other species, other aquatic species it can transfer through the water, and what happens when it gets in the food supply?  They're saying, "Oh, there's a very, very low chance, that plasmas degrade very quickly; plus, the GMO laws don't really apply to this."  

But then I found another study from Italy where they looked at the DNA plasmid and how long they persist in salmon, and they found that these plasmids are in their muscles 300 days out from injection.  Obviously, the DNA gets incorporated, otherwise, it wouldn't be present for such a long time.  It gets Incorporated and then it now gets [re]produced and that enables us to detect these plasmids even though these academic papers written for regulatory purposes state that this is very transient and that they quickly degrade.  It turns out it doesn't.  It stays in the fish for a year and then there's no conclusion as to what potential damage it can cause.  But plasma DNA is a way to infect the body cells and the microbiome cells and we know that specifically for humans we have E coli living in our gut, and E coli are used in biotechnology to produce these plasmids in the first place. So they create a DNA synthetic piece of code and introduce it to E coli cells in the vaccine.  E coli cells multiply and grow the DNA, so basically you can, in fact, grow E coli in the environment in the gut of animals and humans.  In addition, the plasmids always, always contain antibiotic-resistant genes because that's necessary for biological manufacturing because the E coli, when it's all done, to get rid of E coli you kill them with antibiotics, so that the genetic material survives this process they need to have antibiotic-resistant genes Incorporated into them.

7:58. That explains why the SV40 promoters that was identified in sequence by McKernan but also found the genetic code for antibiotic resistance.  

8:16. Yes those were found and they were disclosed by Pfizer, for example, but they're problematic in our opinion because once you see all these papers that are trying to waive away all the problems as a risk to humans and livestock, it's stated or predicated on the fact that there's is so little, tiny amounts, "insignificant, it's very, very small."  But if all of our vaccines get converted into this DNA plasma, all animal vaccines get converted into this, and a whole bunch of other biological products are made from these plasmids with antibiotic-resistant genes.  Now just for COVID shots, in 18 months of the manufacturing, there was a kilogram of DNA produced with antibiotic resistance.  So we're not talking about small amounts.  So now we have an environment being overwhelmed with these problems so when you have a small issue of an escape being plasmid or escape of genetic code or recombination of a virus into a replicating virus. you can say, "Well it's a small chance, blah . . . blah . . . blah," but with all these small chances are now being implemented in trillions and trillions of instances.  It's not a small chance anymore: it's a guaranteed event.

Genetic vaccines have been used in food supply, in animals

the region is marshalling pressure and forces against Israel

It does look like the region is marshalling pressure and forces against Israel. And Israel has to adjust.

no plan survives contact with the enemy

You never know where life is going to take you and if you plot your life out and it doesn't go to script you know because no plans survives contact with the enemy, this is where you wind up in this life

11:55. Every organization's mission statement, their first priority is survival. The sign they nail to the wall of a hallway is marketing. The real prime mover of every organization is survival.  And so if the FED is under existential threat, wouldn't you expect the FED to act to defend itself?  And in a world where we've been at zero bound for 15 years?  And we have a Fed chairman who's been a critic, a harsh critic, the entire time he's been at the Fed of Bernanke and Yellen's zero bound interest rates and quantitative easing?  Why would you expect that guy who has represented private equity  interests in the past to be the same person and run the Fed the exact same way as Bernanke and Yellen did?  It's a very good question.  This isn't to paint the FED in a good light; it's to say What If the Fed is actually acting like it wants to defend itself, and what would that look like?  The answer is, well, what it looks like today, and why we are at 5.5%  and about to maybe go to 5.75% tomorrow night because we're doing this on Halloween right before the FOMC meeting.

If Schumer and McConnell refuse to back down on $100 billion worth of war funding, "Hey Jay [Powell], go to 6% and just remind everybody that war is expensive.  And if politicians want to go to war, they should pay through their nose for it as opposed to us paying through the nose for it."  And that's where the intersection of domestic policy, geopolitics, and finance and banking and monetary policy resides.

The central banks are facing an existential threat from the one-world order institutions, like the IMF and World Bank.  

