Sunday, November 14, 2021

"a tsunami of autoimmune diseases.""

"YouTube has determined that nobody has died from the COVID vaccines."

Which of the following countries is not using COVID passports?

if you don't announce a new lockdown now, that means admitting your first lockdown was a mistake.

POMEGRANATES: Prevents inflammation, cancer, infections, heals liver & lungs, & spurs brain cell regrowth & healthy microbione.

I love her list of benefits.

Find plenty on the benefits of pomegranate extracts.

G13.3: Pomegranate: Potential Health Benefits

The phytonutrients of pomegranate peel extract work together to promote health in a variety of ways rather than being due to one specific phytonutrient. Many beneficial phytonutrients and vitamins and trace minerals are found in pomegranate juice, seeds, peels, and even the flowers. (120122)  

The most recent research suggested that the various constituents of the fruit tree may be required to obtain pomegranate’s full protective benefit, in particular its flowers, juice, leaves, bark and seeds. (Jasuja, et al, 2012

The antioxidant content helps protect against oxidative stress that can occur from physical or emotional stress or from chronic health conditions. Anti-inflammatory benefits could help with pain and may help prevent or repair ulcers, (4363), and wound healing has been found to be promoted by increased regrowth of blood vessels. (133) Diuretic effects could help reduce swelling or aid detoxification when adequate water is also consumed throughout the day. Pomegranate peel extract has been found to have antibacterial properties and protect against other parasites, (583202), and viral infections. (Neurath, et al, 2004) It was also found helpful against oral candidiasis (yeast). (88) Pomegranate peel extract has been found beneficial against a variety of types of cancer, (Li, et al, 2016) (Nair, et al, 2011), and beneficial for heart health, (Wang et al, 2018), liver disease (56) and autoimmune conditions.

Pomegranate extract has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation by the same mechanism as NSAIDS – inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX1 and COX2,  with more inhibition of COX2 than COX1). It also may have an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing inflammatory cytokines that signal an increase in the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) and Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). (1.1) Prostaglandin E2 is made from arachidonic acid and is involved in the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. (1.2) Nitric oxide can be beneficial but it can also transform into reactive oxidative species and add to the antioxidant burden of metabolism. (1.5) (1.9) (1.Ref list) 

Use of pomegranate juice daily has been found to increase salivary testosterone levels for women and men and reduce the participant’s stress and anxiety levels. (Endocrine Abstracts

The juice (85) and an extract of the peel which contained punicalagin, corilagin, and ellagic acid (Zhao et al, 2018) were found to have anti-diarrhea effects in animal based studies.
Pomegranate products may promote the growth of beneficial intestinal microbes.

More details and references: Medicinal Potential of Pomegranate Peel.

G13.31: Pomegranate: Anti-aging Benefits and Mitochondrial Health

Mitochondrial health may be promoted by eating pomegranate arils or juice regularly, (UA.1), which would have anti-aging benefits. Age-related damage to mitochondrial DNA can be a cause of Parkinson’s Disease and other chronic health conditions. Fibromyalgia and negative symptoms associated with autism may be due to mitochondrial problems. Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelles found in all cells and their DNA is genetically only from the birth mother rather than being a combination of the birth mother and father. The benefit of pomegranate for mitochondrial health involves gut bacteria that change the ellagitannins into another chemical, urolithin A, (UA.2), which can cross the blood-brain barrier and help reduce inflammation within the brain. (Kujawska et al, 2019

EGCG is another polyphenol found in green tea and pomegranate peel that has been found helpful for cognitive health and may even help promote brain cell growth. (Arora et al  2020) More polyphenols in the diet on average was found protective of cognitive health in older adults. (AJCN 2020)

Pomegranate phytonutrients have also been found to help protect the health of mitochondria by promoting the removal of defective ones. (Tan, et al, 2019)  This could help protect against diseases that can be associated with aging such as Parkinson's Disease which can be caused by defects in mitochondrial DNA that are present at birth or which occur during aging. (Park et al, 2018) Mitochondrial DNA is different than cellular DNA, mitochondrial DNA matches the mitochondrial DNA of the mother while cellular DNA is formed from half the mother's cellular DNA and half father's cellular DNA.  (Post: Pomegranate - neuroinflammation, anti-microbial, metal chelator.)

G13.32: Pomegranate: Appetite, Anti-obesity, and Diabetes

Eating pomegranate seeds or drinking pomegranate juice seems to help reduce weight possibly by reducing leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that helps control appetite and levels tend to be elevated during obesity. (Long, et al, 2019) The phenol content, gallic acid and caffeic acid, (Mahmod, Ibrahim, 2013) may be involved in the weight reduction effect. (Sharma, 2016) Promoting melatonin production may also be involved as low melatonin can lead to leptin resistance and obesity. (Buonfiglio, 2018) Melatonin is present in some foods and while it was not found in pomegranate juice, it is present in fermented pomegranate wine, generated by microbes during the fermentation, (Mena, et al, 2012), which suggests beneficial gut bacteria might also be able to produce melatonin from pomegranate juice. Other studies including an animal study on obesity found pomegranate extract reduced inflammatory biomarkers and increased nitric oxide, which might make it helpful for Metabolic Syndrome. (6)

Glycemic response to other foods was reduced when pomegranate juice was used as a beverage but the effect was not seen with an extract or supplement, so the effect may involve several phytonutrients. (132)  Blood sugar levels also may be reduced with the use of pomegranate peel extract, observed in an animal-based study, (47) . Weight reduction effects have also been shown with an animal-based study. (35)  

G13.4 Pomegranate: Vitamin, Mineral, and Phytonutrient Content

ANTIOXIDANTS - vitamin C and E, and the Vitamin A precursor beta-carotene and other carotenoids; and many beneficial phenols including gallic acid and egallic acid, (tannin/ellagitannin precursors), punicalagin and punicalin, (ellagitannins), chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanins/proanthocyanidins, and quercetin. 

Quercetin and carotenoids have been found to help promote the Nrf2 gene and the production of the Nrf2 protein. (Houghton 2016)  Nrf2 helps us increase our own internal production of antioxidants which reduces risk of damage caused by oxidative stress from normal metabolism or from emotional or physical stress. The Nrf2 gene and protein also help improve immune strength in other ways. (Nrf2/Paladino 2018)   Quercetin and the carotenoids also help inhibit the inflammatory NF-kB pathway. (Gupta 2010

Powdered pomegranate juice or peel has been used to increase antioxidant content for preservative or health benefits in some types of processed foods such as bread and prepared meat products. 

Phenolic content is best maintained by storing pomegranate peel preparations in lower acidity solutions rather than adjusting the pH towards a more alkaline level. (4)

Freezing or low temperatures preserves nutrient content for at least six months. While heat can help extract the beneficial polyphenols, (3) , overheating can reduce medical benefits. A gentle simmer for 20-30 minutes seems to extract the beneficial nutrients without damaging their efficacy.

More detail and references: Medicinal Potential of Pomegranate Peel

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