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Showing posts sorted by date for query DoD. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

as one person told me, "My daughter was worth more dead than alive," and they took her.

These people were going into hospital [and] they had not taken the COVID-19 shot.  This is really important because every single person that sat on that bus or virtual story, I asked them the question, "First of all, did you take the COVID-19 shot?"  No, they did not.  And it was becoming increasingly clear that the "unvaccinated," as they're called, were being targeted and they were being killed.  And the people speaking to me used the word "murder."  It seems to me like you came into a hospital, and the first question they asked was, "Did you take the shot?"  And if they said yes, they did take a shot, they went and got different treatments.  The ones who did not take the shot, the "unvaccinated," went straight into [a protocol of] Remdesivir, ventilation, fentanyl, a cocktail of drugs, and killed on those ventilators over and over again.

00:47. Okay that's a very strong accusation but let me add to it.  I've interviewed other guests, lawyers, who have pointed out that the hospitals were financially incentivized to produce COVID-19-related deaths because some of them received, in California, as much as $500,000 per death if someone was diagnosed with coded beforehand.  Do you think that that kind of financial incentive played a role in this flow chart that you're describing right now?

01:15. 100%.  We have coded and whistleblowers, people working inside the hospital, telling us that they were just jabbing people for this COVID-19 test, and they would keep going over and over again till they got a positive.  And the minute they got a positive, tick that box.  That's some money.  On to the next thing, Remdesivir, big tick for that.  And they were showing us on the death medical records how much they were getting paid for every single drug and cocktail and equipment that was used on them.  And it was half a million dollars plus per person.  Big money.  And as one person told me, "My daughter was worth more dead than alive," and they took her.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR: At this point the DOD is the DMV (department of military vehicles) They are great at moving hardware and Personnel around but not at much else.

Houthis fired a hypersonic missile into the Centre of Tel Aviv yesterday - evading Saudi and Israeli AD (obviously).

The missile covered 1,300 Miles in less than 12 min. These are ground/air-based hypersonics - approaching Mach 9. There is no defense against this attack - none. Then, the Russians reportedly also have space based MIRV multiple independent reentry rocket payload mounted on hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV) hitting speeds of Mach 25. (Avangard Platform) Meanwhile, President wants to waste more money on the old force structure when we should scrap much of it and begin fielding a new force. At this point the DOD is the DMV (department of military vehicles) They are great at moving hardware and Personnel around but not at much else. They remain stuck in the WW2/Cold War paradigm. It’s time to retrench and build for the future. Ending the conflicts in Ukraine and the ME is vital for the US and our friends.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTINE FITTS: When the [WEF] says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they're serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets. The second thing you do is...take all the kids... Why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family

When the [WEF] says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they're serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets. The second thing you do is...take all the kids... Why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family?" Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Ryan Cristián () how "Mr. Global" (Fitts' term that she's used elsewhere) wants to take everyone's assets, as well as their children. "When the [WEF] says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they're serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets," Fitts says. She adds, "the second thing you do is...take all the kids...[because] why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family?" Furthermore, Fitts says that she's "been squabble-dogging with RFK [Jr.] about Gaza from the beginning...[because] if you will give them [Mr. Global] a get-out-of-jail-free card on the on the genocide of children, then you will give them a get-out-of-jail-free card on the US Treasury, the $21 trillion [stolen by the DOD and HUD], 9/11, [etc.]" "If you look at the syndicate that is controlling policy in Gaza, that syndicate has a very strong overlay with the syndicate that is pushing for financial transaction control," Fitts adds. Partial transcription of clip: "We're talking about a slavery system. I mean, we're talking about the end of the republic, the end of any kind of democratic process, and the end of any human rights. And when the World Economic Forum says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they are serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets. The second thing you do is you're gonna take all the kids...Why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family? "Any any group of people who have sovereign immunity or the power to operate outside the law or above the law I mean... I've been squabble-dogging with RFK about Gaza from the beginning. And my attitude is if you will give them a get out of jail free card on on the on the genocide of children, then you will give them a get out of jail free card on the US Treasury, the $21 trillion, 9/11...You name it. And and anything goes. If they if somebody has a get out of jail free card who feels free to genocide children in mass, what do you think they're gonna do in the United States when they have, you know, when they have swarms of autonomous drones and autonomous weapons? I mean, what do you think is gonna happen? "Someone who will take if you look at the syndicate that is controlling policy in Gaza, that syndicate has a very strong overlay with the syndicate that is pushing for financial transaction control... I think one of the reasons they need the land, they need the water, and they need the oil and gas is AI and financial transaction control is phenomenally energy demanding. It uses a lot the data centers use a lot of water. It needs a lot of energy, you know, and you need space not only for the operations, but the people. And I think now that the sort of 15 minute city is prototype is over. They don't need the Palestinians for that anymore. You know? Now they need the land. They need the water. They need the oil and gas, and the Egyptians won't take the people. So that's where we are. Yeah. And and so the people who are doing this are the people who are implementing financial transaction control against you. And if you if you give them a get out of jail free card on this, what in the world do you think they're gonna do to you?"

