Showing posts with label Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025



"Salk Vaccine: Safe, Effective!"

Along Comes the first widespread vaccination campaign with the Salk vaccine.

"They were not going to let this vaccine fail all the fanfare that was going into it."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"They weren't careful about their manufacturing standards.  They weren't careful about the testing."  Dr. Meryl Nass

"The Cutter Incident was pretty much a disaster."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"The fact that they were making vaccines with monkey kidney cells they discover the presents of sv40, which is a mutation that can cause cancers in animals and humans."  Dr. Pierre Kory

"When scientists located the SV40 and we're trying to talk about it, they were threatened and harassed." Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"In the early 50s, the Salk vaccine, and the late 50s, the Sabine vaccine, and everybody got it because you know why wouldn't you?  Nobody ever heard of vaccine injuries in those things."  Dr. Meryl Nass

"Polio is caused by both the injected and the oral polio vaccine.  you could have an injection of a polio vaccine and still be a carrier and spread polio."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"So when it comes to the definition of polio, anything that limped or had a cough or anything before the vaccines came out in the 1950s was pretty much polio.  Afterwards, the criteria changed."

"Before the vaccine, there was something called non-paralytic polio.  After the vaccine, they termed that aseptic meningitis.  No laboratory testing was required before the vaccine.  After the vaccine was released in order to make a diagnosis of polio, a lab test was required.  

For anyone who says 'My aunt had polio,' some of us have got to be willing to face the ugly truth.  Polio is one of the ugliest."

"There has been scandal.  There has been propaganda.  There has been failure, and there has been injury.  And it's been covered up."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

03:50.  I was seeing vaccine injury in my own patients when I was 100% consultative nephrologist in the state of Maine, Maine Hospital.  What happened was I started to do a little bit of research because I was very naive at that point.  I knew there was a polio vaccine in the past, and it was wonderful and all these little crippled children their parents no longer had to fear the crippling effects of polio because of the vaccine and what a miracle it was.  Because as a doctor, I'd never seen a case of polio that I knew about.  Turns out, I'd seen plenty of polio, and more importantly I later realized that I'd seen plenty of kidney disease related to the sv40 virus.  But getting back to the question that you asked me is that every time I would make a claim to somebody who challenged me, because I was discontinuing the vaccines on patients that I was consulting on who already had acute kidney injury, and I would say, "Please don't give this vaccine," or I would research the fact that one of my patients or then two of my patients and then 10 of my patients ended up coming in and saying "You know, I was fine until I had that shot," and I thought "Well, can vaccines affect kidneys or not?"  And so I looked into it, and sure enough vaccines can profoundly affect kidneys.  Kidneys are incredibly sensitive to inflammation, probably one of the most sensitive organs to inflammation next to the brain.  And a lot of what we see is drug-induced nephropathies, and so why not a vaccine-induced nephropathy and sure enough I found plenty of medical literature after I was encountered my first patient with who claimed to have a vaccine injury.  So, instead of telling him to shut up and denying it, and acting like Paul Offit, I decided to be like a doctor and look in a few books and see if it's possible and found that it was.  So I didn't have kids.  I didn't have any history of vaccine injury that I knew of, so I was just kind of trying to find where the truth lied.  And if the truth lied in the fact that vaccines are the greatest thing ever created and that they were preventing disease, that's what I would be telling the world.  But that is absolutely not what happened with any vaccine that I researched.  

06:03.  So after I finished my research into influenza vaccines in that particular year, the H5N1 vaccine, the swine flu vaccine I'm getting all the animals confused these days so anyway they were giving two vaccines out of those days for the flu and it seemed to have more of an impact than just a previous one and so I would be talking to the chief of Medicine or I'd be talking to other doctors or even to a parent somewhere and everyone would say the same thing to me what about polio and still to this day when I have a conversation about a vaccine the first question is probably the same to you Dell well what about polio and back then I would just say what about polio and I would have a look at polio so after I finished influenza the kidney issue I delved into polio and I'll tell you I never imagined doing this in a million years I spent two years of my life after I quit my job just looking into polio and what I found it was morbidly fast was it was morbidly fascinating and at the time I couldn't get enough of it I got all the polio surveillance units documents all the scandalous medical information that was available back then I found what other doctors were saying about the testing procedure back then about the Francis trials and the propaganda about the wonderful vaccine and it was anything but what we hear over and over and over again and it very much mirrors what happened with covid and I have been screaming from the mountain tops all around the world that this is nothing new what we're seeing with covid this is an old story that pretty much mirrors what we saw back in the smallpox era as well anyway that's the long answer to your question.

