Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

BROOK JACKSON: What does overturning Chevron mean? Let's consider an actual case involving FDA - Bruesewitz v. Wyeth.

Chevron Deference Aspect: The court acknowledged FDA's expertise & regulatory authority in approving & monitoring vaccines. The court implicitly deferred to the FDA's judgment that vaccines are safe & effective when they meet regulatory standards, thus preempting state law claims based on design defects. What are the implications of overruling Chevron Deference:

Courts would independently interpret the NCVIA & other relevant laws without automatically deferring to the FDA's expertise. WIN!! Brook Jackson

🚨What does overturning Chevron mean? Let's consider an actual case involving FDA - Bruesewitz v. Wyeth. Background: The case involved Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures & developmental problems after receiving a DTP vaccine manufactured by Wyeth, now a part of Pfizer. The family sued Wyeth, claiming the vaccine was defectively designed. Legal Context: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 established a no-fault compensation program for vaccine injury claims & removed the liability of vaccine manufacturers. The FDA's role in approving vaccines & its interpretation of safety standards were central to the case. Court's Decision: In 2011, SCOTUS ruled in favor of Wyeth, holding that the NCVIA preempts all design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury or death caused by vaccine side effects. Chevron Deference Aspect: The court acknowledged FDA's expertise & regulatory authority in approving & monitoring vaccines. The court implicitly deferred to the FDA's judgment that vaccines are safe & effective when they meet regulatory standards, thus preempting state law claims based on design defects. What are the implications of overruling Chevron Deference: Courts would independently interpret the NCVIA & other relevant laws without automatically deferring to the FDA's expertise. WIN!! Plaintiffs might be more likely to challenge FDA approved vaccines in court, arguing that the FDA's safety standards or approval processes are insufficient or flawed. WIN!!
Courts would scrutinize FDA decisions more closely, likely leading to different outcomes in cases involving vaccine injuries or side effects. WIN!!

Vaccine manufacturers will face more uncertainty regarding liability & regulatory standards impacting vaccine development & availability. WIN!! 

Carnivore is the least expensive way to eat?

[RG911Team] FDNY Captain Richard Patterson has a lot to say about 9/11… and the media won’t dare to air it. Preview of the truth that is too dangerous to televise

Topics covered: Explosions at the Twin Towers; Picking up Aircraft Parts; Paramilitary at Building 7. 

Richard Gage writes

Captain Richard Patterson, FDNY, ret., was himself an institution within the New York Fire Department. He was off-duty in uptown NYC on 9/11 but made his way down to the World Trade Center by hitching a ride in an ambulance.

He was carrying out duties just outside the North Tower when he was knocked back by explosions. He survived, but lost 41 firefighters that morning—brothers who he knew personally. He saw the jumpers from the towers, and he picked up body parts from the aftermath of the explosive destruction.

He is my guest today on RichardGage911: UNLEASHED!

Captain Patterson has a Bachelor of Arts in Fire Service Administration from John Jay College and 20 years as a firefighter. 

ROMAN BYSTRIANYK: Year after year, decade after decade, medical “error” is the 3rd leading cause of death. Where are the murder trials then, or at least negligent homicide?

Here you've got Peter Dutton praising Scott Morrison, the great leader and official scumbag of Australia.  Is Peter Dutton gay?  By "sacrifice," does Peter mean payout?  I mean since all of these guys are in charge simply to protect both international and domestic rackets. 

ROSA KOIRE: this is "regionalization and world government: You use trade agreements to destroy boundaries and you actually cannot make local law that breaks those treaties.

"This breaks national boundaries, it breaks state boundaries, it breaks county boundaries. It's also a project of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation," the late author says. She adds that this is "regionalization and world government: You use trade agreements to destroy boundaries and you actually cannot make local law that breaks those treaties." --Rosa Koire,

Full video. 


"I found out about this because I saw that people were not being able to use their land, and I looked behind that, and I found Agenda 21," Koire says. She adds, "The federal government of the United States is doing this—is in [the] process of creating 'mega-regions,' which are, essentially, crossing national boundaries." Koire highlights one specific region, "Cascadia," which will be made up of a portion of Washington state, Oregon state, Idaho, and even Vancouver. Koire notes that the "Southern California and Texas triangle areas" will include parts of Mexico.

"This breaks national boundaries, it breaks state boundaries, it breaks county boundaries. It's also a project of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation," the late author says. She adds that this is "regionalization and world government: You use trade agreements to destroy boundaries and you actually cannot make local law that breaks those treaties." 

Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, Rosa Koire, 2011.

