Showing posts sorted by date for query FOR THE GREATER GOOD. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query FOR THE GREATER GOOD. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2023


I am sure that there is still a sizable percentage of Americans who readily surrendered any personal freedom in the name of the greater good, because, you know, they wanted to show the world how virtuous they were, or are.  And that still there is a sizable percentage of the American population who would defend these voices for doing the right thing to save the world.  How can anyone watch another movie, or interview, or commercial from Arnold Schwarzenegger?  SMH.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Title of this documentary is THE GREATER GOOD - VACCINE DOCUMENTARY (2011). it targets the Gardasil vaccine by Merck.
At the 24:10 mark, FDA approved Gardasil for fast track.  Pancreatitis, auto immune disease.  

24:22. No vaccine, particularly a vaccine for children should ever be fast-tracked by the FDA.  Less than 1% of all deaths are for cervical cancer and yet we now have a vaccine that was only studied in in 1200 girls under the age of 16 until it was recommended for universal use by the CDC in all 11 and 12-year-old girls.

Bypassing the Legislature altogether, Republican Gov. Rick Perry issued an order Friday making Texas the first state to require that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.

By employing an executive order, Perry sidestepped opposition in the Legislature from conservatives and parents’ rights groups who fear such a requirement would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way Texans raise their children.

Perry was considered a freedom-loving governor.  He was praised by libertarians.  Perry had financial ties to Merck.  One of the lobbyists in the state of Texas, Mike Toomey, was his former Chief of Staff. 

We've lost our history.  No wonder people fall prey.  Here is the Merck Vice President of Medical Affairs and Policy, Mark Feinberg, MD, PhD

25:25.  Public health was never defined in the Constitution as a federal matter, therefore, public health laws are state laws.  Vaccine laws are state laws.  The way it works us the federal government recommends vaccines, the CDC, and the state governments mandate them.  


Different states have different exemptions.  All states have medical exemptions.  Every state but 2 has a religious exemption.  And there are 18 states that have an exemption for philosophical, conscientious belief.  

26:00.  Dr. Lawrence Palevsky.  New Jersey (2009) has the most number of vaccine requirements for kids to got to school.  Recently passed a law that required kids 4 more vaccines to get into school.

Monday, February 6, 2023

For years, the goal was always to break down societal norms, the old norms, to divorce an entire generation, if not two generations, of kids from traditional value systems, their family and the church and their community.

If you reject a religion, you're going to go out and find another one.  Of course, if you reject Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, or whatever, the next one that was on offer to you was always the state.  --Tom Luongo

With the exception of communist infiltration into 1950s Hollywood, the inner workings of the studios and their executives have pretty much been off my radar until someone raised the point that the filmmaking producers of Hollywood itself are placements of Operation Mockingbird, and that it's been that way since the 1940s.  That totally makes sense.  So it's not just CIA placements as news editors at your local or big city newspaper.  But the political reach of Hollywood goes far beyond studio walls or halls.

Thanks to the great Tom Luongo and his episode titled, "Episode #129: Mel K and the Real Crime of Hollywood," January 28, 20

The 2002 Vanity Fair that Kim references, titled "Ovitz Agonistes," is about how Ovitz was muscled out by competing studio executives.

Mel K says that the CIA and Operation Mockingbird created Hollywood, that it was created for behavior modification, behavior controlled, subliminal messaging, and the people at the top are very aware that they control society through movies and TV.  

Mid-to-late 90s, Michael Ovitz created the biggest agency, CAA, was interviewed in Vanity Fair.  It was an article where he said that the gay mafia had taken over Hollywood.  And he got eviscerated.  And from that point on, the guys who still run CAA, which I believe is one of the key players in what's happened here.  That was the time when GLAD [GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders], Black Lives Matter, which was something else at the time, there are real Satanists, straight-up Satanists, they come from Anton LeVay, anyone can look him up.  They worship Aleister Crowley and happen to work in LA in the movie and music business.  There are witches' covens with big celebrity actresses that you all know.  It is a place of mind manipulation, but the people that are there are the most easily manipulated because the way that they set it up is if you make it, then you become a product.  And it's very quick. And once you become a product, you have handlers, you have 10 people, and your salary depends on them, and their salary depends on you.  It was weird.  I live in West Hollywood, and there was a whole street of executives that were lesbians.  I mean high level, who were openly talking about this at the same time.  Some of these people were involved in the SnyderVerse controversy and other things.  Nefariously involved in strange parties, strange stuff going on.  What I feel like happened was the covert, evil, and Satanism, anti-Americanism, color revolutionary type things that were under the surface in Hollywood frim the beginning around 2003 started to sprout wings.  It was covert.  It became overt, and thet built the new CAA I call the Death Star. And Hollywood was now a tool, an operator in a Wag the Dog.  They hijacked the #MeToo movement, and turned that into Time's Up.  And that was run by operatives, not by victims, color revolution piece our of Hollywood.  It just became an operation.   

10:25 LUONGO. Yeah, I've heard this, and Chinese money coming into Hollywood as well.  It's always been there.  Dexter and I say all the time, "Commintern never ended." It just kept going even though they said it ended. They just set it on autopilot for Christ sakes.  At a certain point it doesn't even have to be intentional.  For years, the goal was always to break down societal norms, the old norms, to divorce an entire generation, if not two generations, of kids from traditional value systems, their family and the church and their community.  It's not necessarily about church per se.  If you reject a religion, you're going to go out and find another one.  Of course, if you reject Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, or whatever, the next one that was on offer to you was always the state.  Let's take away the one that sustains your local community and lets roll your allegiance up to a larger thing.  This is why we always get this rotten nonsense about "sacrificing for the greater good," I can do a 45-minute rant about Star Trek, knowing full well that Roddenberry was a CIA asset [and a Mason] and that that show should have never made it past its first year.  But then it somehow made it to three seasons. For what reasons?  Ah, . . . because we all know why it had to survive.  It had to go into syndication for at least 3 seasons.  In those days, for people who don't know, a television show had to go at least 3 seasons for it to generally make its money back before it went into syndication.  It couldn't be sold into syndication with anything less than a certain number if episodes, and it was usually three seasons of episodes.  And so this is how Star Trek survived, and then you know, cheap programming, then they resurrect it, and then they give ys the real story, which is extra crispy, Next Generation. The original recipe and extra crispy.  You can see the technocratic socialism of Star Trek versus the kind of anarchic Star Wars.  There's a real, honest-to-God difference here.  There was George Lucas, and these guys were outsiders, they were outside of the Hollywood system.  They all smoked and drank and did all of the drugs that you could possibly imagine, but they did it up in San Francisco away from Hollywood.  In the early days of American Zoetrope, all of that is really fascinating because they literally positioned themselves as the anti-Hollywood. And then there's the guy, Spielberg, who walked the line between the two of them, and kind of fucked everything up if you want to know. 