Complete interview with Catherine Austin Fitts

Monday, August 19, 2024

LATYPOVA: Three days after the DOD/USAMRDC announced that they began growing the stock of “covid virus”, the CDC captured 3000+ people from two cruise ships, Diamond Princess (arriving internationally) and Grand Princess (domestic travel, the ship never left CA)

Note that Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. Since the renaming of the biological weapons program into “infectious disease research”, it has hosted most elements of the United States biological defense program

During the presser on March 5, 2020, Col Wendy Sammonds-Jackson [director, of USAMRDC's Military Infectious Diseases Research Program, 2018-2020] announced that “we (the DOD/USAMRDC) have received the pathogen (SARS-Cov2) and we are growing it”:

Find the VIDEO after a few paragraphs.

She’s got THE SAMPLE! Yippee! We are off to the races. The DOD team stated that the alleged sample of the pathogen came from to 1 (one!) US patient from Washington state. Even if that really happened, a sample of one is absolutely meaningless for anything - diagnostic, treatment or vaccine development. I believe that 1 “sample” was only necessary to check the exemption box that allows to classify the activities that followed as “defense, infectious disease research”, rather than making of the internationally prohibited bioweapons. The production of these prohibited substances was necessary for seeding the subsequent “pandemic” and the deadly OWS EUA Countermeasures theatrics that it enabled. Prior to March 5, 2020, there had been no “COVID” disease in the US. CDC claims there were about 200 “cases” by that time, although nobody except the CDC could have tested or verified anything. Immediately after Col Wendy Sammonds-Jackson started making stocks of it (whatever “it” was) at Ft. Detrick, the “pandemic” materialized in the US:
Three days after the DOD/USAMRDC announced that they began growing the stock of “covid virus”, the CDC captured 3000+ people from two cruise ships, Diamond Princess (arriving internationally) and Grand Princess (domestic travel, the ship never left CA). The detainees were lied to, sold a sci-fi script about an asymptomatic deadly disease, and, for good measure, threatened with prosecution, and placed into a military prison (quarantine camps) at several US Air Force bases around the country with no means to appeal other than to the same people who imprisoned them, the CDC.

A quarantine order requires a sign-off by a medical doctor. The original order for all passengers on the Grand Princess was issued by Nicole Cohen, MD, on March 8, 2020.
There are several almost identical orders and re-issues in this package. They were signed by the following individuals:

All of these doctors are employed by the CDC. The justification provided by Dr. Cohen boils down to the following statements.

She issues a “professional judgment” (she is the sole judge and jury here) that the detainees are in the “qualifying stages of COVID-19”:

She says that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is defined by executive orders 13295 (2003 Bush)13375 (2005 Bush) and 13674 (2014 Obama):

Note that an executive order is a directive issued by the President of the United States that manages the operations of the federal government. It is a written and published instruction that has the force of law, typically based on existing statutory powers. Executive orders do not require Congressional approval or legislative action to take effect, and Congress cannot overturn them. Executive orders have the authority of law, binding on executive branch agencies and employees.

I am not offering any legal advice here, just pointing out that this is a circle jerk of federal government that issues directives to itself that are only “law” to itself. In this case, the federal government decided that it needed to hunt and imprison anyone with signs of seasonal cold or flu, or anyone they think MIGHT one day have signs of seasonal cold or flu. That’s called “qualifying stages of Disease X”. Whatever disease they want to claim. By these EOs, the executive branch has authorized anyone to be put in military detention on their say-so. There is no need for actual illness to be demonstrated at all. Nice that they carved out influenza separately. No test has ever been clinically validated to differentiate influenza from COVID.