07:52.  And what's amazing about your book I mean I still remember I read it several times now probably need to read it 10 more times to fully integrate all of the information in there but we act as though sort of this anti-vaccine movement if you will or even with covid we saw I think it was like I remember at one point some CDC and FDA had heads were asked during the covid epidemic how much of your staff has gotten the covid vaccine and I think one of the answers was less than half we were shocked to find a doctors weren't taking the vaccine


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES on POLIO: So why were these legs paralyzed? . . . they were paralyzed because doctors decided to start cutting tendons on spasm[ed] muscles and putting children in casts for 2 years


There were trials done on the polio vaccine, and I think one of the biggest, interesting things is that they didn't release the data on that horribly fraudulent, very poorly designed trial with very bad interpretations of the statistics.  They didn't even give doctors at the time the data until 2 years later.  So doctors were pretty much rounded up and said here's the vaccine that we've all been waiting for.  Give it.  They weren't given information.  Even the doctors were told to give it and it was licensed in a matter of 8 hours.  That's pretty much a record for them in 8 hours.  They pressured the committee to license the vaccine the day that the Francis trial data was supposedly finished.  So I just say look, you have to look at the history of what happened around here.  That's what Dissolving Illusions is all about.  Why would this have been going on like this? What was making people die?  What was making people crippled?  Let's look at the history of how people were living, what were they bathing in and marinating in in society?  What are the drugs that people were using to treat?  I mean every disease that has the vaccine in history, the doctors were doing the most insane things to treat the disease.  So why were these legs paralyzed?  Good question.  I had to ask that.  I had to research that.  Well, they were paralyzed because doctors decided to start cutting tendons on spasm[ed] muscles and putting children in casts for 2 years.  So we have to look at the treatment of . . . it's same with COVID.  How are people being treated?  Completely poisoning them.  Wrong treatments.  Not allowing the right treatments to be given.  I mean it's, it's just there's so many amazingly easy arguments to kill this polio idea.  It's not even funny.  So it's an easy one.  Trap me in an elevator any day, polio is the one I can just nail in 5 minutes probably. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: Nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies, and that until babies are 6 months old they're not actually having a full coagulation, normal coagulation, so there's a reason

afterward in most societies that [umbilical] cord is clamped right away, which is a problem because you're not only leaving behind up to 40% of that baby's blood that belongs to that baby, but you're also leaving behind stem cells, which have the potential to go in and clear up any of the problems that happened in the brain or elsewhere.  Now if you thicken the blood, what is it, 2000 times more or something like that, then how is that going to affect the ability for those stem cells to go where they need to go?  --Suzanne Humphries

00:08. What is your opinion on vitamin K being administered to newborns?  

00:14. My opinion is that the more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe that it is injected into newborn infants.  My scientific endeavors have really shown me that by and large nature overall didn't make mistakes like this.  Nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies, and that until babies are 6 months old they're not actually having a full coagulation, normal coagulation, so there's a reason . . . just like babies are programmed to be anti-inflammatory, I believe that babies are programmed to not have numerously higher levels of coagulation than adults.  If you look at the coagulation, the supposed deficits, that a baby has, it's not just the vitamin K factors.  So I would suggest that you read a lot about it and consider . . . if you feel better about giving it, then only give the drops.  But most people I know, who understand the difference, don't give any at all.  And if you do give it, maybe it would just be maybe if there was an extremely traumatic birth. 

