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Showing posts sorted by date for query immigration. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024


Manufacturing jobs never ever made up more than 30% of all jobs.  In fact, it was always lower than that, much lower and more into the 20%, 25%, 27% range except during WWII when they were just making bombs to blow up.  Now this didn't make anybody richer; it temporarily made the people who were unemployed . . . they got money but that was all inflation and taxation.  None of this was real.  It was the same thing Hitler did.  So apart from all the death camps and all the evil crap that Hitler did, he also sent everybody to work making bombs and stuff and then claimed he had solved unemployment.  Manufacturing never made up that large of a percentage of the population.  In other words, at its very peak, manufacturing jobs, 70% of the population was doing something else.  So I think people have this idea that Trump is going to put on tariffs, and people are going to stop importing manufactured goods and like 80% of the population is going to work in manufacturing.  No.  It was never the case at the height of American manufacturing employment, and it wouldn't be the case any time no matter how many tariffs you put on.  So it really is just completely a retarded idea.  Be that as it may, he didn't even follow through on that.  Okay?  His advisors, a few of his loyal advisors, the people who really believed in him, were saying, "Don't back away," but all the other ones, whom people call RINOs, some even call Libertarians although that's kind of a laugh that anyone in Washington DC at all is a Libertarian other than Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, two of them, two people.  His advisors tell him, "We're going to have a recession, you're going to lose the next election."  So he backed off.  

16:37  He made a deal in early 2020.  It was signed, and manufacturing immediately rebounded by the way.  So if you trace the IMS Manufacturing Index to see when it was in recession and when it came back, it locks in step completely with those tariffs and their removal.  So he didn't do that.  I keep wanting to think that his supporters are really antiwar.  I actually think Trump is sincere about not fighting at least as many wars.  And I always wondered is it just because he says that that his supporters go along with that when all they really care about is immigration and tariffs?  Or is there a critical mass of people who are sick of this crap?  If there is and if the antiwar part of his message is at all part of the reason why people want to reelect him, well, he didn't do that either.  He promised in 2018 he would be out of Afghanistan with all the troops home by Christmas, and then he sent more troops, and then he never left.  Then he made some deal, "Oh, we're going to get out, but you have to elect me again first."  No.  No, sorry, Donald.  We've heard that too many times.  The fact that it was Joe Biden that got the troops out of Afghanistan is just a travesty.  As despicable a person as Joe Biden is and as warmonger as he's shown that he is and corrupt, and everything else, to allow him to be the one to end the Afghanistan War is just inexcusable to me.

18:43  He bombed Syria twice.  Now there's some murmurings that he bombed empty buildings, and if that's true, that's good, I'm glad.  That was an intentional thing, "Look, I'm going to do this bombing to get all of these people off my back, but I'm not going to kill anybody."  I hope that's the case.  And when he refused to bomb Iran over them shooting down the drone, I give him full kudos for that too.  In fact, he came out and said, "Listen, I'm not killing 150 Iranians over an unmanned drone.  I'm just not going to do it."  I don't think I've ever heard a president say in my lifetime anything that sensible.  So that's good for him.  But we got to remember that the whole Iran thing was his high-pressure campaign that he let John Bolton run.  How'd he think that was going to turn out?  He almost got us into a war while he was saying he didn't want one.  He did that and he funded Ukraine.  Now he tried to hold up the funding pending an investigation into his chief political opponent.  Boy, that was a bad precedent to set, wasn't it, Donald?  But I think he was always going to send it.  And he still talks about Putin like a Neocon now.  A lot of the foreign policy, the positive parts, have faded away during this campaign and I don't exactly know why that is.  Now, he's still saying some 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

DAN MCCARTHY: NeoConservatives have been extremely clever and have used the vice president's office as their power base within Republican administrations.

He's used to being a CEO where you hire someone, you can fire them at will, and you expect them to be loyal and their job and whole future career depends on the business they're working for and the person in charge of that business.  13:22  Of course, in government, none of that applies.  In government, you have people who will stab you in the back, even if they're drawing a paycheck from you.  And you have people who see their career advancement in their ability to cash in on their betrayal of you . . .  Daniel McCarthy
Even if Trump wins the presidency, he'll only be in for 1 term.  This makes the Vice President more important for this election.  


Thank you to Tom Woods and his show, "The Trump VP Choice: Brace Yourself," on March 14, 2024.

Dan McCarthy is the editor of the conservative Modern Age: A Conservative Review magazine. 