13:20 MEL K. Yeah, with other filmmakers, I've been trying to talk about propaganda and it's very strange.  Even Spielberg is a very weird character to me.  There's multiple things about his personal life and accusations that I don't care to get into but I believe there's something bad there.  Whatever the case may be, I don't know what your thoughts are on predictive programming in movies.

13:45 LUONGO. Depends.  Somethings, yes; somethings, no. 

13:50 MEL K. If you look it up on Wikipedia, it's a conspiracy theory that's not true.  But it is very bizarre.  We know about Kubrick and his relationship with NASA and all this.  But all these guys had all this.  But it's very interesting.  I was looking at transhumanism, predictive programming, and other things that happen over time.  My take on predictive programming is that a lot of these guys they know . . . .  And don't forget, DARPA has a lot to do with the entertainment business, especially in video games.  So when I look back and studying transhumanism, I . . . predictive programming.  Was it predictive programming, or am I looking at it now and saying that? 

But when you and I talked about the World Economic Forum, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Noah Harare and what he's saying alone, and then you look at the movies AI, 2001, Ready Player One, The Minority Report, 2001, and you think these are all Spielberg. All three of these movies and then came Transcendence, 2014, that's exactly what they're talking about.  And when you think Spielberg back in 2001, The Minority Report and AI Artificial Intelligence; 2004, The Terminal, and 2011, The Adventures of Tintin,  is writing and making movies about right now, they're implementing.  And it's very shocking to me.  AI is the weirdest movie, and Kubrick wrote it. 

15:15 LUONGO Kubrick was clearly trying to warn us about these people from the moment he started making films.  I rewatched The Shining, 1980, (based on Stephen King's 1977 novel of the same name) the other day and thought, "Holy Christ, it's the first anti-Davos movie."  The seduction of Jack Torrance in The Shining was purely 'we're going to seduce him with sex, absolve him of alcohol, of being part of the in-club, absolving him of his child abuse, and all of the weird sex, the guy in the bear suit, and all these discordant images of their depravity are all right there.  The OverLook Hotel was the destination for all the best people, a phrase that some film critics on YouTube have picked up about Kubrick. It's everywhere in his films, right? And then you go into Eyes Wide Shut, 1999, and the end of his life, snd you know, and that screams for Warner Bros.  Kubrick made all of his movies after Dr. Strangelove, 1964, in the dark.  With Warner Bros., he had an ironclad contract, he got to make his movies, and he just delivered them.  The only guy in Hollywood . . . Hollywood? . . . of course, he was in England away from Hollywood making these films with only 7 people on set.  Kubrick was his guy, he was just doing his thing and deliver the final cut to the studio.  And as long as it made money, they left him alone.  But he crossed the line with Eyes Wide Shut.  They screened it in New York, four days later he was dead.  The movie gets re-cut, and then put out four months later.  

17:00 MEL K. Yeah, it gets re-cut with 40 minutes cut out. Crazy story.  It must have been crazy and intense on that set. Like you said, he's on a very tight set. He'd come in and Kidman and Tom Cruise were having problems in real life, but they're in that.  They're dealing with all the Rothschild stuff.  Cruise did an interview shortly after Kubrick died. Where she says there are secret societies, that they're all a bunch of pedophiles.  And she said in the interview, "This is what he told me." And you brought up the Shining, too, I believe that he was warning everyone.  

17:48 LUONGO Now, Spielberg, you bring up Spielberg, and I was in both Minority Reports, my wife saying they want more Minority Reports but with more Germans. You know I'm also a huge Philip K. Dick fan, and I actually like Spielberg's interpretation if Minority Report.  When you really stop and think about all this stuff, how many of Philip K. Dick's stories, which are absolutely humanist stories, all of them are humanist stories.  It's all about sin and salvation and redemption.  They may be post-modern in their conception, and they may be self-aware text in that respect.  He used a lot of postmodernist tropes as do some of my other favorite writers, and I can identify them all, but did so with the purpose of telling very human stories.  In effect, guys like Philip K. Dick, Grant Morrison, Borges, and others, are like the anti-Sartre.  They're the anti- Umberto Eco and all those French and Italian Marxist assholes. It's interesting if you think about it, who has had more work translated into bad movies than Philip K. Dick.  No one. Why?  Because you need to subvert all of the real warnings he was putting out for everybody but only here and there do good movies get made about his work, or even better, faithful adaptations of his work, like Richard Linklater's A Scanner Darkly, 2006.  Is that a movie that Hollywood put any money behind?  No.  He had to self-finance the fucking movie, right? And even though he had Robert Downey, Jr. And Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder, it could have easily been properly marketed, could have easily made money on it and they chose not to.  And the movie took 3 years to complete because you couldn't get the rotoscoping because you couldn't get the money to finish the movie.  

19:50. MEL K. Right.  That's the price you pay if you're a real artist.  The way that it works out there . . . I worked for an A-List, A-List, A-List actress.  She was a product. She was miserable.  Her life was awful.  She was treated terribly.  She was a slave and yet she put in the nice clothes, walked the red carpet, and her movies opened with big bucks but her life was terrible.  And some of these people say it's not worth it, that they could do their own thing, like Linklater, and others, and their lives are much better for it because they realized early in their career that if they give up a little control, the beast will take it all and then blackmail them. 

20:28 LUONGO When you think about Spielberg and his relationship with transhumanists and the Fourth Industrial Revolution movies, you have to think, if Kubrik writes AI, and goes out of his way, because that's the story, listen to interviews of Jan Harlan and Kubrik, with an IQ of 240, always got an angle on everything, why would he go out and grab Steven Spielberg to make AI if not to . . . I can almost make the argument that Kubrick was dangling this forbidden fruit in front of Spielberg who couldn't say no to it in order to kind of tweak Spielberg.  Nobody ever accused Stanley of this in public, but, oh, this makes a lot of sense.  By that point, Spielberg was already compromised.  His inherent boomer-ness was already compromised.  His best work was already behind him, you know, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jaws . . . .  Really, Schindler's List was behind him at that point.  He was done.  He got his Oscar.  He got his self-aggrandizement trophy from the Amish that run the thing out there . . . . And so that's that.  They can't help themselves; they have to give themselves trophies.  That's the way this thing works.  [Did not know of the documentary The Making of the Shining.]  

22:00 MEL K. It's such a mind-control thing.  It's all about us. All thise award shows are about "you gotta go see this."  

22:07 LUONGO. I came to the conclusion, Mel, they've gotta pick the starlet de jour to give the Oscar to even if she wasn't too good.  She was going to be the ho of the next 5 years and we were going to market her, here's your role, we're going to give you the Oscar, it's all going to work out.  Don't worry about it. It's already in the bag.  Don't worry about it.  So Halle Berry, Charlize Theron, I'm not saying they didn't do good work in the films that they won for, but it's very clear that this is the way it's supposed to work and that there aren't any surprises in this stuff.  

