Showing posts with label GSK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GSK. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

BLOOMBERG: Note that Trump doled out: $2.5B to Moderna; $2.5B to Sanofi & GSK; $1.95B to Pfizer

OWS released a document in mid-September outlining how it would distribute vaccine doses. It has a military tone; the title is From the Factory to the Frontlines. General Paul Ostrowski, Perna’s deputy, has said the goal is to begin delivery within 24 hours of any approval or emergency use authorization, with distribution centralized and farmed out mainly through McKesson Corp., a Texas drug distributor that had an existing contract with the CDC to deliver vaccines. To track where every dose goes, OWS is building an integrated computer system that brings in the CDC’s existing systems. OWS says it expects to have as many as 75,000 injection sites across the country. States have sent the CDC proposals for how to manage distribution locally, but in mid-October the bipartisan National Governors Association submitted a long list of questions to the Trump administration about everything from funding to storage, making it clear the states don’t see a workable federal plan in place.