3:27  Yeah, before I do that, I want to really emphasize what the stakes really are.  Obviously, the fact that Donald Trump has already served one term as president means that he'll have at most one more term if he wins in November, which means that his vice president is really set up to become the Republican Party's nominee in 2028 and quite possibly president thereafter.  Now, historically, really going back to the Reagan Administration, NeoConservatives have been extremely clever and have used the vice president's office as their power base within Republican administrations.  And that's true of every single Republican administration from Reagan through to the first Donald Trump term.  Think about it.  With Ronald Reagan, you had as Vice President, George H. W. Bush.  Now, Reagan was not a NeoCon.  Reagan was somebody who believed in trying to shrink government.  He wanted to emphasize cutting taxes.  He wanted to emphasize freedom.  And in foreign policy, even though a lot of people thought of him as being this apocalyptic, showdown with the Soviet Union UberHawk, he was, in fact, seeking genuine peace through strength.  You saw that he didn't want to get us entangled in Middle East conflicts.  He pulled us out of Lebanon, in fact, when American troops were murdered there by terrorists, 1983.  He was very careful to negotiate with the Soviet Union he always made a very clear that the Soviet Union was morally evil but he didn't think they're going to war with the Soviet Union was going to be either the answer or necessary thing he thought instead that reaching through the humanity of the Russian people and even the humanity of Russian leaders was going to be sufficient to start to unwind the Cold War and bring us to a peaceful resolution of it.

5:00  George Bush, on the other hand, he was always from his days back in the CIA a very hawkish individual, and of course, once he becomes President after the Cold War, he embarks America on this new global mission which has become this debacle over the last 30 years.  It's George H. W. Bush who gets us into . . . first we have this mini-war in Panama, 1989, then we later have this First Gulf War, which, in fact, becomes an endless war, open-ended.  The First Gulf War doesn't end in 1991 with throwing Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait; instead, it becomes this protracted policing effort in the Middle East.  We have troops in Saudia Arabia.  We have a no-fly zone over Iraq, and basically the scene is set when the Iraq War, George H. W. Bush's son, George W. Bush, becomes president.  Now people know that George H. W. Bush was a Vice President who was not on board with Reagan's agenda

5:57  Did not know that Vice President Quayle, under the presidency of George H. W. Bush, had as his Chief of Staff the little kingpin of NeoConservatism, William Kristol.  So Bill Kristol goes on to found The Project for a New American Century, goes on to found the Weekly Standard, and today he's running The Bulwark.  Bill Kristol was Chief of Staff to the Vice President when Dan Quayle was the VP.  So that goes to show how smart these people are to invest in an office that most people consider to be worthless.  There's a famous historical description of the vice presidency worth "a bucket of warm spit."  And you could imagine that if you're a staffer, Chief of Staffer, for example to the vice president well that seems like less than nothing you have almost no direct policy influence but in fact you are right there in the executive branch having all kinds of indirect influence and really be able to influence things powerfully.  Of course, when the second George Bush, George W. Bush, becomes president after the 2000 election, he has a long-time American Enterprise Institute-connected, former Secretary of Defense intellectual, Dick Cheney, who becomes a key player in the War on Terror as it was called at the time, and generally, the expansive foreign policy, the really aggressive nation-building and world-transforming revolutionary foreign policy that George W. Bush pursues.  So, once again, the vice president's office with Dick Cheney becomes the hive and the nexus of NeoConservative power.  Even the George W. Bush Administration, which was already quite neoconservative, you can see that even if you have a bad president you can have an even worse vice president.  

7:58. Well then finally we get Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is a complete repudiation of the Bush Legacy.  He's a repudiation of George H. W. Bush and also a repudiation of George W. and, of course, he humiliates Jeb Bush in the 2016 primaries.  Well, Donald Trump chooses as his vice president Mike Pence, and Mike Pence seems like a pretty typical Republican and not really any more neoconservative than the ordinary Republicans of the 2000s or 2010s.  But Mike Pence's office among his staff furs there are people who actually play a very powerful role behind the scenes in sabotaging some of the better people some of the better non-interventionists and foreign policy realists for example who had a shot at getting nominations within the Donald Trump Administration.  And, of course, people with in the vice presidents office are also in on the conversations about National Security staffing and other things, and therefore they're able to keep neoconservative resumes in the pipeline with the endorsement of the vice president's office, which is one of the reasons why Trump winds up being so outflanked within his own administration by people who do not agree with him on fundamental policies whether it's trade or immigration or specially foreign policy and War so all of that is a preamble to say that the stakes could not possibly be higher not only because Donald Trump's pick for vice president this time has a very good shot at becoming the Republican nominee in 2028 and becoming ultimately perhaps president but also because that person and his or her office in the next Trump Administration is going to be either a major source of neoconservative influence within the administration or for once we could have a dramatic change, where you actually have a vice president and a vice presidential staff that are loyal to the president and loyal to a non- Neoconservative agenda. 

9:58.  I raised an objection to you about Trump not being a good chooser of personnel.  Is Trump better, worse, or the same person that he was in 2016? 

10:50.  Well it's not just about Trump, it's about the people around him.  And Trump went into the White House in 2017 without having a network of political contacts that you need in order to fill White House offices.  It's not that there weren't people out there, but there are always these filters in politics.  Remember, the RNC by that point was actually quite close to Trump.  You had Jared Kushner, Trump's own son-in-law, a number of people in very influential positions were able to tell Trump, "Okay, bring this person in."  Trump had no idea who most of these folks were. 

11:30. How do these people get into his Circle they don't just come out of the sky.