22:45. MEL K. You brought up Bond, too. Daniel Craig's movie, To Kill Bond, to take away that man. You brought up Klaus Schwab and the WEF, and a lot of people didn't like the Quantum movie, [Quantum of Solace, 2008] but that movie is about the World Economic Forum.

23:09 LUONGO. Absolutely it is.  Quantum of Solace, and Paul Hagiss is another one of those screenwriters who is like . . . no one fucks with Paul Hagiss.  That guy writes whatever the fuck he wants.

23:23 MEL K He runs his sets.  He runs his sets like a prison.

23:27 LUONGO. It's fascinating. So, the Quantum of Solace was destroyed because of the writers' strike.  They didn't have time to finish the script properly as a sequel to Casino Royale, 2006.  But I do look at all 5 of those James Bond movies as two things going on in that story. One is letting everybody know, yep, her comes the World Economic Forum.  And it's interesting, I was thinking about this arc the other day, you give us Quantum, he undercovers Quantum, doesn't actually destroy Quantum, just one of the dudes in it in that movie. And then in the third movie, we ignore all of that and just get to a revenge plot.  Skyfall, 2012, is a fine movie on its own, but it's a revenge plot against M., which is just dumb but it introduces the idea that MI6 is an institution at the end of the British Empire is here.  Oh, by the way, you're not going to get Brexit, FYI.  and then you go to the 4th movie, Spectre, 2015, where all of a sudden it's not Quantum anymore, it's Blofeld and it's awful.

Blofeld is Klaus Schwab, right?  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

"the voting is cleaner in Venezuela than it is [in the United States]"

I am posting this discussion from the Ron Paul Liberty Report, originally aired on November 9, 2022, to feature the section from 15:10 to 17:10 where Daniel McAdams talks about the screaming incompetence at the polls in Maricopa County, Arizona, the fourth largest county in the United States. Remember, the larger the government jurisdiction, the greater the corruption and more than likely the higher the taxes.  

Yes, there are many races we do not know the conclusions to.  Now people have been conditioned to expect "counting the votes takes time."  No, it doesn't.  And it never has in the past.  We've only had this . . . remember when we had this anomaly in 2000, the national election was . . . the nation was turned upside because we didn't know the result right away.  So just the very fact that we are still counting, we don't know who won, tells you the dire state of voting in America right now.  In fact, I think the voting is cleaner in Venezuela than it is here.  And I was watching with disgust yesterday in places like Arizona, Maricopa County, you see some blue collar workers showing up to vote, they get there and 20% of the voting machines [simply] didn't work.  Didn't they do a test-run?  So these citizens had to get back to work.  They couldn't afford to take the whole day and sit around waiting to vote.  Do we know that these are Republicans voters?  We don't know.  There's a good chance they were.  [Actually, we do know.  Most Republican voters vote in person.] Regardless of who they would have voted for, the idea that ON ELECTION DAY 20% OF THE VOTE-COUNTING MACHINES DIDN'T WORK.  Also, a lot of people posted pictures of their ballots on Twitter.  The ballots were printed in such a shoddy manner, I saw better ballots printed in Albania than I saw [in the photos from voters in Maricopa County].  In fact, they were so badly printed that the automatic reader couldn't read the result.  They had to spoil it and get a new ballot.  And we saw tons of problems in Pennsylvania and elsewhere.  So the fact is, Dr. Paul, that voting in the U.S. is atrocious, it's an absolute disgrace.  It's amazing that a so-called first-world country cannot hold a first-world type of election.  So regardless of the result, we've got a real problem here of how we conduct our elections.     

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Adults Need 50 ng/ml Vitamin D Daily. That Translates to 5,300 IU

The goal then for a daily healthy immune system is 50 ng/ml.  For a translation, that means 5,300 IUs of vitamin D.

20 ng/ml . . . 1000 IU
30 ng/ml . . . 2200 IU
40 ng/ml . . . 3600 IU
50 ng/ml . . . 5300 IU
60 ng/ml . . . 7400 IU

70 ng/ml . . . 10100 IU 

Check this out:

Everyone needs at least 50 ng/mL 125nmol/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D for their immune system to function properly.  Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation, most people's 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are 1/2 to 1/10th this - greatly raising the risk of severe symptoms from COVID-19, Kawasaki disease, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome and sepsis.

Here are the live links that appear in the above graphic. 

1.  Serum Vitamin D levels are associated with increased COVID-19 severity and mortality independent of visceral adiposity | medRxiv

That article explains that to fight any disease, you need a minimum of 50 ng/ml of vitamin D to have a fortified immune system to fight anything.  Most people don't think vitamins work.  They won't turn you into a Popeye, though some can, but they'll give you immunity so that you can stay productive.  

2.  Greater risk of severe COVID-19 in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic populations is not explained by cardiometabolic, socioeconomic or behavioural factors, or by 25(OH)-vitamin D status: study of 1326 cases from the UK Biobank - PubMed (

4.  Vitamin D status of children with paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (PIMS-TS) - PubMed (  The idea here is the same in the others above--that vitamin D deficiency outcomes are worse.  Don't know how to put it any plainer.  The last line in the abstract reads, ". . . public health measures to improve vitamin D status of the UK BAME population have been long overdue."  So, it looks like in the UK, they're trying to make vitamin D a prescription of public health policy. 

5.  Nutrition to reduce COVID-19 serious harm and death (  This paper argues for vitamin D to improve against COVID-19.  C19 and Ivermectin.  But how does one get IV without a prescription?  Is an airport in Mexico the only way?

It offers a good link here:  
For links to the most pertinent research on why vitamin D (and Ivermectin) are effective at reducing severity of COVID-19, as well as reducing transmission, please see this page on my other site. 

6.  Everyone needs at least 50ng/ml 125nmol/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D for their immune system to function properly ( 

7.  Nutrition Matters | Robin Whittle | Substack 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Biden will be gone between the midterms and Christmas

6:50. Biden will be gone between the midterm elections and Christmas.  They absolutely have to get rid of him because once Kamala takes over she has to have a VP.  And she gas to get that VP confirmed by the House and the Senate before the Republicans take over in January.  So that's not a really big window.  

7:20. Because they're not particularly impressed with Harris, Biden and her can get caught up in the same scandal.  She has to resign first, then Biden appoints whom he wants to be president, and they never go through the Congress, the Senate on this one.  She has to resign first, then Biden has to resign, or is impeached, and then, who ever they want, which in my mind is Janet Yellen, could then ascend without ever having gone through a Senate confirmation.  The sane thing they did with Spiro Agnew and Nelson Rockefeller [1974] right?

