Monday, March 24, 2025

03:35.  When people tell me I've been carnivore or Keto for x amount of years and I still cannot balance my minerals I know that's an indication that they may have an imbalance in ADH which can be likely because of mold there are all these interesting things same thing with hormones the master hormone that gets impacted is melanocyte stimulating hormone and then all of your androgens get affected so when people tell me I have low testosterone yes lots of modern day things affect testosterone but it's also because of mold same thing with DHEA and other hormones not balancing your cortisol gets impacted when your body's in this constant fight or flight well that's what mold does to your body mold it's natural point in life is to degrade something that's dying to bring new life and so if it's in your body obviously it's going to impact your cortisol levels and cause stress on the body because the body really wants to heal from this but there is a subset of people that cannot heal alone with mold I think even if they get out of a bad building just getting out of a bad building but sometimes we need additional supports like binders and detox supports as well.

04:46.  What do you find is the most helpful for those people who are out of there building and you're sure that they're not still in malls because there's been that subset too right for mold what do you find that's helping them the most?

05:05.  So getting out of the building is such a big one.  The other one is using a type of [mold] binder.  If they can get support so if mold or water damaged buildings causes issues and it's not just fungal it also reaches bacteria so endotoxins, actinomycetes, fungus and there's the vocs and stuff but if you can have a support because our modern world is also really toxic imagine you're drinking water that is fluoridated in all these heavy metals and then you're eating GMO plants with all these pesticides and antimicrobials so you're already against so much and then you're dealing with mold illness so if you can take a binder it would really depend on the person like how strong of a binder but we have seen efficacy with Cholestyramine now I know that's a really strong binder but if you're eating high fat you can probably tolerate it better we've seen it's efficacy because it will stop the bile in your gut and then in the bile when you eat a higher fat or you eat or if you eat a meal it'll pull the biotoxins from the bile and you'll poop it out.  But we don't see everybody heal from that.  Some of it I do think it is also the Mind Body.  So we've seen a correlation with people who are really sick with mold illness have a lot of trauma in their path some significant traumas.  Mom wasn't around.  Dad wasn't around.  They didn't have good attachment, or other things have happened, and so their worldview is a lot worse than the average person.  So they might wake up, and already their mind is racing; they're cortisol is pouring out of there system.  And we have found that even balancing that, the view of the world changes.  Your values in the world changes your desire to just "I want help and love and connection and finding peace," and not focusing on the negatives.  We've seen people heal so much with that.  So we also have a Mind-Body program for that reason.  But you have to change.  If you wake up

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