11:35.  His son-in-law had been part of the family so that's a special Vector of influence when you're running for the Republican nomination As Trump was in 2016 try to not try to pull the rug out from under him which I thought they were going to do now the head of the Republican National Committee at that time to my surprise actually gave Trump a fair shot he didn't completely sabotage Trump as I expected in the primaries and then subsequently at the convention itself that earned a certain amount of respect from trump it was rather short-lived because Trump realized very soon that the RNC was actually quite a problematic Institution but at that time he thought well you know they've given me a shot and remember Trump is by nature very transactional and he's actually quite he could be loyal to people who are part of a coalition that is invested in him, so if he gets the impression that these people are supporting him he will actually be quite willing to give them a certain degree of support in return.  The other thing about Trump, one of his advantages, but also his disadvantages, is that he's not ideological at all.  He has pretty sound personal instincts.  He has a pretty common-sense view of the world, but he doesn't really doesn't spend his days and nights thinking about who's a conservative or neoconservative, who's a paleoconservative or a fusionist.  So he's quite naive, I think, about these inner workings of politics.  He's used to being a CEO where you hire someone, you can fire them at will, and you expect them to be loyal and their job and whole future career depends on the business they're working for and the person in charge of that business.  

13:22  Of course, in government, none of that applies.  In government, you have people who will stab you in the back, even if they're drawing a paycheck from you.  And you have people who see their career advancement in their ability to cash in on their betrayal of you, or their previous connection with you.  They don't feel any sense that their prosperity or doom depends on their loyalty.  So they have terrible incentives

Friday, March 15, 2024

Tyson Foods is firing American workers and replacing them with illegal migrants. Adding insult to injury, Tyson Foods will also provide lawyers to help with "immigration hearings"

And the number of illegals that Big Chicken is hiring is no small number: 40,000 illegals.

Monday, March 11, 2024


4:05  To refresh your memory on what a sanctuary city is, it's a city that will not turn over people who are accused of crimes to Immigration officials, because they know Immigration officials will likely deport them.  So a sanctuary city says, "If someone is arrested, then we will not tell immigration services so they will be deported.  We will keep it a secret.  We're not going to work with them at all."  

But now the problem is you have all of these violent gangs who are coming to New York City and attacking police officers.  And after they attack police officers, they are let free back on the streets.  INS is not notified and they can stay in New York City and collect those migrant benefits.  Even the governor is telling the city to end this sanctuary city nonsense and send the criminals back to where they came from.  You think I'm joking,

4:53  As the governor [Hochul] joins those calling for any undocumented attackers on police to be deported, 

Get them all and send them back.  You don't touch our police officers.  You don't touch anybody. --New York Governor Hochul

Now, for those of you who don't know, there's been a migrant gang who's been going around, robbing people on the streets, stealing their phones and their identity.  Check it out. 

Meanwhile, on Monday morning, the NYPD arrested around 7 migrants accused of carrying out around 62 robberies.  Many of these migrants used mopeds and electric scooters to snatch things like iPhones and wallets.  These men then sold the phones to men posing as ring leader to hack the phones to steal the person's bank information.  The NYPD says these migrants primarily live in city-run shelters,

In recent months, a wave of migrant crime has washed over our city.  They're essentially ghost criminals.  No criminal history.  No photos.  No cellphones.  Today is a hard-fought win. 

5:56. Now, many of us use our phones for banking and for other, and we think our phones are safe even if they're lost.  But as you can see, the migrants know how to hack into these phones and get all your personal information.  So what happens if you lose your phone or your phone is stolen?  What protection do you have?  

This is why I personally use Aura.  Aura is identity theft and fraud protection that is powered by artificial intelligence because we live in a world where it's all artificial intelligence service.  You get a password manager, antivirus protection, you get your own private VPN, home title monitoring service, and what I love the data broker removal.  Now simply put, data brokers or the reason why you get these types of phone calls,

We've been trying to reach you concerning your car's extended warranty you should have received something in the mail about your car's extended warranty . . . 

Now, what Aura does is get you off of those lists so you stop getting those phone calls now I don't get those calls anymore because I use Aura and Aura has a deal for you if you go to, they are going to give you a 14-day free trial so you can test it all out for yourself that's the lawyer it's in the description and in the pin comment.

7:11. So now the city of New York has to deal with these unintended consequences.  And those unintended consequences are, one, begging for migrants to come there, and the migrants eventually do, and now you don't have enough money to pay for these people and crime is exploding, up 58.7%.

So there should be a re-evaluation of the sanctuary city issue.  But now, does that make Mayor Adams a racist?  Does that make Governor Hochul a racist?  Because, remember a AOC says "If you disagree with having migrants come in, you're a racist."  

7:39. AOC: 

And we can call it caravans; we can call it micro-crises; we can call it family separation.  And they will just recycle it over and over and over again in order to gin up is so much animosity and destruction in this country and racism in this country. 

Now, one of the most fascinating pieces about the story is listening to how the left-wing media is having a crazy time reconciling what the mayor is saying.  Check out this clip from CNN.

New York City's Mayor, Eric Adams, is breaking with decades of precedent.  Today he called for drastic changes to the sanctuary city policies.  The shift could land undocumented immigrants accused of a serious crime into the hands of ICE or Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.  The mayor's new push comes in the wake of several high profile crimes involving recently arrived migrants in the City of New York including the recent shooting of a tourist [Tatiele Ribeiro, 38] during a rivalry inside a Times Square clothing store.  Here's how the Mayor is justifying his desire for a shift. 

