Wednesday, September 11, 2024

NY FIREMEN WHO DIED ON 9/11. This gets harder to watch in light of the enormity of the crime to conceal the crime and the criminals

I see lots of memes that say, "Never Forget" laid over the image of the Twin Towers along with Building 7.  But people have already forgotten, have already forgotten the details of the event.  Do you know who was killed that day in that attack?  Do you know who committed the attacks?  Do you know the extent of the crimes?  Do you know the extent of the cover-up?  No on all accounts, and in this way you're already forgetting.  Heck, the CIA loves to clever tags in the media for you to remember but to do nothing about it.  9/11.  Easy to remember.  Who can forget that?  Lee Harvey Oswald?  Again, that 3-named assassin, or patsy, who can for J F K or Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, or Martin Luther King?  Who can forget Sirhan, Sirhan?  Clever little phrases, numbers, and slogans to remember for a lifetime.  But what do you know about the details?  If it's nothing, then you've already begun to forget.  

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