Also note that the endless internet fights about “virus no isolated” are irrelevant to how the HHS announces pandemics or how CDC issues quarantine orders. No virus needs to exist at all! The pandemic illness is defined by a presidential executive order as basically fever and cough that in the sole opinion of one CDC employee can potentially be world-ending. As long as they think that and assert it in writing, no other proof is necessary. Thus, filing a thousand FOIA requests asking CDC for proof of virus is a waste of time and a distraction from what is going on in reality.

Please read Katherine Watt’s detailed historical analysis of the relevant law, going back to the 18th century:

For example, here is an act from the 51st Congress, 1890 (way before substantial body of virology was developed and way before computerized fakery such as PCR was introduced). They simply state that whenever the President thinks that cholera, smallpox, or plague exists… then the Sec of the TREASURY can make whatever rules and regulations he likes.

Incidentally, fake pandemics are still the tools of the central bankers. Listen to the clip of Catherine Austin Fitts here. Transcript and clip by Sense Receptor News:

"Bird flu has nothing to do with health. It's a tool of the central bankers...when you're printing monetary inflation you need a way to create deflation on demand."  Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report) Catherine Austin Fitts describes

At the time of the Grand Princess quarantine orders, in March 2020, the CDC (that had merged with the DOD via “the whole of government approach”) was the sole possessor of the “test” to determine if someone has “SARS-cov-2”. Therefore, they had the magic wand to wave around the quarantine ships, and, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe," into the military prison you go!

They further state that between January 2020 and March 2020, there has been sufficient “scientific” evidence collected showing that COVID-19 is SARS by the definitions of the cited EOs:

But of course! “Fever and signs of respiratory illness” is all that was needed, and the rest could be just asserted.

Next, they cite that by March 7, 2020, 200 “cases” (by CDC’s secret magic PCR wand that nobody else could scientifically check, validate, or verify) were found in the US (out of 300M+ population):

And because they found 20 “cases” on board the ship, everyone on the ship was now tagged “pre-communicable stage of COVID-19”:

The quarantine orders are basically an arrest without due process based on an imaginary cause.  In several countries, including Canada, the EU, Australia, and New Zealand, military and police-enforced quarantine was already used in 2020. The Blob is planning the next phase of global terrorism. Under a fake/PHEIC public health emergency declaration - they can round up people into indefinite detention, like they did with the cruise passengers, or shut down any city/town/community this way. 

I am publishing this material because you will not find this information in any mainstream media. Most of the “freedom community leaders” ignore this, too. Having this information and sharing with your friends and family will prepare you to face the government goons who might try to bluff their way into detaining you. Traveling and crossing international borders, especially by cruise ships, puts you in a vulnerable position. Knowledge is power.

To help you think through this matter and prepare, here is a discussion that Katherine, I, and one of our readers:

For example:

"Courts have held, however, that not all types of searches and seizures necessarily require probable cause and a warrant.

Searches and seizures conducted with the consent of an authorized person and those searches and seizures that are conducted to avert an imminent threat to health or safety do not run afoul of the Fourth Amendment even when conducted without probable cause and a warrant."

It's meant to look like a form of probable cause, warrant, due process, and judicial review, without being substantive, but instead being fake, like everything else.

After being taken into detention, a detainee can file a habeas corpus petition for judicial review under 28 USC 2241, like any other criminal, [except they haven’t been charged with a crime, but are detained for “non-law enforcement” reasons], and can also request an administrative hearing, not for constitutional or due process issues, only for medical and scientific issues. 

Katherine’s post:

On habeas corpus, probable cause, warrants, detention, and extrajudicial state killing under declared public health emergencies. by Katherine Watt

Read on Substack

From my own very simple perspective (informed by the history of totalitarianism), I can state with certainty that following the “health” commissars to the secondary crime scene (detention center) is a bad idea no matter what law you think applies. In theory, there may exist some remnants of the constitutional procedure for you to theoretically appeal your undue imprisonment. But once you are locked up by the Red Guards, do you think that the judges that have sided with the Red Guards to date will look at your case fairly and apply the Constitution? I personally would not test this theory.