The wealth disparity seems to be trending down a very bad road, and I could give you the 1620 English Reformation, the  French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Nazi Germany when the masses are so upset that they revolt.  Bad things happen to those that are deemed to be "in power" or "have the money." They get taken out.  What's going to stop that from happening?  I'm seeing more and more cold Civil War like attitude here in the US.  We have a massive deficit.  We have a lot of problems.  What's not to say that this isn't going to get really really bad? 

15:30. Nothing.  But maybe we have more friends than we think we have.  I'm a staunch believer of a marginal utility this is a little elliptical but I'm going to get there

Friday, November 3, 2023

A root canal with a certain tooth can indicate cancer in certain parts of your body.  He thinks that a good part of your health starts with what you eat, and obviously, that has to go through your mouth.  He believes that dentistry . . . .

The Wholeness of Nature, by the German poet, Goethe.  He was a great scientist of his day.

What made cigarettes so addictive was that the wrapper was laced with sugar.  

Creation of the food pyramid was so highly politicized.

The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good, William Russell Easterly, 2006.

Whole-Body Dentistry®: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Impact of Dentistry on Total Health, Mark A. Breiner, 2011.

‘Never surrender your right to be with the people you love.’

Thank you to Michael McKay @ Lew Rockwell.  And thank you to Jerri Lynn Ward.

“Once we cross that line, all sorts of unethical misery ensues. As it has. The Christian sacrament of marriage states, “Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder!” – there is no small print that reads, “Unless there’s a nasty bug going 'round, in which case forget it.”

From Bob Moran ❤️:

“Disturbingly, out of all my artworks, this is the one most suppressed by Twitter. They really hate it. Likes and retweets are regularly removed. It can’t seem to get over 10,000 likes – even though it’s had more than 1.5 million impressions. The fact that they clearly view it as dangerous disturbs me every day. But it also gives me hope. It reminds us that we have something they not only lack but which they fear. Genuine, meaningful love. Something worth fighting for. Right to the very end.

“This black and white ink drawing was done some time in 2017 I think. I just doodled it on a postcard to raise money for an epilepsy charity. Someone, somewhere owns the original. I just liked the idea of this elderly couple. Perhaps this is where they first met. Perhaps it’s where he asked her to marry him. That might be their house down in the valley, where they’ve raised a family. At the time, I was living in a town in Hampshire but I was about to move back to the Somerset countryside where I grew up. I was probably thinking about returning home and staying there. I nearly put their initials carved into the tree trunk but decided it would be a bit much. You can imagine them on the other side.

“When all of this nonsense reached a certain point: When stories were coming out of married couples being kept apart, parents being forced to die without their children by their side, grandparents kept from their grandchildren for months on end as the children were told they might kill them if they saw them – I just couldn’t believe that people were agreeing to it. This image came back to me and I decided to recreate it in color. I thought it conveyed the power and significance of lifelong love quite well. But also, had a sense of freedom and embracing life with all it could throw at us.

“Finally, I thought perhaps the tree could remind people of the fleeting nature of our lives. It’s probably been there since before these two were born. And it will be there after they’ve gone. Our lives are short and we have to live them. Not just survive and exist. This, of course, was when I was still very much in ‘optimistic cuddly Bob’ mode. I still felt that it could all be stopped if enough people remembered some vital truths about the human experience.

“Once it was finished I tweeted it and wrote,
 ‘Never surrender your right to be with the people you love.’ I hesitated because I felt that it was a statement of the obvious. But that was the whole point. People had forgotten the obvious. I realised that this had, in the space of a few months, gone from being a universal moral truth to a highly controversial statement. It certainly struck a chord with people. It’s the most popular image I have ever produced.

“As I expected, it angered a lot of idiots on the other side. “Unless being with the people you love might kill them.” They replied, clearly feeling like they had absolutely destroyed me. This total abandoning of logic and ethics really astonished me.

“I realized that these people could not see the difference between deciding, as a family, not to see each other because you are genuinely scared of a novel cold virus, and being ordered to stay apart by the government.

“What’s more, they clearly believed that this was the first time in human history when seeing your loved ones put them at some risk of a potentially fatal viral infection. What world did they think they had been living in?

“My message was deliberately absolutist and unconditional because that is how I have felt about all of this from the beginning. No circumstances, no level of threat, no risk of death can ever justify somebody in authority banning families from being with each other.

These comments remind me a bit of what Tom Woods said"democracy hates real friendship, because [friendship] . . . is an exclusion from the mass of society."