01:34.  But you have to understand some of the things that medical interventions do at birth.  For instance, when the baby is born what happens is that it's a very tight passageway, as we all know, and so the baby is squeezed very tightly.  The brain, I'm sorry, the cranium is made so that it can compact in on itself.  The brain is squeezed.  There's trauma all throughout the body.  About 30% of babies will have micro hemorrhages from a normal delivery.  Now afterward in most societies that cord is clamped right away, which is a problem because you're not only leaving behind up to 40% of that baby's blood that belongs to that baby, but you're also leaving behind stem cells, which have the potential to go in and clear up any of the problems that happened in the brain or elsewhere.  Now if you thicken the blood, what is it, 2000 times more or something like that, then how is that going to affect the ability for those stem cells to go where they need to go?  When you have these vitamin K factors, those areas that bleed tend to clot and it's a little harder to clear that out than if you just leave it that way.  The concern is always the minority, this vastly small percentage of children who can develop an inter-cranial hemorrhage and it can be problematic.  We are now treating everybody for this problem.  So I think it's important to understand the full spectrum before agreeing to the injection, and it should be your personal decision that you feel comfortable with AFTER knowing what there is to be known about vitamin K, which I believe in the USA has been given since 1970s something like that, but before that, we weren't giving it.  

03:29. The other thing is that if the baby's clotting is not full until 6 months of age, how long is your injection going to work for?  So it's not completely logical [to give] a huge injection on the first day of life.  Is it going to protect them over the long term?  But I think that it's always a good idea for mothers to consume lots of greens during, the entire pregnancy if possible, because not only do you get vitamin K that can be delivered to the baby in normal amounts if they need it, but you're also getting folic acid, magnesium, and lots of other minerals that are required to build a baby.  

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, Suzanne Humphries MD (Author), Roman Bystrianyk (Author), 2013.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: πŸ”₯"The healthiest people I have ever seen on the face of the earth are children who were never vaccinated and second-generation children or third-generation children who are never vaccinated even more so."πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯"The healthiest people I have ever seen on the face of the earth are children who were never vaccinated and second-generation children or third-generation children who are never vaccinated even more so."πŸ”₯ Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a physician, and co-author of the book Dissolving Illusions, describes for Steve Kirsch () on a recent episode of VSRF Live (@VacSafety) how "the healthiest people" she has ever seen on the face of the planet are "children who were never vaccinated." The physician notes this is the case even more so for "second-generation or third-generation children who are never vaccinated." Humphries notes that she herself wouldn't take any "vaccine" whatsoever, and highlights the fact that the flu "vaccine" in particular has "negative efficacy"—meaning "you're actually [less] able to do battle with it than you were if you'd been left alone." As for the most dangerous "vaccine" ever, Humphries says it's a coin flip between the COVID-19 injections and the smallpox injections. "The joke is that that's our one success," Humphries says of the smallpox injections. "[That's] our one glorified success. The one disease that we beat with a vaccine that was so contaminated and so loaded with other viruses and bacteria and animal products that became a quasi-species that can't even be genetically defined today is supposedly our one great victory over disease." Partial transcription of clip: "Since educating myself, I will say that the healthiest people I have ever seen on the face of the earth are children who were never vaccinated and second-generation children or third-generation children who are never vaccinated even more so. Now does that mean that you are absolutely 100 percent guaranteed not to get any of the diseases that are targeted by vaccines? No. You probably will get measles at some point. You probably will get chicken pox at some point. you'll get whooping cough. Absolutely. You'll get whooping cough whether you're vaccinated or not. And, influenza, everybody knows that that's that vaccine cut me a break. "Even Anthony Fauci knows that vaccine is really sub-subpar. So personally, no. Negative efficacy is an actual reality, meaning that if you get the vaccine and then you encounter a certain disease you're vaccinated against, you're actually able to do battle with it than you were if you'd been left alone because of an entity called original antigenic sin or linked epitope suppression . . . . "When COVID hit, I basically just sat back and watched. To me, it was another day in the office. I'm the only person I know. There are probably others out there, but I didn't lose any friends. I didn't lose any family because I was already there, okay, when it came to COVID. And I just I knew the whole the whole thing was gonna unfold. You've already lost everybody. Yeah. It actually turned out to be worse than I thought. Because COVID COVID is definitely one of the worst, you know, vaccine vaccine injections, injectables, that that I've ever witnessed. "Well, if you go back in time and you realize what was in smallpox vaccines, it'd be a bit of a flip of a coin, I think. And the joke is that that's our one success. Our one glorified success. The one disease that we beat with a vaccine that was so contaminated and so loaded with other viruses and bacteria and animal products that became a quasi-species that can't even be genetically defined today is supposedly our one great victory over disease." 