Please subscribe, comment, and if you would like to support [Sasha's work], become a paid subscriber.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

5:55  When I started working with Richard Hirschman in the fall of 2021, as I've told you prior but I want everybody to understand the background.  Richard Hirschman came to my attention through DoD whistleblower, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Teresa Long.  She's one of the three DoD whistleblowers along with Dr. P Chambers, Dr. Sam Sigoloff, Mark Mashaw, and others but they were the primary face of exposing the DMED, the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, and this was a version of VAERS but inside the military.  The reason the numbers were so startling is that, unlike VEARS, only military physicians could put data into that database.  So it wasn't stuff that you could write off from the general public who may not have known what they were filing.  The numbers were a 100% increase, a 1000% in some cases, in heart attacks, strokes, and neurological disorders all up in 2021 from the years previous, and it was paralleling what we were seeing in VAERS.  So this is how she came to my attention.  

I met with Hirschman in October 2021.  I didn't break the worldwide story until January 2022, and I did that when I was still connected with Stew Peters on his Rumble channel.  I'd since left.  But it took several months of working with Mr. Hirschman to go over what he had

8:25. Hundreds and hundreds of pictures and examples in one of those interviews kind of late in the game I was taking a lot of heat from trolls in the feds fact checkers USA Today and the Atlantic and everybody was trying to discredit me there was one interview where Hirschman and by the way I'll say it publicly now I disengaged from him I was a little angry with him not because he wasn't giving me credit or mentioning me.  I could care less.  I know what I did.  I know the work I did.  He at some point early on split.  He understood that he could become famous or make money, whatever it was if he went with Stew Peters and Died Suddenly, which also got him into a cabal circle with Dr. Ryan Cole, who's always been trying to discredit these clots as sugar and amyloid false things based on no studies.  He wanted to run with the big boys he ran with Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, all those guys, plus Stew Peters and Kirsch, and then Died Suddenly came out.  And, of course, it was a disaster in my opinion, it was filled with misleading videos.  They were showing in pre-COVID-19 showing people dropping over on the basketball court.  I came to learn, thank God for unanswered prayers because I was very hurt.  I had the majority of the information and it was my story, but I thank God for unanswered prayers because it was criticized, rightfully so, for having wrong information, missing information, and false information, like the guy falling over on the basketball court, that many people eventually figured out was from way before COVID-19.  In that interview, Hirschman says to me,
Dr. Jane, I got to tell you.  I asked my wife to tell me if I'm crazy or something, but when I went back to the refrigerator,"
He was keeping samples in baggies, different types of samples, he was dating them, I encouraged him to do that.
As I go back every couple of days, they're getting bigger.
So I said whoa, wait a minute.  When you say they're getting bigger, are we talking about doubling in size?  Are we talking about over hours or days or what?  So he started qualifying it for me, and he said,
Some of them are two to three times bigger. 

And it was over a couple of weeks.  I'd have to go and find that interview.  It was just a moment in time.  If we hadn't gotten estranged from each other from the rift that was created by Kirsch and Cole and Peters, we probably would have done more work and good work together that's just my opinion now along comes to study  

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

DR. ANA MARIA MIHALCEA: Nanotechnologies in Insulin and Dental Aesthetics [crowns, fillings, etc.]

Throughout the year from January to December, we're all treated to new threats from a virus, either a "new virus" or an old one.  This is 100% distraction.  Well, a distraction from what?  Distraction from standard treatments that we all take for granted.  The problem now is that the Defense Department is somehow mandating nanotechnologies in anything.  How could you, why would you accept any medical procedure from the healthcare system?   

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea () describes for Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson () how she—as well as other doctors and researchers—has found "self-assembling nanotechnology" in dental anesthetics, insulin, and people's blood. 

Mihalcea, an internist with a PhD in pathology, notes that there is a concerted effort to deploy nanotechnology on the population via the healthcare system, highlighting one particular document produced by the U.S. Army, dubbed "Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD." The document notes that "One can...assume that aspects of cyborg capabilities will be enabled through the use of genetic engineering, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, or any number of emerging technologies."  
Furthermore, Mihalcea notes that this plan to merge humans with nanotechnology stems from the idea of transhumanism, which, she says, stems from eugenics.  