7:55. Stage III requires someone who can be a virtuous killer.  Kamala fits that model way better than Janet Yellen.  Janet Yellen is just like somebody's grandmother.  She's not going to order the deaths of anybody.  Now, Kamala Harris would.  You've git to look at it as Barrack Obama's third term, and Kamala Harris is just there as a proxy for Barrack.  So she's got to stay there.  If they don't have a Vice Presidential candidate in place before the Republicans take over the House or the Senate, or both, you know that Kamala is going to screw up, and her odds of getting impeached are what, 80 or 90%?  Even more so if she doesn't get a vice president.  

9:00. The political turmoil comes down to how big a majority the Republicans come up with and the color and flavor of that majority in the House.  If it's a whole bunch of mouth-breathing, MAGA-tard revolutionaries, putting a leash on the GOP establishment types like Mitch McConnell and whatnot, if it's a hundred seats and it's 5 seats in the Senate, the political situation coming into 2024, everybody and their brother will vote for impeachment if that's what the politically popular move is.  That's been my calculus. But if it's only 40 seats, the Democrats may actually be able to hold some legitimacy together.  

9:40. The question is will we be able to get through an election.  I even question whether they'll be able to engineer an election in 2024.  If they do, what are the odds of everyone accepting it?  Ine of the triggers in Stage III is when things go to hell.  Usually, the trigger for that are the food riots. That's when the City goes out to the suburbs chasing down crimes of convenience.  When those crimes start becoming crimes of necessity . . . .  The cities are the place where shortages hit first.  When they start going out into the hinterland, they start killing people.  When you start killing people, then people want to kill back.  When those animal spirits are let out of the har, you don't put them back in.  We've seen that in Iraq.  We've seen that in Syria.  We've seen it in Ukraine.  That's how it works.  When you get into that, someone is going to pull the trigger, and Kamala is very much that model person that would be the virtuous killer who says, "Well, I'm sorry I had to kill these people but it had to be done for the greater good."  

11:20. Personally, I see Janet Yellen in that same boat and I think that she's a lot less politically divisive.  I think central bankers, or former central bankers, who are in what I call the pay of Davos, are some of the most ruthless people on the planet and they're very good at hiding their ruthlessness, and I think Janet Yellen is one of the most ruthless people, having reviewed her career with the Fed and how she personally bamboozled Greenspan and Bernanke for years . . . .  if anybody underestimates the ruthlessness of central bankers, go look at what Mario Draghi is doing right now in Italy.  

12:10.  I agree.  I'm not quite sure it'll be Janet Yellen, but time will tell.  A revolution is different if your country is surrounded by water.  Very few people died in the English Revolution (is the 20th c. term Marxists assigned to the civil wars in England between 1642-1651; it is not a reference to the Glorious Revolution of 1688), like 4%.  But if you were in Ireland, 60% of the people died during the English Revolution.  At the same time, what they call the Thirty Years War, 1618-1648, a war within the Holy Roman Empire, which is really a continuation of an 80-year war across Europe, 40-60% of the people died in the 30-year span from 1618 to 1648.  I looked up Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America kind of in that same scheme.  And the situation was very much as it was worldwide as it was in the 1600s.  That's what I think you're going to see a lot of deaths coming out of this revolution.  But the United States, we're surrounded by water, so we have more time, it's not as intense.  Well, we do have people coming across in the border war in the South.  

13:45  Now we're inviting them as opposed to invading them.  We're invading the world and inviting the world at the same time.  This is really interesting.  The precursor to the Revolution was actually the Ron Paul Revolution of 2008 and 2012 which actually set the stage for populists on the Left and the Right, Bernie and Trump to take center stage in 2016.  What would you use as the historical precedence for the model that you've overlaid on the United States?  When you talk about Strauss and Howe about the 4th Turning, they have their historical precedents for the previous "turning," as just an example.  So what do we have going on here?  You just brought up the Thirty Years' War as a precedent to the British Revolution.  

14:48  After Phase IV, I think it is, I go through every western revolution from 1600 up through Hitler, and show how within this 4 stage pattern.  Yeah, one of the interesting things that happen early in a revolution, in Stage I, is the big sex scandals.  You had it with Respighi?] . . . in the Russian Revolution.  And you had it with Rasputin.  In our American Revolution, you had it with the sex scandal was in Europe, and that was the Hellfire Club.  in France, you the Marquis de Sade.  In Hitler's Germany, you had Hitler himself with his cousin, who probably died of suicide pregnant with his child.  In American Civil War, you had the grandson, er son, of Francis Scott Key who got his brains blown out by Sickels in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House.  Daniel Webster was found to have two to three out-of-wedlock children.  Senator Harrison from South Carolina was caught up in all kinds of dalliances.  A lot of things . . . the thing about revolutions, because they're bankruptcies, you only have two choices: which is liquidation or reorganization.  Liquidation is killing people; reorganization is reorganizing your government.  And that's the peaceful way, and that's what I've been talking about this for the last dozen years.  the only way we can do this peacefully is that we have to reorganize.  Relatively peacefully.  Yeah, in Chapters 5 and 6, I lay out how that reorganization occurs and what has to be done.  I was actually surprised when I was at some gun shows, Convention of States was just starting out, and they were talking about the same thing.  If you look at their Preamble, it's term limits into centralizing the federal government.  They didn't go into the specifics.  I do.  Because they really don't understand the situation [that well].  

17:28  It's a theme that I've been on for years.  When I built my house back in 2003, I needed a defensible position, friends with post-revolutionary skills, and the whole 9 yards.  And I thought, 2008, Lehman Brothers, the balloon was going up then.  Now what really happened then was the beginning of bankruptcy.  The global monetary system broke in 2008.  They patched it together for 13, 14 years since then.  We've had coordinated central bank policy, now that's nearing its end with the Fed declaring independence and Russia declaring independence from the global financial system. That's what's clearly happening now, and traditional commercial banking interests here in the United States are saying, "No, that's enough.  You've gone too far."  And the Russians are saying "We need a commodity-backed standard and get rid of the colonial impulses of Europe, and so my question to you is, and this is where it's interesting, and I think that you and I see all of this similarly and glad to see you go into details about all of this, now I am interested in this and need to get a copy of your book and learn history that I didn't know much about.  My theory of Davos is that we're being pushed into a civil war, now, during Stage III by a group of people that sees the opportunity to grab their colonies and power back and they;re making the big move for the boob on prom night, and it's an agenda that they always wanted to implement by 2030, or say, 2050, but they had to pull it forward by 10 years because of the revolutionary spirit within the United States and other places, Brexit, Hungary, Italy, that the populism against their rule, transnational, oligarchic rule is rising too rapidly for which they have to put the kibosh on.  And though we are surrounded by water and have a little more time, we have globalist, internationalist powers actively subverting and destroying from within and have been for years as far as I'm concerned. 

