Video was published on March 3, 2021.
The topic today is "What does Joe Biden get wrong about unions?"
Joe Biden came out late last week with a short video supporting unions. It appears it was related to a vote at an Amazon warehouse distribution center where they're in the process, over the next few days, of voting on whether they should have a union. Biden came out, he didn't mention Amazon specifically but it appeared that he had that in mind, and he talked about how positive unions were. And here was the shocker: he said that "Unions built the middle class." That's nonsense. Here is what really happens unions as they are structured in the United States are backed up by the United States government if the United States government did not back them up with regulations and rules and and then naturally that means the police force is behind the union's enforcement of a labor contract, you wouldn't have the type of unions you have now it would be questionable whether you would have any unions but at this point if the workers at a company or location decide to unionize if 50% of the workers vote in favor of a union then the business is forced to negotiate and collect the bargaining with the Union even if there are some employees that would rather work without the Union now this is what Joe Biden claims cause the middle class to grow, this confrontation type of work between businesses, business negotiations, and labor unions.
This is what really built the country. The country was really built by entrepreneurs who put together land, which includes raw materials, labor, labor is important, unions are not important, but labor is important, and capital. You put land, labor, and capital together, you can produce products, you can produce services, and that's what makes the country grow.
Now, in a free market where you wouldn't have union interference, the market would set the wages based on supply and demand. But when a union gets in the picture and they're really backed up by the government telling the business that you have to negotiate, you have to collect a bargain with the Union, things are different because unions can cause trouble. They can call a strike in some cases. Depending upon exactly the reason for the strike it might prevent the business from hiring replacement workers. But they'll set up picket lines. They will cause people, other workers from other unions, not to cross the picket line. So there's all kinds of trouble with the Union for a business. So they will negotiate with the Union just to get them off their back, and this will mean higher wages. But if it's a wage above a free market wage what's going to happen is the business May over time lay off people not higher as many people maybe close a division do all sorts of things that are not obvious and not clear so with the business is doing this that's shrinking productivity it's producing and causing fewer Goods to be produced fewer services to be provided that's what happens it's just not known very well it's not obvious to see but I'll give you a good example here in the United States in San Francisco, California or I'm coming to you from I'm friends with the general manager at a major Hotel here and he was telling me at one time that he had very very good relationships with his Union and he seemed to be proud of that then at another time before covid covid change the picture a little bit before covid he told me that they were closing down and no longer providing room service to guests in this major luxury hotel
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