Interesting, or telling, that Amazon does not allow its affiliate customers to post a direct link to social media for this product, er, ahem, book. 

9:40. There were 18 votes on Ukraine, and I voted against every single one of them since 2014 when we started saber rattling.  We do these non-binary resolutions where, you know, "Russia is evil," "We support democracy," and even then we knew that Ukraine was corrupt as hell.

CARLSON: The most corrupt country in Europe by far.

MASSIE:  So there been 16 or 20 votes on Ukraine, and I've been against all of those.  Just in the last 7 months there have been 30 votes on Israel and the Middle East.

CARLSON:  How many votes on the US border during that time?  

10:22. Maybe 4 show votes where we know that they were going nowhere in the Senate.  Look, we have a name 30 post offices.  Last month we voted 15 or 16 times on issues related to Israel and I've been hit because I vote no on all of those.

CARLSON:  Why do you do that, because you hate Israel?

MASSIE:  No, because I'm against sending our money overseas.  I am against starting another proxy war.  I'm against sanctions, because it's going to weaken the dollars and that's why I can't vote for them.

CARLSON:  Tell us what the Free Speech part of it is.

MASSIE:  Recently they brought a bill to Congress, and this is actually a binding bill, not a non-binding resolution like this was going to have the effect of law and people would get prosecuted if they engaged in any anti-semitism on campuses.  And the problem with this bill is they use some International definition of antisemitism on a website somewhere?  My first question is, why don't you just put the definition in the bill?  Why are you pointing to somebody's URL in a piece of legislation?

CARLSON, 11:35. You are the Congress, right?  You write the laws . . . .

MASSIE: Right, we are the Congress.  We should be writing the laws.  Instead, we are referencing a website that's not even hosted in the United States.  And so I went to this website, and it's got a fairly short definition but it's also got examples of things that would be considered anti-semitism.  Some of these are actually passages in the New Testament, if you will, would be banned by this International definition of anti-semitism.  For instance, saying that Jews killed Jesus, which is as you know in the Bible.  He was not welcome among his own people, okay, and so that would be anti-semitism.  And if you engaged in that on campus or just offered that as a thought, say, in a classroom, it would be anti-semitic and you would run afoul of the Department of Education in some federal law.  There were other examples in there that were hard to believe.  For instance, comparing the policies of Israel to the Nazi regime would be anti-semitic.  But the question is what if their policies ever became the same?  Is this a static definition? 

CARLSON:  Or what if we just have different opinions, and now your opinion is a crime? 

MASSIE, 12:52. Right

Friday, June 28, 2024

The truth behind the “You Are What You Eat” experiment!!!

These are the blackened lungs of a 52-year-old man who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years.

Thank you to Wejolyn

ERIC HUNLEY: Legal Friday, June 28, 2024

DAVE BENNER: The Chevron doctrine—which forced federal courts to defer all interpretive regulatory authority to executive bureaucracies since 1984—has been overruled by SCOTUS in a 6-3 opinion.

JULIE KELLY: In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases

In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases.



NASA distributed moon rocks from the first and other "moon" missions to 100 countries. Someone analyzed all the specimens, they're all petrified wood they plucked from the desert in Arizona.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

OWEN BENJAMIN: The grapes are all from foreign countries, shipped here using globalism, NAFTA, the dollar, everything you claim to hate is right here in this grocery store

Why am I making this video?  Because when I garden and show  people homestead sometimes the reaction is that I run away, and that I'm not doing what I have to do to affect political change when the reality is it's the exact opposite. My kale never migrant hands; it's grown in my home, requires no carbon to transport, no trade routes, no international agreements, no Chinese manufacturing.  Even the packaging of the lettuce in the organic section is plastic.  That was definitely made in a Chinese factory using petroleum, all right.  So maybe this will help explain what I'm talking about.  But gardening, homesteading, planting your own food, fruit trees, when I buy a fruit tree some of them can be expensive, $199, but that money goes into my community.  It's grown in a nursery 50 Mi away sold any gardening place right down my street that money which is my labor goes into my community and then I own the supply chain I own the supply chain of fruit which would end Mass migration now you might say well you're just one man it's all about voting if


Top donor to the W.H.O. and the CDC, no one has more power than Bill Gates 

TOM RENZ: evidence that the compounds in aPeel could be used with the GMO modifications in food to make them work in a way similar to the mRNA shots.


ALEX CLARK: Whole Foods and Sprouts are upcharging customers under the impression they’re getting grassfed organic chicken and beef and selling meat from Tyson and Cargill, not to mention still serving a seed oil-infested hot bar.