00:00.  So I have been sent by Dr. Lundstrom many different dental anesthetics, all of them were contaminated.  And I want to stress that I was not the only one who found this.  Dr. David Nixon in Australia confirmed the findings.  Matt Taylor, the engineer, he's in Ecuador; he also found literally self-assembling microchips that we've filmed from the dental anesthetics.  In Illinois, Dr. Lambert did the same study.  In Poland, Dr. Vodkowiak also found graphene and the same self-assembling nanotechnology.  So what we . . . from what we can see even La Quinta Columna in Spain found the same stuff in the dental anesthetics.  And so far, we haven't found one that doesn't have it.

00:50. You also said insulin so are they just putting this and everything they can?

00:59. Yes so it's been shown from my research for example that there is Middle military documents one is called Cyborg Soldier 2050 that discuss that the healthcare system will be used to make cyborg technology or transhumanist technology the idea of fusing organic humans with technology basically publicly acceptable through the Healthcare System and it turns out that the lipid nanoparticles that were used with the Moderna and the COVID injections that there was in the patent section that discussed stealth nanoparticles.  One, they were self-assembling.  Two, they were the same components of polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene, and polyamides, polyurethane,  even polystyrene which is styrofoam.  They even have in there polymer acrylate which is Super Glue and the problem is is that for example Clifford Carnicum and I we analyze the clots of deceased vaccinated individuals of living vaccine-injured individuals as well I'm vaccinated as unvaccinated individuals who were exposed to shedding and the same chemicals showed up.  So exactly this is the cyborg Soldier 2050 and the military has been planning this human augmentation for a long time this is an ideology that comes from technocracy is born from eugenics it comes from the Nazis and these are transhumanist technocrats they call themselves futurists, for example, Ray Kurtzweil, the Google engineer who wrote The Singularity is near in 2005, discusses that by 2030 you know we will have metal robots floating around in our blood and that they will basically augment us to fuse with artificial intelligence and if you go to slide #8 of my presentation, I'm going to show you the largest micro robot that I filmed to date in unvaccinated blood and what that looks like. 

03:30  I'm sorry go to slide #10.  

04:02. The blinking light in the middle of the screen is actually a microrobot.

04:13.  In the next slide you will see a nanorobotic swarm so all of these blinking lights nothing in the human body is supposed to emit light or blinking and you see that the blood is in severe distress.  It is literally being eaten up by these microrobots and you see that they're emitting green orange and yellow light in the upper right corner you see what's called the "construction zone" so literally I have filmed how microchips are being developed there, and this is what I'm seeing now and everyone's blood but I also film this like I said in medications like insulin.  

05:15. Is this what you're talking about what you see here this is 4,000 times magnification and you see blood and these are the moving Nano robots and you see how they are in emitting blue light and orange light and they're moving so this is absolutely the same Nana robots that are so small that they can fuse with our cell.  In that role they are also used as biosensors is called bi-directional telemetry so not only do these robots send our information are physiologic information to the cloud but then they are building what's called a digital twin of us that is artificial intelligence controlled, and they can also send information to us.  So all of this is happening without you knowing anything you don't know that this stuff is in your system except that people have been more fatigued and there's something called long COVIDwhich I have found that all that long-COVID is is infection with nanotechnology and we have found that this stuff hijacks our own life force.  And the electro-connectivity of the blood is decreased by up to 47%.  So what I do is clean people's blood through the molecules, the antidotes that are in the Moderna patent, through EDTA, which I happen to be a certified chelation practitioner. . . [resume @ the 20:48 mark in the full video below.]  EDTA pulls out metals.  

Full video: 

Monday, August 5, 2024

DR. JANCI LINDSAY: I believe that this is a global military operation executed by the 194 countries that signed on to the population accords in Cairo, back in [1994]

The 1994 Population Accords in Cairo was sponsored by the UN and called the International Conference on Population and Development, September 5-13, 1994.  

 "I believe that this is a global military operation executed by the 194 countries that signed on to the population accords in Cairo, back in the '90s. This is their way to not only control the population, but also make a profit along the way."

