Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Putin dismisses the idea of Trump and Russia having "special ties," as Trump "imposed the greatest number of sanctions on Russia."

Putin is asked what his expectations are for Trump and the US election. He says it doesn't matter, as "there will be no fundamental change in US policy." He dismisses the idea of Trump and Russia having "special ties," as Trump "imposed the greatest number of sanctions on Russia."

Wow, that's SO crazy how LEFTIST Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador completely agrees with Vladimir Putin and all those right-winger Trump supporters

The new PIfzer/Moderna shots coming out are under the PREP Act, which requires only voluntary participation

What you have here essentially is the use of the Pentagon, the State Department, and the CIA to secure and protect lucrative business deals for this Yankee Cowboy Alliance.

The geopolitics of oil in west Texas?  

My focus is a censorship industry but to disentangle what's at the heart of the social media censorship, you really need to understand the military industry, the finance industry, and the energy industry, and there's no place where that more acutely comes together than in the geopolitics of West Texas.  When Trump came to power in 2016, he didn't just defeat the Clinton Dynasty, he also defeated the Bush Dynasty.  And the Bush Dynasty grows out of this oil, intelligence, Defense Department, State Department, CIA wing.  You can almost think of politics in this country before 2016 as the constant struggle between Yale wing of the CIA and the West Texas A&M wing of the CIA in terms of the foreign policy plots that come out of the State Department.  When Trump came in and defeated both of those factions, they essentially banded together.  West Texas produces more oil and gas than almost every country on earth.  The largest oil field in Texas, the Permian Basin, produces more oil than the largest oil field in Saudi Arabia.  There is a grand Ukraine energy play here, which involves privatizing NAFTA gas and then killing Gazprom to capture the European energy market, the LNG Market, by taking all of this precious West Texas oil and gas and then shipping it, getting containers, liquefy the natural gas, and then you sell it at massively marked up prices to a captive market in Europe, and that secures windfall profits for Chevron Exxon, Halliburton, and Shell, all of whom signed multi-billion dollar deals with the government of Ukraine before 20 14 Maidan Massacre and war broke out with Russia.  They have a huge military interest in recapturing that territory to preserve and protect those Investments.  And Trump's foreign policy threatened all of that.  So what you see manifest here in the Ken Paxton impeachment is the same thing you actually saw with Joe Biden and Ukraine.  It's about controlling the prosecutors, because that's how you control the politics.  And so Ken Paxton went very hard on the Biden Administration.  He was the sponsor of the best anti-censorship bill in the country, the Texas Anti-Censorship Social Media Law.  And he was then  impeached it turns out by a Bush cabal, including George P. Bush, who ran against him for Attorney General.  What you have here essentially is the use of the Pentagon, the State Department, and the CIA to secure and protect lucrative business deals for this Yankee Cowboy Alliance.  

Do you think that this is now open conflict between the last remnant of the Bush hold on political power?

It certainly is.  What it reflects is a conflict of interest between stakeholders in the American Empire and the citizens of the American Homeland.  This was not really a civil war in the GOP until the fruits of globalization started to turn ill.  That is, during the bulk of the 20th century, I don't think that this Civil War within the GOP would have manifest because what was good for West Texas was generally good for the people who lived in the American Homeland.  Gas prices were low, export markets were secure, it increased American jobs and prosperity, but then as the wealth spilled over from the small coterie of stakeholders, our Foreign Affairs Mafia started to really only benefit them. Then people started challenging globalization started speaking up against the same Bush family Dynasty Legacy.  And now you're right, it is coming to a pitched battle and this is the fight of the century.

Families are deeply embedded in the administrative state for half a century.  The Kagan family has essentially been in control of Ukraine policy for several generations.  Even Tony Blinken, his father, essentially ran the CIA Voice of America archive for the George Soros family. Alex Soros Now controls $30 billion dollars to the Open Society Foundation.  This is actually a family society, not so much an individual society and most of the time that's for the best; it incentivizes a lot of wonderful things.  The issue is you now have a sort of Mafia family more than anything, and it's bipartisan in a way that fuses these bloodlines into political power. For example, George Soros is the largest stakeholder in Halliburton.  The chairman was Dick Cheney, and Halliburton holds the oil contract for processing the oil fields in the Ukraine.  So this West Texas oil story is deeply fused with a Wall Street and London stakeholders.

"Red meat was once central to the American diet and a symbol of health and prosperity"

Thank you to Wejolyn

If you were wondering where the Chisholm Trail is, check out this map

Wikipedia does a decent job,

The Chisholm Trail was a trail used in the post-Civil War era to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads. The trail was established by Black Beaver, a Lenape guide and rancher, and his friend Jesse Chisholm, a Cherokee merchant. They collected and drove numerous cattle along the trail to Kansas, where they could be shipped east to achieve higher prices. The southern terminus was Red River Station, a trading post near the Red River along the northern border of Texas. The northern terminus was a trading post near Kansas City, Kansas. Chisholm owned both of these posts. In the years of the cattle drives, cowboys drove large herds from ranches across Texas to the Red River Station and then north to Kansas City. 

You might enjoy this PowerPoint of the Chisholm Trail.