Mayor Adams, 8:40.  I don't believe people who are violent in our city and commit repeated crimes should have the privilege of being in our city.  I want to go back to the standards of the previous mayors, who, I believe, subscribed to my belief that people who are suspected of committing serious crimes in this city should be held accountable.

Now, is that reasonable?  Is it reasonable if someone shoots someone and if someone beats up cops, if someone's out there robbing people on camera, we shouldn't send them to INS to be deported, right?  We have to wait and continue to take care of them, while they do that, while they commit crimes here in the city?  So the mayor and I think the governor has woken up to the reality that if you come to the country and are committing crimes, you need to go back.  And now that lesson and that hard reality, I think, is being thrown in the Democrats' face.  


Saturday, February 17, 2024

HOLY DISENFRANCHISEMENT, BATMAN: NEW: San Francisco Appoints First Noncitizen to Serve on Elections Commission. Kelly Wong who came to the U.S. in 2019 from China and isn’t legally allowed to vote

Ah, but who can forget the lovable, bumbling, racist, American-hating, Democrat, John Conyers, 1929-2019, who begged us not to call law-breakers illegal during his 2013 aneurysmatic appeal to Americans to not call "our citizens" [what, members of the Bolshevik cult?] illegals?  Back in the oughts, every inner-city school had posters pinned to their walls that read, "Nobody is Illegal" and "Immigration Is Not a Crime."  It is if you do it illegally, mija.  Some even had full-sized posters of their beloved, Che Guevara, you know, that fellow entrepreneur who killed Catholics by the scores while their children watched the executions on television.  

NEW: San Francisco Appoints First Noncitizen to Serve on Elections Commission. Kelly Wong who came to the U.S. in 2019 from China and isn’t legally allowed to vote will be overseeing and creating policy for the San Francisco Department of Elections. Wong is an immigrant rights advocate who wants to educate other immigrants who don’t speak English about the voting process. Imagine that people who don’t want to integrate by doing the least and learning the national language will be deciding on the future of an American city.


Yahoo News captures it quite well.  

Today's big immigration hearing at the House Judiciary Committee got off to a rocky start this morning, when Rep. John Conyers opened the proceedings by asking everyone to please stop saying the words "illegal immigrants." Conyers is the Ranking Democrat on the committee, and he may have tipped his hand on which side of the debate he's going to come down on:

“I hope no one uses the term ‘illegal immigrants’ here today. Our citizens are... the people in this country are not illegal, they are out of status, they are new Americans that are immigrants, and I think that we can forge a path to citizenship that will be able to pass muster.” 

In other words, an immigrant is just a citizen you haven't met yet. 

Friday, February 9, 2024



24:11. That's where we are.  Now, this is not going to happen this time.  If we become embroiled in a war in the Middle East that involves Iran and other states, as I pointed out and it will, you're going to see terror acts here in the United States.  You even have the director of the FBI, who I don't think very highly of, because I think he's more concerned about harming Americans than he is anything else, but he did point out you know we've got a problem.  9 million people have poured into this country.  We don't know who's here.  Hezbollah has a huge chapter in Mexico, so does ISIS.  How many of these people are here?  What could they do?  What could happen to our power grid?  What about our nuclear power plants?  What about our military installations?  What about our population?  There are all sorts of terrible things that could happen.  Nobody seems to be thinking about that in Washington DC.  All they can think about is let's get this war with Iran started.  Maybe they think it's 1991 and that we are the preeminent military power in the world.  We aren't.  We just demonstrated that conclusively in Ukraine.  Our equipment has not performed well.  Our technology has not performed well, and our advice from all of our wonderful Generals, who've delivered nothing but defeat for 20-plus years, was terrible.

WOODS, 25:35. I understand the United States has had a bellicose posture toward Russia for quite some time, but do the Europeans really believe the propaganda that the Russian bear is coming?

COLONEL, 26:02. Many do.  In fact, in many cases, the Europeans are even more slavishly devoted to inhaling the lies and fiction than we are. You would think that after the Trump Administration, the riots of 2020, the elections, and so forth that Americans would question a great deal that comes out of Washington and New York City, which is the hub for all the news.  

WOODS, 28:12. Is the US in fact in some way winding down its intervention or involvement in Ukraine?  

MACGREGOR, 28:16. Inevitably what did we do at the end of the Vietnam. We just walk away when things don't go our way we pack up and leave for how long do people insist that we were "turning the corner."  How many times did we "kill the insurgency in Iraq" before we finally left in the middle of the night? The first time we thought about leaving, we found out that everybody that we were working with in Iraq was ratting us out.  In other words, so when we finally left Iraq in 2011, we didn't tell anybody.  We went out in the middle of the night.  That's a great victory, isn't it?  But no one ever goes back and tells the truth because again these are things that happen overseas.  Americans have a bad habit of dismissing what happens beyond their borders as "Okay, that's fine.  It's not a big deal.  We move on from here."  How many strategic failures do you have to have before someone wakes up and says enough and every year we have a bigger defense budget and the bigger budget for the intelligence organizations and special ops.  You're spending over a trillion dollars a year now, and roughly a trillion is what we pay to service the national sovereign debt.  I mean Good Lord! This is insane.  And everybody says, "That's not a problem.  We'll print more money."  Well, you can print until you can't, and we're rapidly approaching that point as I think people will find out the hard way this spring.

