Wednesday, September 11, 2024

RICHARD GAGE_911: This image only makes sense if . . . the World Trade Center engineers were high on LSD when they constructed the buildings, or, explosives were used to completely demolish these steel-framed, fireproofed buildings from the top down.

[RG911Team] Zoom into this hi-res photo from 9/11 and tell us what you see. This image only makes sense if: -The 110-story Twin Towers were made of toothpicks. -Every structural connection was held together by duct tape. -The NYC building code is so lax that a preschooler could get their design approved. -The World Trade Center engineers were high on LSD when they constructed the buildings. -Building developers are immune from liability for creating skyscrapers out of Jenga sets.

… or, explosives were used to completely demolish these steel-framed, fireproofed buildings from the top down. 

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