Toxicologist and molecular biologist Janci Lindsay (@JanciToxDoc) describes for WorldviewTube (@WorldviewTube) how she believes that the COVID-injection campaign is a "global military operation" that is being "executed by the 194 countries that signed on to the population accords in Cairo in the '90s." For reference, Lindsay is referring to the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, Egypt in 1994, which studied efforts to slow population growth. Interestingly, Lindsay notes that "the COVID gene therapies had indications on the boxes that this one was meant for this country, and this one was meant for this country," meaning different countries received differently labeled batches of injections. The toxicologist notes this is why "a couple of the African leaders rejected the COVID gene therapies initially." Lindsay goes on to say: "I do believe that this is a [Department of Defense] operation in our country and in other respective countries because we've seen similar responses back from all of the federal agencies. It's like they're all reading from the same script [and have] a Lockstep-type approach—if any of you are familiar with the Rockefeller Institute's Lockstep protocol." Partial transcription of clip: "I believe that this is a global military operation executed by the 194 countries that signed on to the population accords in Cairo, back in [1994]. This is their way to not only control the population but also make a profit along the way. "In certain countries, something that was noted early on is that the vaccines or the gene therapies, the COVID gene therapies, had indications on the boxes, that this one was meant for this country, and this one was meant for this country. That's one of the reasons that a couple of the African leaders rejected the COVID gene therapies initially because they said, 'Why should my country's box be any different than another country's box?' It was looking as if there was some kind of selective distribution of of search shots. "And certainly the work of Sasha Latapova and others has shown batch variation between the different batches. we have the contamination with plasmids. You guys know about that. These shots are contaminated with DNA plasmids, thousands of times above the level that should be there. I do believe that this is a DOD operation in our country and in other respective countries because we've seen similar responses back from all of the federal agencies. It's like they're all reading from the same script, you know, a lockstep type approach—if any of you are familiar with the Rockefeller Institute's Lockstep protocol."

Full video:

Saturday, August 3, 2024

LATYPOVA: [The DoD] bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts . . . In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for [vaccines] (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment.

from Sasha Latypova,

The contract with an unnamed large US company is running until the end of 2030. The company and the type of manufacturing involved are undisclosed due to “business confidentiality.” This is interesting.

Some basic deductive reasoning leads me to believe this “US pharma company” is the US Government entity National Resilience. Previous reporting on Resilience:  

There aren’t that many US-based large pharmas with massive biologics manufacturing needs. In fact, the ONLY area of biologics that currently justifies the $1B scale is vaccines, and not because of the real demand, but because the governments are pumping money into them. Everything else in biologics is produced in much smaller volumes. The government’s obsession with poisoning as many people as quickly as possible to achieve Agenda 2030 fits both the contract end date and scale.

You may argue, but this is likely to be Pfizer or Merck or some other large US pharma outsourcing to Samsung. However, those have been disclosed. They are not secret. Samsung has deals with Baxter, Eli Lilly, Merck, Pfizer (also $1B), Moderna, Bristol Myers Squibb and GSK. Who would need the name and the purpose of the “biomanufacturing” kept secret? And who has THIS much money to throw around in the sector that has experienced an overall steep decline pre-covid with most patents expiring?


Interestingly, BARDA’s COVID-19 cash infusion, redistributing newly printed dollars to makers of the countermeasures via DOD contracts amounted to about $50 billion in the first 12-18 months and likely reached $70-100 billion by now. In other words, they bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts, because world-ending emergency… In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for them (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment. This spending by now accounts for roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire US pharma industry R&D. In 2020 they were desperately plugging the hole in the pharmaceutical industry, juicing the capital gains which had evaporated prior to 2020. It worked for a short time, but created no real industry growth:

Finish this brief but insight read on how the DoD is funding and building biologics or bioweapons labs around the world to bail themselves out.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

LATYPOVA: These people [AmplifyBio, JD Vance's company] are cruel to the point of insanity, and there is no scientific reason to do it this way

"It appears to me that the defense department is working on bioweapons...and J.D. Vance is front and center in one of the central labs that did the study."