WOODS, 30:00.  The America First alleges that threats to the US are overblown, and the interventions are unjustified.  But they change their tune when it comes to China.  They say, "China is the real threat."  In what sense is China a threat to the US or otherwise?

MACGREGOR, 30:24. If you look at China today which is in a very serious economic crisis.  Its shadow banking system has finally been exposed, the corruption has engulfed everyone in China.  That's why Xi spends all of his time imprisoning them.  That's why he's imprisoning all sorts of so-called corporate leaders. China is a mess.  A lot of the people that are now pouring into our country are single young men from China, while large numbers of them were wanted by the authorities inside China for embezzling, stealing, and cheating on a whole range of topics.  China has always had the problem of being too large, too big to govern.  They can't barely manage themselves.  Historically, the Chinese are not a great military power.  Military power and the military profession are not really held in high esteem.  What they want is a force that can protect them.  They think they deserve that, but as far as invading somebody else's country, no.  They tried that against the Vietnamese after the Vietnam War, and what happened to them?  The Vietnamese crushed them.  The Japanese, the Mongols, the Tartars, all of these people historically, and Europeans have crushed China mercilessly.  There's no threat from China.  If we leave China alone, there are enough other actors in the region that the Chinese are not going to put themselves at risk.  

MACGREGOR, 32:10.  Japan is an enormously powerful state that never gets any attention in the United States.  The Japanese armed forces are superb.  I would argue better than our own.  So the bottom line is, no, there is no threat from China.  However, if you are in Asia and you ask the Japanese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the people that border China what the threat from China is, they'll say it's Chinese.  If you let the Chinese into your country, they come in they colonize you.  They take over your business sector.  And then they bring in women, and they peddle their women to the locals, and suddenly, within a generation, you're no longer Vietnamese, Japanese, or Korean; you're just Chinese.  In other words, they fear the population overwhelming them in the region.  So you look at the border between North Korea and China, the Chinese want to keep the North Koreans out, but the North Koreans don't want anything to do with the Chinese.  They're afraid that if the Chinese into their country again as they did during the Korean War they'll never leave they'll have millions of Chinese and they will cease to exist.  The Manchus were a Mongol Turkic people.  In Manchuria, they ceased to exist because they had been Sinofied.  This is not a new phenomenon.  This is how China has expanded.  You move in and your population overwhelms the indigenous people, destroys ethnicity, destroys their culture, their identity.  That's the danger that people in Asia fear.  They Don't Fear the economic danger they want to be part of the Chinese market they want to do business with them they certainly don't fear the Chinese military. 

WOODS, 35:50. Asked David Stockman how he felt about the Cold War.  At 16 over the summer, Woods read Nixon's book, No More Vietnam, 1985.  And it convinced him that Vietnam was necessary and just. He was an interventionist for several years.  Where did you stand during the Cold War?

MACGREGOR, 36:39. He went to VMI, Virginia Military Institute, in 1971.  His mom believed that they should support the troops in Vietnam.  His maternal grandfather, who had been in the First World War and hated Woodrow Wilson, concluded early on that that war had been a total mistake.  He'd turn to her and say repeatedly "Well, if you want to support the troops, get them the hell out of Vietnam and bring them home.  He was right; we didn't need to fight in Vietnam.  And you'll listen to people who will argue until their death, "Oh, if we hadn't done that, all of Southeast Asia would have be communist."  Doubtful.  I don't think so.   There was this assumption about communism that it was monolithic.  It never was.  Stalin's famous comment on the Chinese after spending time with Mao is, "These people are red onions: they're red on the outside, and white on the inside. In other words, they act like communists, but they're really a bunch of capitalists.  Of course, he was right.  The Cold War is something that was very different because it began in a very different environment. Everybody runs around and talks about our great victory in the Second World War, but truthfully, by the 1950s, people realized we had not won the Second World War.  We advanced to the middle of Europe and stopped.  And Europe was divided.  Half of Europe and all of Asia had been conquered by Soviet communism, and so people said "My God!  What did we do?  You know you can go back and read [George] Kennan and he talks about the fact that we moved so slowly out of France and into Germany and we took horrendous casualties while we were moving by the way so it didn't save us in terms of American lives very much.  And by the time that we arrived, the game had been called.  The Soviets occupied Berlin, Prague, Vienna, and Warsaw.  Remember Churchill and FDR promised the Poles high in the sky you will be a free and independent democratic state; that's why we're fighting this war.  Didn't work.  Was a complete failure.  So the aftermath of World War II was a little different from what everybody thinks today.  There were lots of people that said "Gee, you know this hadn't worked out well. It could have been a lot different; could have been handled better.  The aftermath of World War I was much more clear-cut because people all knew that we shouldn't have gotten into the war.  We made a mess out of Europe.  I urge people to do this. Warren Harding's inaugural speech [1921] is worth reading because he makes the argument for no more alliances, no more commitments to anyone, that America's future should not be hostage to another country's interest.  We have no interest in becoming part of other people's Wars, well, until 1929 and the Depression struck.  That was the attitude.  The Depression changed everything.  It suddenly propelled FDR into power, who was by standards today and neocon trying desperately to embroil us into war.  He worked tirelessly through the 30s to get us into war against the Germans and refused to see the danger presented by Stalin.  We could go on and on and on.  

