Monday, February 21, 2022

"the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth."

The Test for Klaus Schwab and the Economic Forum

by Jon Rappoport

February 21, 2022

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Knowing my regular readers can handle more than one major point in an article, I start with this: Justin Trudeau is not serving the interests of Canadians; he is loyal to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the brand of Globalism it represents.

Meaning: global governance; the submerging of nations in a scheme of external top-down control; the expansion of poverty; wall-to-wall surveillance; a currency reset; and other totalitarian transformations.

If you watch these two brief videos (here and here), you’ll see Klaus Schwab confirm, in Trudeau’s presence, the prime minister’s loyalty to the WEF, as well as the penetration of Trudeau’s cabinet with WEF agents.

Schwab, the head of WEF, also mentions a new dawn of entrepreneurs who lead corporations dedicated to social responsibility.

And THAT is a test for Schwab. Because he certainly backs major pharmaceutical companies. Do those businesses display social responsibility?

I’m not talking about their pricing of drugs or their equitable distribution of drugs. I’m talking about killing and maiming people with the drugs. Many people.

And so I return to citations I’ve published a number of times. By the way, virtually no one takes these devastating references and runs with them.

I can only conclude journalists and doctors who otherwise criticize medical policies don’t want to admit the medical cartel has a very long track record of destroying populations.

These journalists and doctors only want to cherry-pick their targets. In fact, they support the overall performance of the medical system. Why? You would have to ask them.

Here, I’m testing Klaus Schwab. Does he really think he can get away with his talk about “social responsibility” and his simultaneous support of Pharma?

Buckle up—

ONE: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998: “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.”

The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:

Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.

Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.

The authors write: 

“…Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and administered.”

So this study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed or maimed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn’t begin to tally all the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as a consequence of the drugs, at home.

TWO: July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again.

I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust. She answered a resounding NO. She also said her estimate of medically caused deaths in America was on the conservative side.

THREE: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: 

“It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with 2 to 4 million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth.

FOUR: “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, who teaches at Rowan University and was the 2013 recipient of ASA’s [American Sociological Association’s] Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.

Donald Light: 

“Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)

FIVE: None of the above reports factor in death or injury by vaccine.

Medical crimes.

Medically caused deaths of friends, family members, and loved ones, who are buried along with the truth.

No criminal investigations, no prosecutions, no guilty verdicts, no prison sentences.

But of course, you can believe everything the leading lights of the US medical system tell you about COVID-19.

You can believe everything the press—who buries the truth about this medical holocaust—tells you about COVID.

Given the reports on medically caused death and maiming I’ve just cited and described in this article, it’s obvious that…

Leading medical journals around the world, which routinely publish glowing accounts of clinical trials of medical drugs…

Are spilling over with rank fraud, on page after page.

Indeed, here is a stunning quote from an editor who has quite probably read and analyzed more medical-drug studies than any doctor in the world:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption")

Compare that quote with one from “the father of COVID science,” Anthony Fauci. In an interview with the National Geographic, Fauci stated:

“Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about…If something is published in places like New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, or JAMA—you know, generally that is quite well peer-reviewed because the editors and the editorial staff of those journals really take things very seriously.”

They take things so seriously, that they routinely publish glowing studies of medical drugs that are killing people in great numbers.

—So, Mr. Schwab, which is it? You support corporate social responsibility, and therefore you condemn, in the strongest possible way, the ongoing death-and-maiming count achieved by beloved pharmaceutical companies? Or you maintain your unwavering support for Pharma and admit your pose of “social responsibility” is a complete fraud.

And to journalists and doctors who refuse to pick up the citations in this article and DO something with them, I ask: what’s holding you back? What’s been holding you back? I’ve been publishing and speaking about this information for more than 10 years.

What are you afraid of? Where do YOUR loyalties lie?

Putin Plays "O Canada" While Waiting to Meet with Xi Jinping

"In the last 150 years, there was a quantum leap in the electrification of the earth"

Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell.  Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few other proteins.  They bud out from the cell.  They happen when the cell is poisoned.  They are not the cause of anything.  [how did the cell get poisoned?  How do cells get poisoned?  Food?]  cells get poisoned from an external source and they try to purify themselves by excreting debris, which we call viruses . . . .  If you go to the current theory of viruses, called exosomes, and the latest head of the NIH giving a talk on the complexity of viruses, you will see that this is perfectly in line with the current thinking on what a virus really is.  A dramatic example of this growing up.  Outside our house there was a wetland and they were full of frogs and the frogs kept me up at night, so I taped a window.  The government put DDT in the water and that killed all the frogs.  It wasn’t a virus.  It was an external source.  Diseases are poisoning.  It’s one of the reasons why vaccines are . . . .  in every pandemic in the last 150 years, there was a quantum leap in the electrification of the earth.  In 1918, late fall of 1917, there was the introduction of radio waves around the world.  [Not the discovery?]  Whenever you exposed a biological system to a new electro-magnetic field, you poison it, you kill some, and the rest go into suspended animation, so interestingly they live a little bit longer and sicker.  And then starts in WWII, the introduction of the next pandemic with radar equipment all over the earth, blanketing the entire earth in radar fields.  The first time humans had ever been exposed to that.  In 1968, there was the Hong Kong Flu, and it was the first time that the earth has a protective layer in the van Elen Belt, which integrates the cosmic fields from the sun and the earth, the moon, and Jupiter, integrates that and distributes that to the living beings of the earth.  And we put satellites emitting radioactive frequencies in the Van Ellen Belt, and within 6 months we had a new viral pandemic.  Why viral?  Because the people were poisoned, they excrete toxins, they look like viruses, people think it’s a flu epidemic.  In the 1918 epidemic, the Boston Health Department decided to investigate the contagiousness of the thing, and took hundreds of people with the flu, sucked the snot out of their nose and injected it into healthy people who didn’t have the flu and not one time could they make the next person sick.  They did this over and over again, and they were not able to demonstrate contagion.  They even did it with horses, who apparently got the Spanish flu.  They put bags over the horses’ heads, the horses sneezed, and they put the bag over the next horse and not one horse got sick.  You can read about this in the book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, Arthur Firstenberg, 2020, who chronicles all the steps in the electrification of the earth and how within 6 months there was a new flu pandemic all over the world.  And when you hear normal explanations, how did it go from Kansas to South Africa in two weeks so that the entire world got the symptoms at the same time in spite of the fact that the mode of transportation was horseback and boats, and there’s no explanation for it.  They just say we don’t know how that happened.  But when you think about it with these radio waves and other frequencies that some of you have in your pocket and on your wrist, you can send the signal to Japan and it arrives instantaneously.  So any of you that don’t believe that there’s an electromagnetic field that communicates globally within seconds is not paying attention.  There has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last 6 months with the electrification of the earth, and I am sure a lot of you know what that is.  It’s called 5G where they now have 20,000 radiation-emitting satellites just like the radiation-emitting thing you have in your pocket and on your wrist and that you use all the time.  That is not compatible with health.  I’m sorry to say it, It’s not compatible with health.  That is a water de-structuring device.  And for any of you who are saying, “Yeah, we’re not electrical beings, we’re physical matter, then don’t bother doing an EKG or an EEG or a nerve conduction test, because we are electrical beings and the chemicals are only the by-product of those electrical impulses.  Any guesses as to what the first, completely blanketed 5G city in the world was?  Wuhan.  We are in an existential crisis here, folks, the likes of which humankind has never seen.  The putting of 100,000 satellites in the very blanket of the earth, . . .  this actually has something to do with the vaccine question, and this got broken . . . a patient was a surfer who was an electrician who puts in very expensive wifi systems for very wealthy people.  Electricians have a very high mortality rate.  But he was fine, but he breaks his arm and gets a metal plate put in his arm.  Three months later, he couldn’t get out of bed, and he was a total basket case: heart irregularity, just total collapse.  The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body as well as the quality of the water you have in your cells.  So if you start injecting aluminum into people they become receptors for absorbing increased electromagnetic fields and that is a perfect storm for the kind of deterioration of the species which is what we’re now experiencing.  1917 quote from Rudolph Steiner,

“In times when there were no electrical currents, when the air was not swarming with electrical influences [influenza] it was easier to be Human. For this reason, in order to be Human at all today it is necessary to expend much stronger spiritual capacities than was necessary a century ago.”

Whatever you can do to increase your human capacities . . . because it’s really damn hard to be a good human being these days.  



I don't think any of the grains are healthy.  Pretty sure that they were even considered a food was because they could fill the stomachs rapidly and feed masses of people to keep from starving to death.  Outside of that, grains afford almost no nutritional advantage.  Tasty, for sure.  But nutritionally vacuous.  But we've been told over and over again how risky red meat is.  Even I've made that case that excessive iron causes chronic, age-related diseases and that taking the iron chelator will restore health.  And it does.  Very tru, it dies.  But that dies not mean that you surrender the nutrient-rich animal meat.  As Dr. Michael Eades has said, we evolved because of meat.