Saturday, September 14, 2024

Unlocking Geopolitical Secrets: Financial Insights with Tom Luongo

34:25, LUONGO  We're in control of monetary in the United States, they're in control of political policy.  They need both in order to run their plan, and we're going to stop them for 5 years, and that should be long enough, 6 years and that should be long enough.  That's the way I see it strategically. 

34:52, MILETTE  Why would you raise interest rates after being at zero for 18 months in a row when you were at zero, we're at 5.5% right now?  It's good for the greenback.  I don't see how this is good for the country.

35:17, LUONGO  They're doing it for themselves, but they're also doing it.  At the end of the day, JP Morgan doesn't care where they invest in the pipeline.  They don't care if it's in the Donbas, they don't care if it's in Dubuque, Iowa.  If you listen to Jaime Dimond talk, he'd rather invest in Dubuque, Iowa. 

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