Friday, June 16, 2023

[General Milley] would be court-martialed for being criminally negligent because what he has done is taken people that we know are insufficiently trained and we put them in combat anyways

General Milley is a liar.  He is a criminal.  He deserves to be prosecuted.  And I would hope that the Ukrainians at some point in time when this is all said and done, open up a case against him in the international criminal court.  Because to extend these Ukrainian forces into these Russian defenses with equipment they don't know how to use, with tactics they don't know how to employ with an operational doctrine that is broken because at a minimum you require a modicum of air support.  There is no air support.  The Russians are slaughtering these people.  As they get near the front line, helicopters are going up.  Do you know how many helicopters the Ukrainians have shot down in a very intensive combat zone?  Zero.  Which means they don't have air defense because the Russians have taken it apart.  This is murder.  This is mass murder.

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