MACGREGOR, 40:13. This is 2023.  Have we had enough?. How many American lives have been sacrificed how much treasure has been wasted we were talking about the thousands of hospitals that could have been built with half of the 14 trillion lost on the last 20-plus years on these interventions what kinds of things could we have done for our own country in our own population?  People need to start asking those questions and they need to understand that we have one existential threat today that emanates from the southern border.  Someone who says it's not an invasion has lost their minds.  We are being invaded and our own government is helping it.  9 million have come in since Biden became president, but there are probably another 20 million illegals already in the country from the 1990s and during the. Bush and Obama Administrations.  This is a catastrophe for us.  We can't absorb these people.  And thanks to President Obama who announced that there was no requirement for anyone to assimilate in order to be an American citizen, how many people are running around with American citizenship are just here because it's a ticket of admission to the great consumption machine.  What's happened to our national identity, our culture?  Well, that's being erased.  Finally, some people are standing up.  They're standing up down in Texas, thanks to Governor Abbott. Maybe this is a turning point.  Maybe finally the American people . . . .    That's the real danger, and, again too many people inside this country with uncertain origin and uncertain interests. We don't know what that means for the future, but it doesn't mean much good.  Somebody said to me the other day, "Well, you must be a racist. You don't like Mexicans."  I said "No, of course not.  That's got nothing to do with it."  He said, "Well then what do you think we should take from Mexico?  I said I'll be happy to bring in every Mexican who speaks English and has a degree in Applied Mathematics engineering or science this guy says well that's not going to happen I said well that's what we should demand now we can be selective we don't have to take everyone.

WOODS, 42:32. Why doesn't that guy ask the Mexican Government why it's so stingy about allowing immigration.  There's almost like a double standard.  I want to make myself two people everybody hates.  You mentioned Warren Harding.  He also has a fantastic speech when [1920] he accepted the Republican nomination for president.  It's interesting these presidential speeches that we're all supposed to read in school are all the terrible Messianic ones that we should ignore.  But Warren Harding actually gave great speeches

Sunday, February 4, 2024

$1.4 billion already given to migrant trails this yr from USAID + State Dept's "Bureau of Population, Refugees & Migration," shipping cash to inbound migrants from 248 NGOs

National Security Senior Fellow, Todd Bensman, tells Steve Bannon how the U.S. State Department and USAID have been sending American taxpayer funds to religious nonprofits to facilitate mass immigration to our southern border. Bensman says 248 nonprofits are participating in the United Nations’ 2024 agenda to distribute $1.6 billion in cash, transportation, food, and shelter to U.S.-bound immigrants across Mexico and Latin America.

Wait a minute. National Security guys are the ones who oversee the illegal immigration operations. We're being lied to from both ends, by both sides. The Left has redefined America in its own image except for you, dear citizen.

The State Department's "Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration."  $1.4 billion?  That's what the U.S. government spends on wars.  They couldn't possibly be using illegal migrants as an . . . ?  Could they?  

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Far from being an ugly emotion, patriotism stirs people to heroism and to kindness." Suella Braverman

"I believe that the nation-state is one of humanity's great civilizing forces.  It creates a shared identity and a shared purpose, and that does not need to have a racial component.  Typically, it binds people of different racial backgrounds together.  Far from being an ugly emotion, patriotism stirs people to heroism and to kindness.  It is the belief that we have specific obligation to others precisely because they are our fellow countrymen."  Suella Braverman

3:16. And in order for nationality to be sustainable economically, culturally, and in terms of public support, it needs to encompass everyone; that in turn means that the country cannot grow exponentially and still maintain the harmony needed for everyone to feel that we are all in this together.  And let's remember something that is all too often forgotten.  Integration inevitably takes time.  If immigration is uncontrolled, it makes it harder for society to adapt and accommodate new cultures and customs and for communities to meld together.  Uncontrolled immigration inadequate integration and a misguided dogma of multiculturalism have proven a toxic combination for Europe over the last few decades.  I'm not the first to point this out.  In 2010, Angela Merkel gave a speech in which she acknowledged that multiculturalism had utterly failed.  And then French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister David Cameron echoed similar sentiments shortly thereafter.  

Sunday, January 21, 2024

"Under the immigration laws of the United States, a noncitizen who applies for an immigrant visa abroad . . . is required to receive vaccinations . . . ." To avoid the shots, noncitizens enter illegally. Unexpected or expected consequences?