19:55. It's the English system versus the American system.  It's the American Constitution versus the French Constitution.  I trace it back to the Venetians in 1204.  They took over Constantinople.  They took over England.  They all moved with their money into England in the 1500s, and they established themselves.  And you see the same names.  You see names from the old Crusader days still showing up in positions of power and government today.  There's a lot of continuity there.  Money has continuity.  And obviously the same families, and I know it sounds conspiratorial, but I'm supposed to be one of America's biggest conspiracy heros according to Media Matters

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


From Moms Across America

Up to $175 million is slated for urban agriculture, $400 million to create regional food business centers to support access to local food, $60 million for the Farm-to-School program, $155 million to reduce food deserts, and even $50 million for senior centers to have greater access to local farmers market produce.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Who is the ghoul, you ask?  Professor Dennis Meadows. Note the universities where he's taught.  He's not just one of these woke professors, no, he's one of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum's lieutenants.

Wow. These World Economic Forum fetid f'cks, aka, eugenicists, depopulation a'holes are not happy until you comply with their wishes by offing yourself . . . for the greater good, of course.  It's a remarkable and monstrous exploitation of religious eschatology or end times, where they seduce you into adopting the identity of your God, the aloof but personal holy spirit, the forgiving and compassionate Lord, the suffering and sacrificial lamb who died on the cross until you are transposed and become one with God, a holy being worthy of God's love to qualify for a chosen seat at His right hand.  That is what the elites want from you, that's what their propaganda campaign across 2020 and 2021 called up in you.  It's what Jim Jones did to his people, the People's Temple, a religious movement of the 1970s, who called his people to a mass suicide pact in Guyana.  The parallels are unmistakable.  Except this time, it's not led by Jim Jones, it's led by Anthony Fauci.  And it's not the People's Temple, but a secular temple called the American body politic.  It's Anthony Fauci who has called people to drink the Kool-Aid, and when there's a rustling of resistance to it, Fauci threatens more lockdowns, doubles down with the Kool-Aid injections, calling them boosters.  It's the same thing.  Same dynamic.  Similar hierarchy.  First, Jim Jones got his members to agree that they shared the same enemy: a hostile, racist society.  For Fauci, the enemy were asymptomatic carriers of a "deadly" disease.  This construct set up the fear of an unknowable but ubiquitous threat that killed the American mind more than it did any people.  Then Jones presented the solution: paradise outside of the United States, in the lush jungles of exotic Guyana. Fauci, too, presented his solution: an untested, emergency authorized vaccine that promised unheard of protection, protection so good that he had to force it on you by proxy through your employer.  For those who took the jab, it was 1978 all over again.  Just as Jim Jones exploited his People's Temple with an exclusive paradise in the jungles of South America, Fauci offered his people a rare chance at exclusive protections that if you didn't understand the science of the mRNA, you at least understood the ethics, and mindfulness, of Catholic social teaching with slogans like, "We're all in this together" and "Wear a mask to protect others, and ask your neighbor to wear one to protect you," and "Your mask protects me, and my mask protects you."  And to serve the greater good, the virtuous became Fauci's footmen.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Aphasia is Prion disease.

Well, it couldn't be helped.  People are stupid.  They take their life into their own hands, thinking that what they do does not effect others.  They think that because they are isolated, and being isolated tend to rely on their own counsel which is born of arrogance, that their decision is infused with a certain amount of horrifically errant convictions.  But they don't know that either because people don't talk to each other.  Some folks took the shot because their work mandated it.  Their work didn't strap them down in a chair and shove a needle into their arm, no.  Instead, their company used the mandates to threaten them. In the context of that threat, these individuals began to rationalize and diminish the threats associated with the vaccine against the threat of losing their job, having to find another without missing a beat on payments. So it was a balance of risks.  And the idiots opted for the poison that they've learned since is a deadly, crippling poison, one that sheds among families because the spike proteins have a natural attraction to a genetic match. Do you think the vaxx'd know this?  Don't make me laugh.  But how could they do that?  How could theyslowly rationalize side effects they had no knowledge of except for the handful of folks they'd seen on TV whose nervous system was so blown out that the victims on film either couldn't walk, couldn't stand, and couldn't talk.  Those who got the shots are high-risk takers and deem themselves invulnerable as if no severe health disaster could happen to them.  

It's true, the government deceives its citizens.  This is not new.  Government lying to it's citizens is as old as the hills.  Like I said above, the height of arrogance.  In their defense, many will claim, "Well, I didn't know what was in the vaccine! How could I know what the effects would be?" Yet they still took the shot.  And now they find themselves tooken.  Generally speaking, when confronted with limited knowledge [which is everybody all the time], the individual must pause, he must balk at any demand, any and every group pressure, stop and think.  You wait until you get more information to make a better decision.  Never accept blindly, complicitly, willingly, or cooperatively from any medical agency offering you drugs.  Never.  Know your history.  Please.  It's too late now.  If you got vaxx'd and shared housing with a sibling, you probably were on the receiving end of gifted spike proteins that slowly dissolves the wall of blood vessels throughout many organs.  Think if it as acid dissolving you from the inside out.  It's just a matter of time before you're dead.  

The trouble is the vaxx'd are the defenseless adults in our society, as though they'd been orphaned by sound reasoning, abandoned by their own survival intelligence.  If their company mandates the shot and threatens you with termination unless you get the shot, well there could be no greater or clearer declaration of war than that.  At that point, your "Hey Buddy" supervisor is no longer your work friend, no longer the leader or the good fella who brung you up along in the company, and if you can't realize that then you're a genuine intelligence risk to your real family and friends and personal network or cartel.  From an ethical standpoint, you are radioactive and should be ostracized and cast out to make a go at life o your own wiles.  You're literally not fit for survival or anyone else's.  Your employer should now be considered your  mortal enemy.  But do you think that the vaxx'd, the defenseless vaxx'd, think this way?  Hardly.  No, they want to show their employer that they're a company man, that they are a partner to a replaceable supervisor over the well-being of their family members. This is an abomination. You see, it's all about their ego because they're remarkably vulnerable.  For the workers who were "coerced," knowing that you were being coerced, could you not recognize that you HAD TO FIGHT YOUR EMPLOYER, and not comply with their remarkably evil command?  You couldn't go online and find a sample exemption letter?  You

And then we've got folks who took the vaccine so that they could get back to normal so the government says.  Do they know that the government lies?  If you've worked in government agencies, you must surely know that governments not only lie but they kill . . . masses of people.  So, again, the vaxx'd thought they were cutting some special deal with government, some special privilege they were negotiating: I'll take shot, and you'll let me fly to Paris. Do you know who you're dealing with?  To quote Gerry Conlon, "It's the government, Gareth.  It's the government."  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

"It’s a synthetic virus they just injected from the three deadliest plan-demics of our lifetime—XMRV, HIV, and SAR-CoV-2"

95% Effective in Trials.  Trials?  What trials?  These vaccines when tested on animals, something like 50% of the animals got sick and died.  So when they say 95% effective, effective at what?  Killing people?  

by the Lancet peer-review study on vaccine effectiveness.   