What’s the solution? Know your local regenerative and organic farmers. Ask them hard questions. Build a relationship. Collapse Big Food. --Alex Clark
Whole Foods and Sprouts are upcharging customers under the impression they’re getting grassfed organic chicken and beef. The curtain has been pulled back and they’re selling meat from Tyson and Cargill, not to mention still serving a seed oil-infested hot bar. Food & Wine (2017): According to a Bloomberg report, a growing percentage of Whole Foods' poultry and beef is now sourced from mega-sized producers, including Perdue and Tyson-owned brands. One way this occurs is that after the products are delivered to Whole Foods for final processing, the company packages the chicken under the 365 Everyday Value label and sells it in its stores, despite being available for a lower cost at other supermarkets. Additionally, while Whole Foods only sells meat that is certified as Step 1 or higher by the Global Animal Partnership (GAP), the company sources some of its beef from Meyer Natural Angus, which processes its meat in a Cargill facility in Colorado that also processes GAP-uncertified cattle simultaneously, albeit separately. Pictured today: screenshots between Jamieanneaesthetics and Sprouts, with them admitting their chicken is just Tyson. What’s the solution? Know your local regenerative and organic farmers. Ask them hard questions. Build a relationship. Collapse Big Food.

Why should a health conscious customer base continue shopping with these companies if they’re just becoming expensive Walmart? 

AARON SIRI: [Peter Marks] sat, as I would expect, as a partner with Pfizer, defending them from their misconduct. He should have been outraged. He should have said, "Why didn't you report this?" irrespective of why you thought this was related. You had an obligation to tell us of all injuries"

Though Dr. Peter Marks concedes that the COVID-19 vaccine causes a 5-fold increase of myocarditis in children, he still pushes the vaccines.

PETER ST ONGE: [2nd mortgages] effectively turns a house into a credit card; in fact, one that is government-subsidized by Freddie Mac

New home sales are tumbling yet home prices just hit a fresh all-time record, pretty much on brand for this miracle economy of ours where nothing is selling but it's all really expensive.  The numbers come from the National Association of Realtors who report that the median existing home price in May was a record $419,000, up nearly 6% from last year.  Meanwhile, sales of existing homes plunged to just 4.1 million; that's down 6% on the quarter and down 40% since Joe Biden took office.  What's crashing the number of sales, of course, is interest rates, which at 7.5% are putting houses out of reach you need to make six figures to qualify for a starter home and your mortgage will be half your income.  What makes this interesting is that crashing sales were supposed to bring prices back to earth after the pandemic bubble.  They have not for the simple reason that rates went up so fast that it's locked people in.  They can't afford a replacement house; after all, maybe your condo went up 40%, but that starter house also went up 40%.  So even with the gains you cannot afford to upgrade at 7.5% mortgage unless you are retiring and moving to Costa Rica.  So I mentioned recent videos, this is all done a number on the young and working class.  It means pretty much the only buyers are people who need to: they got a job at a new city, or maybe they lost their job and are moving down to renting.  For everybody else, young families, empty nesters, they are locked in. 

1:33. Meanwhile, of course, inflation keeps marching up driving up house prices.  It's a roughly centuries-long trend that houses move up almost in lockstep with inflation.  That means for all those people waiting for the pandemic housing bubble to burst, it may never burst.  Inflation will just push the prices up to meet it.  In fact, house prices could take another jump, because ZeroHedge reports that government-owned mortgage bundler Freddie Mac, which already owes roughly three trillion dollars worth of mortgages, just applied to deal in second mortgages.  Now, a second mortgage is when you take a fresh loan out to take money out of your house.  The problem is that this effectively turns a house into a credit card; in fact, one that is government-subsidized by Freddie Mac.  That does two things: that drives house prices even higher because a credit card is worth more than frozen equity; worse, it encourages people to drain every last dime out of their house.  That leaves them right on the edge of default when a recession or just a layoff does hit them.  We saw that in 2008 when millions of owners bailed on their houses because they owed more than it was worth.  With subsidized second mortgages, if you are smart you should owe more than your house is worth; it's a cheap loan.  

2:47. For 50 years, Washington has done everything possible to pump up house prices as a kind of upper-middle-class welfare scheme that buys votes, pays the affluent, but fleeces the have-nots.  Now we've got a world of rich boomers stepping over the young, who are not only giving up on starting a family, they're losing faith in the entire system, doom spending their way to oblivion.  In terms of what is next, if you own a house here comes another jackpot; if not, it is time to start driving for Uber.  

Read the whole article with charts and all the gory details at