Mandated vaccination for legal immigration?  Does this explain the massive illegal immigration, all to avoid the gene-manipulating shot? 

Check this out from Jeffrey Tucker.

Consider, for example, the continued requirement that any legally immigrating person coming to the US from another country and seeking residency is absolutely required to get the COVID-19 vaccine, a shot widely admitted not to protect against infection or spread and is associated with injury on a scale without pharmaceutical precedent. 

And yet the US government requires it. 

The evidence is here from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. 

Meanwhile, the US is currently experiencing a wave of immigration from asylum seekers which this country has never seen in raw numbers before. There is no requirement that these people coming across the Southern border and then shipped around the country face any such requirement of Covid vaccination. That only kicks in if you seek to immigrate the old-fashioned way, which is to say, by seeking legal permission. 

So this is why we have issues like these

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The invasion of over 8 million people in the last 3 years will be a droplet compared with the 80 million that WILL COME if this Bill becomes Law!

Just as Pelosi put barbed wire around the Capitol after January 6, 2021, those running the migrant invasion program will delight in seeing homeowners build fences around their property or around their communities effectively turning communities into ghettos.   

Friday, January 12, 2024

Biden & his Administration refuse to enforce our immigration laws. They aren't requiring the MILLIONS of people illegally crossing our southern border to show proof of anything - shots, health, criminal records. Nothing.

Friday, January 5, 2024

On President Biden's inauguration day, he introduced policies that incentivize illegal immigration: 1) Paused Deportations, 2) Suspended "Remain in Mexico," 3) Stopped Border Wall Construction

This surge in illegal immigration is a national security crisis, costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions per year. 

2023: 3,201,144

2022: 2,766,582 2021: 1,956,519 2020: 405,036 2019: 859,501 2018: 404,142 2017: 310,531 2016: 415,816 2015: 337,117 2014: 486,651 2013: 420,789 2012: 364,768 2011: 340,252 2010: 463,382 On President Biden's inaugural day, he introduced policies that incentivize illegal immigration: • Paused Deportations • Suspended "Remain in Mexico" • Stopped Border Wall Construction Since these policy changes, over 8 million people have illegally entered the country, with millions more slipping past border patrol undetected. This surge in illegal immigration is a national security crisis, costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions per year. Major U.S. cities, grappling with the escalating financial burden, are slashing budgets for essential services such as fire, police, sanitation, and education. President Biden holds the power to halt this crisis that is draining America's resources. The solution is as simple as the actions that led to this crisis—Biden should use his pen to reverse his policy changes.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

10 points of a populist strategy for libertarian change, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (2017)



3.  DEFUND THE RULING ELITES' INTELLECTUAL BODYGUARDS.  Expose and widely publicize the lavish salaries, perks, pensions, side deals, bribes, and hush monies received by the ruling elites, by the higher-ups in governments and governmental bureaucracies of the Supreme Courts, Central Banks, secret services, and spy agencies by politicians, parliamentarians, party leaders, political advisors, and consultants by crony capitalism, public educrats, university presidents, provosts, and academic stars.  Drive home the point that all of their shining glory and luxury is funded by money extorted from taxpayers and consequently urge that any and all taxes be slashed--income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, inheritance taxes, and on and on.

4.  END THE FED AND ALL CENTRAL BANKS. The second source of funding for the ruling elites besides the money extorted from the public in the form of taxes comes from the central banks. 

5.  ABOLISH ALL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND NON-DISCRIMINATION LAWS AND REGULATIONS.  All such edicts are blatant violations of the principle of "Equality before the law" that at least in the West is intuitively sensed and recognized as a fundamental principle of justice.  As private property owners, people must be free to associate or disassociate with others to include or to exclude, to integrate, or to segregate, to join or to separate, to unify and incorporate or to disunite, exit, and secede.   

6.  CRUSH THE ANTI-FASCIST MOB.  The transvaluation of all values throughout the West, the invention of evermore victimhood, the spread of affirmative action programs, and the relentless promotion of political correctness have led to the rise of an anti-fascist mob.  Tacitly supported and indirectly funded by the ruling elites, this self-described mob of Social Justice Warriors has taken upon itself the task of escalating the fight against white privilege through deliberate acts of terror directed against anyone and anything deemed racist, right-wing, fascist, reactionary, incorrigible, or unreconstructed.

7.  CRUSH THE STREET CRIMINALS AND GANGS.  In dispensing with the principle of equality before the law, and awarding all sorts of group privileges, except to the one group that I mentioned, the ruling elites have also dispensed with the principle of equal punishment for equal crime.  Some state-favored groups are handed more lenient punishment for the same crime than others.  And some especially favored groups are simply let run wild and go practically unpunished at all.  Thus actually and effectively promoting crime.  As well, no-go areas have been permitted to develop where any effort at law enforcement has essentially ceased to exist and where violent thugs and street gangs have taken over.  Given this, public furor must be provoked and it be unmistakenly demanded that the police crackdown quick and hard on any robber, mugger, rapist, and murderer and ruthlessly all no-go areas of violent gang rule.  