Moderna: 94.5% effective in vaccine efficiency.  Relative risk reduction, RRR put the Absolute Effectiveness at 1.2%

Pfizer:  95% effective in vaccine efficiency.  Relative risk reduction, RRR put the Absolute effectiveness at 1.2%

J & J: 68.7% effective in vaccine efficiency.  Relative risk reduction, RRR put the Absolute effectiveness at 0.8%.  No Serious Side Effects.  Define serious.  This means that 99% are just as likely to get COVID.


1.  By getting a vaccine, how would you be helping other people? 

2.  If you have natural immunity, as 50% of the population does, why would you still be required to get the vaccine? 

3.  And if the vaccine doesn't stop the spread, why would you need a vaccine passport? 

Once you apply a moment of critical thinking, you'll that anyone advocating the vaccines is uninformed, irrational, or has an ulterior motive for promoting these vaccine programs. 

Pfizer NNV's, Number Needed to Vaccinate, was 117.  117 NNV to prevent one COVID case, not a COVID death, since the median survival rate is 99.86%.  That means 999 cases out of 1,000 SURVIVE.  So you would need to prevent 1,000 cases to prevent 1 death.  That means you would need to vaccine 117,000 people to save 1 life.  

NNV: 117

SURVIVAL: 999: 1,000

117 x 1,000 = 117,000

By the first half of 2021, about 134 million people had been vaccinated.  So far, 10,355 people have died in the first 6 months in the U.S. alone from COVID vaccines.  That means that 56 people a day are dying immediately after receiving the vaccine.  Due to the underreporting at VAERS, that number is actually significantly higher, officials and CDC whistleblowers estimate the number to be at 51,800.  

But continuing with the officially released numbers, 10,355:

134,000,000 vaccinated divided by 10,355 = 12,940.  This means that COVID vaccines kill, at a minimum, 1 out of every 12,940 people vaccinated.  So if you vaccinate 117,000 people to save 1 life [117,000 divided by 12,940] that would result in 9.04 deaths from the vaccine.  That means that you're 904% more likely to die of the COVID vaccine than for it to save your life.  That's bad enough with the official, deflated numbers.  With the more likely estimate of 51,800 deaths, that means that you are 4,520% more likely to die from the COVID vaccine than to be saved by it.  And the likelihood of being debilitated by a life-threatening disease is even greater.  

PFIZER SCIENTIST: COVID antibodies are better than Pfizer vaccination.  

"Taught and bred to think the vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.  You cannot, like talk about this . . . it's not in public.  If you have antibodies built up . . . like you should be able to approve that you have those built up.  

VERITAS: So I'm well-protected [for having recovered from COVID]?  Like as much as the vaccine?  

PFIZER SCIENTIST: Probably more.  You're protected more likely longer since there was a natural response.  I still feel like I work for an evil corporation.  Our organization is basically run on COVID money now." 

And to think that the Pfizer scientist is actually guarded with his remarks.  Whoa.  

Christiane Northrup.  You can find her at 3 other sites:  1) MeWe,  2) Telegram, and 3) Rumble.

So there is Luciferase SM102 that can track you.  A friend just reported she had one of those fake vaccine passports and went through the thing at the airport for an international flight.  What they said to her was, "We know you didn't have the vaccine.  Do you know why?  Because they got stuff in there to track you."  Also, I just learned from Dr. Ryan Cole that in order to get the mRNA into your cells, they needed to change something in your immune system that it would no longer recognize the fake mRNA, the synthetic mRNA, as an invader.  So there's a thing called Toll-like Receptors, [which are responsible for keeping cancer in check].  They changed one nucleotide, one, it then shuts down your innate immunity.  So what we're seeing in medicine is, you get the shot, and you get . . . the shingles come back up.  People who were in remission from cancer are getting cancer. They also contain kidney fetal DNA, optic nerve, or something from the eye of an aborted fetus and something from the lung of an aborted fetus.  Also contains polyethylene glycol.  70% of people are allergic to it, so it creates an anaphylaxis.  It also contains Polysorbate 80, an emulsifier to get things across the blood-brain barrier, that the blood-brain barrier, given to you by God, is supposed to keep out.  They also contain SPIONS, magnetofection, magnetic iron oxide particles that we have discovered in our Five Docs Group--Sherri Tenpenny, Larry PalevskyDr. Carrie Madej, Lee Merritt--we have discovered entire textbooks on magnetofection we didn't even know existed.  This has been in the works for decades.  This vaccine is the final kill shot for humanity.  What is this thing?  It is a murder weapon.  There's also the heavy metals.  [Everybody's favorite Republican, Donald Trump, recommended to his Alabama constituents to take the vaccine.  Apparently, he's no real America First  representative.]  

And don't miss Mikovits' earlier book this year, Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, June 2021.

What's funny is that if you Google "infertility and vaccine" or "vaccine and abortions" that you'll find articles at the very top dismissing those claims as myths or proven false by "fact-checkers."  Yet, here is the foremost authority on vaccines, medicine, and science who just published her second book of the year, co-authored with Francis W. Ruscetti and Kent Heckenlively, explaining to you at the 12:30 mark in this video in no uncertain terms not only that these vaccines produce spontaneous abortions but also render the women sterile.  No wonder Christiane Northup calls it the kill shot. Mikovits refers her audience to Del Bigtree's episode, dated October 7, 2021, the episode where he interviews Deborah Conrad following her September 17, 2021 whistleblowing presentation posted at Dr. Mercola's earlier this month.  

2019 World Vaccine Safety Congress—everybody admitted they weren’t safe.  Action network legal has been filing lawsuits finally got

15:00  Finally got them to admit that HHS hasn’t done a safety study in 30 years.  25% sterilization with Gardasil.   

You’ve got to kill them all now, for the big answer is “Never again get another shot.  Now we have proof of everything.  Proof of their 30, 40 years of crimes of Fauci.  Never again another shot.  There are other immunization strategies that are perfectly viable and actually work because they do not bypass your innate immune system.  And I think Giuseppe that we were on your show years ago and said, “Here, I can make a safe vaccine, and I put it together, put the paperwork together, showed you the slides.  How we used the little cannabinoids, how we modulate the CB2 receptor, just block it, transiently so you get intensified height and breadth antibody responses in the very young, in the very old; it’s a capsule—you actually can present a live virus in it and present it to the immune system, the way it would be presented in nature and yet protect from any damage of the replication of the virus.  So that you’d actually get a natural immune response.  And they don’t want you to know that the injections are over.  Never again is anyone going to get an injection if they knew what they’re presenting in the Reawaken America Tour around the United States with Christiane Northup and others. 