"Battelle is a parent company for AmplifyBio, which is J.D. Vance's company...[and] it appears they're getting huge contracts, especially from the defense department, including DARPA..."
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Basil Valentine on TNT Radio () how Batelle—a parent company of AmplifyBio, which is partially owned by J.D. Vance's Cincinnati-based venture capital fund, Narya Capital, along with Batelle—is "getting huge contracts" from the Department of Defense (DOD), including, specifically, DARPA, BARDA, and DITRA.

"Battelle is a parent company for AmplifyBio, which is J.D. Vance's company, and they give them grants or funnel these grants from biodefense to work on [what is called 'biodefense,' but is really] bioweapons development," Latypova says.

Latypova notes that AmplifyBio has performed "horrific experimentation on animals," including the injection of a virus-and-vaccine combination containing both Ebola genes and Nipah virus genes. She adds, "They're telling us this is some sort of standard science that they need to do to study vaccines—it's not. And I'm looking more closely into this paper. It appears to me that the defense department is working on bioweapons." 

Partial transcription of clip: 
"I became interested in [Vance's] company, AmplifyBio, which seems to be a service provider to the pharmaceutical industry, which I worked in myself. So this is very familiar to me. And it seems that his company is, was, set up actually the parent company is Battelle Institute, and I started looking into what Battelle is. And it appears to be a front pretending to be some sort of a nonprofit networking between government and private industry. 

"But it appears they're getting huge contracts especially from the defense department, including DARPA, BARDA, DITRA, other agencies of the defense, especially biodefense, which is the part of the Department of Defense in the United States that's very interested in bioweapons development and that is very interested in mRNA. And so this Battelle Corporation, who has huge grants from the Department of Defense—including, I found, $22 million for bioweapons for biological biodefense, they call biodefense development—and other very large grants, like, $350 million for some vehicles. And then they funnel these projects to companies that they directly control or have friends on networks. 

"So for example, Battelle is a parent company for AmplifyBio, which is J.D. Vance's company, and they give them grants or funnel these grants from biodefense to work on, well, the cover story for bioweapons development. As always, we're working on the infectious disease and the vaccines. And so, one of the papers which I found had horrific experimentation on animals, injecting them directly into the brain with what they call vaccine and virus. In the same paper, they call it the chimeric vaccine and the chimeric virus. It's the same exact substance, which contains, backbone of live replicating virus, including Ebola genes and Nipah virus genes.

"And so they test this substance by directly injecting it into the brains of, mice, hamsters, and monkeys. So I, in fact, worked in the industry...and there is no scientific reason to do it this way. In fact, I was so puzzled by it. I searched on, different search engines trying to find the specific route of injection... which is directly into the brain, into the region that's called thalamus in the brain... It was very hard to find any references to this injection route except this particular study.

"So they're telling us this is some sort of standard science that they need to do to study vaccines. It's not. And I'm looking more closely into this paper. It appears to me that the defense department is working on bioweapons. This is a known way of coming up with new toxins and new pathogens. It's these kinds of, poisoning of animals, and then covering it up with infectious disease research. So that's what it appears to me to be, and J.D. Vance is front and center in one of the central labs that did the study." 

Full video:

02:00, VALENTINE. Yeah, he's got links to people that are associated with Palantir, a group like this, organizations that are heavily involved in surveillance.  They are themselves tangentially linked to Crowd Strike and the outage, not saying he had anything to do with that but he's got some wild ideas I mean I've referenced like flooding Gaza.  He and Trump made common cause with the neo fascists in the Israeli regime.  Obviously extraordinary stuff particularly in the light of the ICJ rulings at the end of last week that the entire Israeli presence in the West Bank in Gaza is illegal and should come to an end as soon as possible to me this points to a global Constitutional crisis for want of a better expression because international law is totally disregarded and people like Vance seem to have nothing but contempt for it.

03:07, LATYPOVA. Yeah, so Vance, to me, appears from what I've read and what I've looked at and now I'm doing a more detailed dive into the background than what exactly his companies are working on and the connections, but to me, it looks like he's just another coin-operated creature from the swamp because his hypocrisy is obvious in what he does and what he funds and what he says in his books conservative Catholic values are nowhere to be found when he's making money.  And for these people that seems totally okay where the ends justify the means.  Somehow he's associated with Peter Thiel who owns Palintir, the totalitarian surveillance of everything