8.  GET RID OF ALL WELFARE PARASITES AND BUMS.  To cement their own position, the ruling class has put the underclass on the dole and thus made it the most reliable source of public support, allegedly to help people rise and move up from the underclass to become self-supporting actors, the real and actually intended effect of the state's social policy is the exact opposite.  It has rendered a person's underclass status more permanent and made the underclass permanently grow.  

9.  GET THE STATE OUT OF EDUCATION.  Most, if not all, social pathologies plaguing the contemporary West have their common root in the institute of public education.  When the first steps were taken, well more than 200 years ago in Prussia to supplement and ultimately replace a formerly completely private system of education with a universal system of compulsory public education, the time spent in state-run schools did, in most cases, not exceed 4 years.  Today, throughout the entire Western world, the time spent in institutions of public education is at a minimum of 10 years, and in many cases, 20, or even 30 years.  That is a large, or even the largest, part of time during the most formative period in a person's life is spent in state-funded and state-supervised institutions, whose primary purpose from the very beginning was not to raise an enlightened public but to train good soldiers, and later on, good public servants.  

10.  DON'T PUT YOUR TRUST IN POLITICS AND POLITICAL PARTIES.  Just as Academia and the academic world cannot be expected to play any significant role in a libertarian strategy for social change, so with politics and political parties.  After all, it is the ultimate goal of libertarianism to put an end to all politics, and to subject all personal relations and conflicts to private law and civil law procedures.  All pervasively politicized conditions and involvement in politics Party politics cannot be entirely avoided however any such involvement one must be keenly aware of and guard against the corrupting influence of power in The Lure of money and perks that come with it and to minimize the risk and Temptation that comes from this it is advisable to concentrate one's effort on the level of regional and local rather than National politics and they are to promote a radical agenda of decentralization of nullification and peaceful separation segregation secession most importantly however we must take heed of Ludwig von Mises's life motto, "Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it," that is we must speak out whenever and whatever, whether formal or informal gathering against anyone affronting us with the, by now all too familiar, politically correct drivel and left egalitarianism involved in this and unmistakably say, "No, hell no.  You must be kidding!" and in the meantime given the almost mind-control exercise by the ruling elite academia and the mainstream media, it already requires a good portion of courage to do that but if we are not brave enough to do so now and thus set an example for others to follow _________? will become increasingly worse and more dangerous in the future and we, in Western Civilization and the Western ideas of freedom and liberty, will be wiped out and vanish.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Eat red meat. Develop grit. Learn manual skills. Get that job. Thrive.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Ronald Reagan signed the death warrant of the GOP when he signed the Immigration R.A.C. Act of 1986

Immigration R.A.C. Act of 1986.  Immigration Reform and Control Act.  

Reform?  I guess.  

Control?  Define control.  

Here is Reagan's love letter to Mexico and immigrants.  Come one and all and your government will look the other way.  To citizens, it says "This government doesn't give a rat's ass about your citizenship.  We will take every dollar from you until you are broke and don't even think about retiring because we've already looted social security.  There will be nothing left in it for you by the time you retire.  Oh, and BTW, you'll be paying for even more welfare programs that we haven't said a word about yet.  It's lipstick on the welfare state. 

"The torch of Lady Liberty symbolizes our freedom and represents our heritage, the compact with our parents, our grandparents, and our ancestors.  It is that Lady that gives us our great and special place in the world, for it's the great life force of each generation of new  Americans that guarantees America's triumph shall continue unsurpassed into the next century and beyond.  Other countries may seek to compete with us but in one vital area as a beacon of freedom and opportunity that draws the people of the world, no country on earth comes close.  This I believe is one of the most important sources of America's greatness.  We lead the world because unique among nations we draw our people our strength from every country and every corner of the world.  By doing so we continuously renew and enrich our nation while other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams, we create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow.  Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we're a nation forever young forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier.  This quality is vital to our future as a nation.  If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost."

Thursday, December 28, 2023

[Murrary Rothbard] explained that malicious states can use mass immigration to change the demographic composition of a society in a way that shifts political allegiances toward a tyrannical regime.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Greg Abbott is giving kickbacks to his buddy for every illegal is he shuffling around the country.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Catholic Church Running Illegal Immigration Services in the U.S.?

The Catholic Church is the enemy of every nation.  

Catholic Community Services is funded by the DHS so we're essentially running off running a illegal immigration service off of the tax dollars for from the federal 

In May of 2013, Catholic Social Services (CSS) was awarded the designation of a Community Umbrella Agency (CUA) by the Department of Human Services (DHS).

Monday, December 18, 2023

Owen, this is a weak showing. Call your audience to build a welfare wall, so that it cuts social benefits and castrates incentives . . .

Complaining is not a plan. 

Challenging strangers at the border is not a plan. 

His arguments are totally weak.  Specifically, Owen, call your audience to build a welfare wall, so that it cuts social benefits and castrates incentives to come to the U.S.  But Shroyer can't even do that.  This is kind of a pathetic show, Owen.  I would not air this.  

Ever get the sense that those loudest about the problem are the ones advancing the problem and perhaps profiting from it? Shroyer, you're using illegal immigration as your latest grift, are you?