18:00  Giuseppe attributes Judy Mikovits with saving Magic Johnson’s life and so many other AIDS patients’ lives by steering them away from the murderous big pharma solution of deadly injections, deadly chemotherapy, everything that’s going to kill you.  I mean we’re reliving—what’s going on now should be called COV-AIDS because it’s essentially the same game plan by that rodent, Fauci, that he tried 40 years ago.  Wow. 

There’s a natural immune booster—is that in my own medical training, natural oriental medicine, 6,000 years ago, they figured out that when there was an outbreak such as smallpox or measles, what have you, they would take the pustule from an infected child and grind it up and mix it up with different kinds of microbial-fighting herbs, immune boosters, and they’d blow it up the nose of every child.  And that was essentially an inoculation.  It worked great.  So what you’re describing is what real medicine has been doing for thousands of years, even before oriental medicine.  You look at Ayurvedic Medicine, which is 14,000 years old.  

20:00  Is when Giuseppe opens up the discussion of Hydra Vulgaris, citing the recent comments of Dr. Carrie Madej.  

It's really hard to abandon this interview.  Mikovits is replete with valuable, specific information.  

Black field microscopes.  Most disturbing are those toxic chemicals because it shines like metal on water.  But the disturbing tentacle demons, like the Clotho in an HP Lovecraft novel.  The level of evil is unspeakable now. 

Yea, I saw a lot of that Robert O.YoungDr. Betty Martini.  Showed the dark field microscope.  We’ve been doing this all along.  Chronic Lime disease has been the garbage that's been coming through the needles?  Meaning what--that the earlier vaccines have produced chronic lime disease?  Oh, God.  This was just the kill shot to wake up all the dormant pathogens—shingles, same Also contains polyethylene glycol.  70% of people are allergic to it, so it creates anaphylaxis.  Lipid nanoparticles—they’re virus-like particles.  It’s a synthetic virus they just injected from the three deadliest plan-demics of our lifetime—XMRV, HIV, and SARS-CoV-2.  All weaponized in the viral monkey kidney cells and in those aborted fetal cell lines that Dr. Northup was just talking about on that video clip which the PER C6, which is the J & J vaccine gene therapy comes from the eye cells of an aborted fetus.  And it's a cell line that's continuously growing, which by definition is cancer.  And so as she said, we're waking up latent cancers, we're causing cancers, and people that have gone into remission with various targeted therapies are being forced to get the shot or are exposed to transmissibles--these are 30 nanometers; the viruses are 100 nanometers.  These go in every cell, so you really don't need the Polysorbate 80, the detergent to break up the blood-brain barrier because these things are going directly into the brain.  And these are the talks that I've been giving.  It's all God.  

So what we've learned now is NO MORE INJECTIONS.  You will never get lifelong, robust immunity from an injection.  The whole industry comes down to "We go back to natural medicine, and we win."  If we're seeing these horrors that Dr. Madej and everybody else is seeing, yeah, that's what it looks like.  It's literally blood poisoning.  You're injecting . . . you're destroying the ability to carry oxygen.  And all you have to do is apply a little 5G and those machines in the airports are made by Leidos.  Oh, what is Leidos but the contractor that used to be SAIC a military organization that ran defense contracts back in the 80s and 90s that I used to work for.  And that's what's in your airport right now, so yes, they're tracking you.  I won't go through them.  I opt out.  I ask for a body search.  Yeah, people are waking up to what games to play, start asking questions, and hopefully, people will start turning minds and not get the shot.  

25:20  WHAT'S IN THE DEATH JAB THAT'S STIMULATING THESE FAST-GROWING CANCERS?  The XMRV envelope.  The envelope alone, as you know from reading Plague, what did Dr. Ruscetti do--what was our big discovery that had us going away?  XMRV, Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus.  Change 2 amino acids and the cancer-causing virus turns into Parkinson's Disease and ALS and destroys your brain.  That's what Syncytin is: viral fused cells, envelope-fused cells.  Syncytia fused cells, so those are cancers, by definition those are blood clots.  So that envelope alone--look at the slides--the envelope alone was the work of Dr. Gary Owen . . . .  Look at the University of Virginia of Dr. Gary Owens, and it was in our first book, the science one, and all we had to do was realize it was a plague of corruption.  That's why Plague of Corruption read like prophecy because we knew exactly what they were going to do.  [here is a study guide for the book.  Kind of nice.]  And because of the World of Congress, because of the events of October 19 when Bobby Kennedy caught them, when Del Bigtree caught them, when corruption surrounding MMR and blacks discovered by Dr. William Thompson was covered up in 2014, Tony Fauci tried it, he tried to release contagious ebola.  They got caught so they had to hit the kill switch on the Monkey virus that never was in humans, so they put everybody in a mask and they told everybody to run and get a flu shot.  Remember, the flu shot in 1718 killed everyone; that was the Greg Wolff study, so nothing we've said hasn't come true.  The problem is how many million Americans are dupid enough [credit to Ph.D. Dave in Michigan] and we tell all the solutions in the book, and the biggest single solution is walk away--all the institutions from HHS to FDA to CDC to EPA--they're all criminal.  Never get another shot; they're not free, and the flu shot was the problem in the first place because those were loaded with contaminants.  So all they had to do was scare everybody, put everybody in masks, taken away all their freedom and then they could inject those monkey cell lines and aborted fetal tissue at will which is what they're doing now.


His question refers to the Hydra Vulgaris in this YouTube video, titled "Immortal Hydra Vulgaris Dr. Carrie Madej's Startling Microscope Findings & Up," loaded up on October 5, 2021.  YouTube pulled it on Friday, October 22, so I uploaded this Bichute video.

Well, it doesn't have a purpose.  They could be parasitic because of Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella, and Mycoplasma, mold, micro toxins--these are in all the cell lines.  We culture them in the laboratory, we grow them in fermenters, we grow them in antimycotics, antibiotics, antiparasitics, so you keep the parasite down in the cell line, but they're just taking all of that and injecting them into you, so, yes, it can be parasites.  There's a great paper by Professor Gatti [a reference to Dr. Antonietta Gatti], and we used to use it in vaccine court, and what they did was scanning electronic micrographs, and you can literally see red blood cells from another animal.  There's all kinds of garbage in these things [vaccines] and there always have been.  And they do GC-MS, Gas chromatography, Mass Spectrometry in order to sort out the metals.  And some of the metals are so deadly on the needles: it literally pulls the chromium off the needle on a multi-vial flu shot or Prevnar.  Yet again, it's in all of them.  They don't have to put it in this one because it's there. But yes, polyethylene glycol is anti-freeze, a major component of anti-freeze, so that's why they're now calling it COVID Pneumonia because the fevers are 102°.  And if you did a PCR, you could prove it's from the vaccine because all you will detect is the spike protein because the guts of the virus aren't there and they never had to be injected. And monkeys have syncytin too; monkeys have an endogenous virum too.  So we got a dog viral.  We got a cow viral.  We got a pig viral in all of the vaccines.  And the polio was among the deadliest.  And every one of these cell lines has been grown in the lab for 40 years.  The contaminants are beyond imagination.  31:00

