Monday, March 24, 2025

JULIUS RUECHEL: cows cannot increase atmospheric CO2, they merely recycle CO2. It's not a new source of carbon.

Your periodic reminder that a cow cannot add a single atom of carbon to the atmosphere that wasn't previously removed from the atmosphere by a plant. So, cows cannot increase atmospheric CO2, they merely recycle CO2. It's not a new source of carbon. And without cows, bacteria would, over time, rot plant fibers and return the exact same amount of carbon to the atmosphere. But grazing cows help grass sod fix carbon in the soil, thus increasing soil fertility over time. The climate crusade is built on scientific fraud. And many of the proposed solutions, like reducing cows, are directly causing much of the soil degradation and forest fires (because of ungrazed fuel in the forests), which activists and dishonest scientists then blame on "climate change".

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