Complete interview.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES:πŸ”₯"We think, 'Oh, Trump's gonna come and save us and Kennedy's gonna come and save us.' Kennedy is not an anti-vaxxer...Trump is not anti-vaxx...if they were, they wouldn't be in the positions they are. They would have never been permitted to climb the ladders that they have."πŸ”₯

This is really incredible.  Steve Kirsch defends Kennedy's record on vaccines, claiming that Kennedy has said only that he is in favor of safe vaccines.  The problem with that argument is that there are no safe vaccines.  Point one out to me.  That's the point that Humphries is making.  She's done the studies with her co-author, Roman Bystrianyk, and found indisputably that none of these vaccines over their 250-year history have been safe.  Ever.  Zero.  And I agree with her when she insists that people just say the vaccines are not safe.  Why don't people just say the vaccines are harmful instead of lying, saying that some hypothetical vaccine may or may not be safe or could be or was or was you know not as dangerous as previous vaccines.  They're all harmful now or at some point in the future.  Modern medicine has not found new cures.  It's only found new ways of murdering and profiting from people.  

So Kennedy's not that good on vaccines. Imagine anyone bragging that their kids are vaccinated.  All vaccines contain a sterilizing agent, all of them, which means that they sterilize people.  The fact that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, is a trained veterinarian and no virologist or epidemiologist ought to give everyone pause.  All the symptoms people are having from We just weren't told that the path to sterilization requires destruction of the heart, brain, kidneys, & spleen. Not necessarily in that order. From SV40 in Polio vaccines to Polysorbate-80 in those oh-so "necessary" vitamin K shots often on the first day of life.  Dr. Jack Kevorkian would blush at how the medical establishment treats babies.  So RFK Jr is pro-vaccine?  Yet he may have penned the definitive book about Fauci. RFK Jr has sued vax companies and companies that have polluted the environment and won. He has addressed the mercury in vaccines.  So that's good and yet he's still pro-vaccine?  Americans love the dopamine of cognitive dissonance.  Age matters on childhood vaccines.  The older a kid is when they get them, the less severe the effects. The main ingredient in the "Vitamin K" shots, despite what self-styled Kevorkian pediatricians argue, is Polysorbate-80, a known sterilizing agent.  So on the first day of life, doctors shoot up newborns with drugs that destroy their reproductive system in its infancy, disrupting hormones, and other networks that make a man a man, and a woman a woman among other things. Not only does it ruin the health of those who survive it, but the ingredients also increase childhood mortality.  Maybe that's one reason why the US leads the world in infant mortality.  Imagine that, a first-world medical system pulls up last on infant mortality. Then there's the score or more of other shots that kids get if parents comply with the oracle in white coats.  RFK, Jr. is likable, but not consistent, he's not honorable.  He's sued pharma companies and got judgments and damages, yet he's still cheering and enabling vaccine companies?  

Saturday, September 7, 2024

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: other oral polio vaccines do which is once you put them in somebody's gut, they can mutate, and the longer they're in there replicating, the more likely it is that they can mutate and become something more virulent and spread