31:01 When we were in Florida a couple of months ago, Mike was reading one of the magnet papers that I was showing him right out of the University of Virginia--they know how to make the virus-like particle collapse on itself with a few sequences and express ferritin at the same time and it captures cage on you to capture enough to transmit a signal.  You have enough ferritin in a virus-like particle.  They're called virus-like particles, they know how to make them.  "We've been doing it for," as she said, Dr. Christiane Northup just said, "for decades."  That's what we did in the lab.  And they just now, in the biosafety . . . they just ship them around the world.  [Correct.  Make the origins story as exotic as you can, and you totally disorient a population.]  You don't have to imagine some mystery release from a seafood market.  How stupid do they think we are?  Well, we believed the Cutter Incident.  We believed in HIV [? Don't get that.]  32:00  We believe in one [bomb?] promiscuous flight attendant from Paris.  We did the same thing to black men.  We forced it on athletes.  So when Magic Johnson got sick, no one thought he got it from his mandatory vaccines to play in the NBA.  Everybody assumed he was sleeping with prostitutes, or that he was gay.  This was the kind of culture, or cancel culture, and now we're all bad.  It never was their bad behavior.  This is what Mikki Willis [this interview references James Corbett's COVID episode] brought out in the film Plandemic: Indoctornation, 2020.  

32:30  We were making drugs, we didn't make those drugs, AZT, to use in asymptomatic people at that time.  Just like these vaccines, the person who made the Hepatitis B vaccine absolutely never intended it for a newborn.  So you take good scientists and good science and things that should have been able to cure cancer and you're weaponizing and lying at the very top.  Hey, there's only a few criminals at the top.  Get rid of them.  They're all listed in the movies, they're all listed in the book.  Get rid of John Coffin.  Get rid of Ian Lipkin.  Get rid of Francis Collins, who has recently announced his decision to step down from NIH.  He's only been in there a decade and how many millions has that supposed Christian killed.

33:25 Scorpio: You don't think those spider-like creatures that are in those slides represent some kind of new tech that's just a background result of the so-called vaccine?  And maybe you can comment on these metallic, these strange metallic objects that seem to be multi-colored, and some o them seem to have very sharp edges as well.  

33:50  Oh, I do think it's new tech.  And I do think they put it in there in these particular shots.  But we shouldn't be deceived: they've been in Prevnar; they've been in Gardasil; they've been in some of the newer forms of Hepatitis B vaccines; the first ones were made in human blood in the early 90s.  And that's where you got contamination with the XMRVs and the contaminated blood supply.  I do believe it's new tech and it's published weaponized as . . . we make the protein ferritin.  You express that gene.  So we don't know what gene sequences are in there.  Nobody's been allowed to look.  We know there's graphene oxide and we know there's that one lot of 100 vials that the group in Spain managed to keep.  What you have to do is keep the source.  You have to have control of it the minute it comes off the Pfizer assembly line.  You show their manufacturing line in the vaccine.  And you have to have a chain of . . . you have to hold it where you know that nobody else opened it and showed everything.  You have to have more than 1 vial.  You have to have every lot.  We've been collecting those cards.  Because we know the lots that are making people really sick.  So we're trying to find out what is in the lot numbers, get them down to Mike Adams, get them down to other honest labs, like the Gaudi in Spain.  There's a World Health Congress.  I do believe these new technologies are in there; all I am saying is this isn't the first time.  

35:25  Scorpio: Do you think they're giving a percentage of saline solution to people so that there's a certain percentage of people who say "Oh, I got the shot and nothing happened to me.  I'm fine."  And if so, what do you think that percentage might be?  

Yes, I do.  And I believe there's going to be a high, medium, and low dose.  So I would have to say that it has to be 30%.  and so the 97% graphene oxide in that one lot there will be another . . . what you have to do when you do dose-escalation studies to find the maximum tolerated dose while you're on trial, you have to do high, medium, and low dose.  So I believe that was a low dose because it was only 3% mRNA and the rest of it was graphene oxide.  So you're going to see higher doses, and yes, I believe at least 30% of them.  And they know where the hot lots are.  They know that's going to go to things like . . . you saw the footage of President Trump and other things.  It's not good, and we just don't know right now what's in the lot because we haven't been able to get that kind of independent testing of every lot.  

36:40 Giuseppe.  Let's start at Prologue on page 

One of the most disturbing modern trends in science is the new cottage industry of completely twisting the truth for one's political agenda.  Many of the results in scientific papers cannot be reproduced in the short term mostly because of technical difficulties between the labs.  The use of these facts by politically motivated citizens and scientists alike to deny science they do not like is often misunderstood to discredit paradigm-changing science.  This behavior is not only intellectually dishonest but displays a complete misunderstanding of the scientific process.

I would have thought that she could have written something more compelling, something more damning. 

37:40 Giuseppe.  To me, there are now two separate and unequal functions going on right now.  There is the distinction and there is the __________ minority and the vast majority of corporate science, which is evil, dishonest, parasitic, and malevolent.  

Right, and that was Frank Ruscetti, and he was too kind.  You' notice in the book that it's Frank's perspective, and Judy's perspective.  He believes they're stupid, and I believe they're pure evil.  And he does not believe it's intentional, but that's his perspective.  But to whatever level I could, there were a few chapters toward the end, I said, uh-uh, this is not staying in that book because you could see him trying to write it in a way that was more politically correct because he still has a lot to lose.  He still has a son in the business.  It's a family business so we, he had to be careful and I know now that he wrote it that way expecting me to go off like I did . . . I went off.  And I wrote what I wanted, so he could just do the "Eh, she wrote it."  It's just that we're not free to say things in America.  As you know, I don't care, you can threaten me all you want.  I just trust God.  If I get killed, so be it.  I just take care of my day, and we'll be fine.  I don't have kids, so I don't know where that, I'd never know when that comes in--how to protect your children.  But I would think that Frank Ruscetti would want his son--and I know his son is brilliant--doing honest science.  But it's how it is twisted so the whole industry has to go down.  We re-watched Plandemic last night, the last couple of days for our anniversary--what fun, right?  But it is fun because you look at it.  and you look at how the system is broken with Bidolacs, starting 1980.  And again the universities patenting, a bunch of small-minded people in the insurance industry.  Insurance telling you what drugs you can and can't get for your cancer and spinning the discoveries away from the property, the intellectual property that the taxpayer pays for.  So the whole system has to go down.  The only work that gets published . . . go look at journals, go look at pubmed--there's nothing that's not COVID.  They just literally made it all up and cancel cultured all of science.  Now they can.  They can remove all the papers.  The journals won't publish them.  The taxpayer pays for the publishing and then they call it creditor journals independent journals.  Yeah, the flu was gone.