It is a novel oral polio vaccine.  It's a genetically modified, oral polio vaccine that was developed and first listed by the World Health Organization, W.H.O., in the year 2020.  It is unlike any other polio vaccine that's been given before because they have basically genetically modified it, so that it hopefully, and not definitely, but hopefully will not do what the other oral polio vaccines do which is once you put them in somebody's gut, they can mutate, and the longer they're in there replicating, the more likely it is that they can mutate and become something more virulent and spread to somebody else, which is exactly what happened here because this boy, 10-month old boy has a partially paralyzed limb and has been deemed to have poliomyelitis has been diagnosed with a circulating oral polio vaccine-derived virus infection.  That's what they're saying, and the biggest news is that the boy who started this media campaign, I should say, was infected by a virus from a vaccine and not from a wild poliovirus, so it's unique in a lot of ways not to mention the fact that there are hundreds of cases of this Type 2 viral sourced polio infecting people worldwide, including London, the USA, Type 2, just like this boy has, London, USA, Egypt, Congo, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Malawi, Mozambique.  Go to the World Health Organization website and you can see it for yourself.  Yet interestingly, we're going to stop a war that had absolutely no regard for children whatsoever.  Israel is all of a sudden humanitarian and it's going to stop a war, what, because the UN and the WHO asked them to, so they can go in and save all these children that have been potentially infected by a vaccine-derived poliovirus by giving them a new genetically modified oral polio vaccine that has never been fully tested, that is released on Emergency Use . . .

Find the complete interview here.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: describes for Dr. Joseph Mercola how the "polio disease" as people know it is not due to the poliovirus, which she says is commensal (i.e. harmless), but rather environmental toxins

"The oral polio vaccines [in India]...were causing paralysis in children...when pulse polio [vaccination went] down, paralysis in India went down...polio is [actually] a commensal virus that's existed for time immemorial." Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a physician and author of the book Dissolving Illusions, describes for Dr. Joseph Mercola () how the "polio" disease as people know it is not due to the poliovirus—which she says is commensal (i.e. harmless)—but rather environmental toxins. Humphries, whose Dissolving Illusions book dismantles 225 years' worth of "vaccine" lies, notes that poliovirus was actually found in Brazilian tribes, which were living—and thriving—with a near-100% infection rate. "When researchers went down to the Brazilian rainforest and they found these tribes called the Xavante Indians and convinced them to give them some blood samples and fecal sample samples, they found that just about a hundred percent of these native people were colonized with polio, and there was no history of paralysis anywhere in the tribes," Humphries says. She adds that it was only when Westerners came in with "lifestyle habits of sugar, tobacco, [and] medicines that contained mercury, lead, [and] arsenic" that polio as a disease began to spring up. Furthermore, Humphries also notes in this clip that the oral polio "vaccine" causes paralysis. The physician notes that "oral polio vaccines [in India]...were causing paralysis in children" and "when pulse polio [vaccination went] down, paralysis in India went down." Partial transcription of clip: "There's this doctor, doctor Jacob Puliyel who lives in India, and he wrote the papers on the pulse polio rounds in India, the oral polio vaccines, how they were causing paralysis in children, and how with increased pulse polio rounds, you'd see increase in paralysis. Well, guess what? After those papers were written, pulse polio in India decreased. So what did they do? Doctor Jacob Puliyel went and did the same study again, reanalyzed everything, and found that, guess what, when pulse polio goes down, paralysis in India goes down. "You know, Enders (American physician and virologist John Enders) and the early researchers were trying to infect monkeys that, with poliovirus, and they couldn't infect them with it. They stuck it up their noses. They would inject it into their bodies. They couldn't they couldn't cause paralysis in these monkeys until they injected, matter from other paralyzed humans or animals into their brains. That's that's what it took to actually paralyze them. "So...Polio is a commensal virus that's existed for time immemorial. When researchers went down to the Brazilian rainforest they found these tribes called the Xavante Indians and convinced them to give them some blood samples and fecal samples, they found that just about 100% of these native people were colonized with polio, and there was no history of paralysis anywhere in the tribes. Nobody talked about people who couldn't breathe. They were fetchingly healthy. Same happened in the Philippines.  

"When you look at the people that were living close to the earth living healthy lives. And then in comes...the lifestyle habits of sugar, tobacco, medicines that contained mercury, lead, arsenic, you know, arm-to-arm vaccination spreading syphilis. So latent syphilis gives you poliomyelitis. Lead can give you poliomyelitis. Arsenic is probably the most interesting because not only does it clinically give you the exact scenario, poliomyelitis, but even in the spinal cord, exactly the same, and that's been proven." 

Here is the complete video: