Thursday, September 5, 2024

DIANA WEST: How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate

American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character, Diana West, 2013.

The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump ConspiracyDiana West, 2019.

They're not there upholding their constitutional oath in fact they're trashing them.  And when you actually look at some of the very cold, I would say Marxist, beliefs behind these people that seem to animate them, they are deceiving us as to who they really are and they are trying to enact their own visions of what the quality should be irrespective of these oaths and irrespective of the people's will.

Is it possible that communist ideology has infiltrated America's intelligence agencies? After looking into key figures involved the Spygate Scandal, what information did Diana West uncover about their beliefs?  And how is Donald Trump a counter-revolutionary president in West's view?


The actions on the part of senior officials in Washington that certainly it may be argued that some of them are seditious I mean really serious actions against the rule of law in their efforts to take down this presidency.  The campaign undermined the transition and it's gone on and on and I was trying to get a sense of why are they so angry, why were they resorting to these measures when America is known for peaceful transition of power.

Nelly Ohr was an academic she had been a professor in the 1990s and that meant they were going to publicly available writings, book reviews, for example, a PhD thesis, that I could at least look at to try to get a better sense of who she was, and, indeed, she turns out she is a Russian expert.  She speaks the language.  She taught the subject.  She got a PhD in history at Stanford after Harvard, and she studied in the Soviet Union when it was still the Soviet Union.  I ended up putting together in The Red Thread kind of an ideological profile of Nellie Ohr.  She's my first case in which I learned that she did have a very soft spot for the regime of Joseph Stalin.


Terrifying!  She would talk about the terror and the excitement of the Stalin era.  She was talking about the frustration in a book review of trying to teach about this era to her students at Vassar in the 1990s. Terror I can understand.  Excitement?  If you look a little further, you can find similarly that she applauded Stalin for trying to build a legal structure, "the agonizing paradox of Stalin era," trying to build a legal structure on the one hand, and yet executing innocent civilians on the other hand.  This is the kind of moral equivalent attitude when you're looking at this bloodthirsty regime that killed millions and millions of people.  The legal structure was a sham if you're killing and executing innocent civilians.  This was very clearly a theme of her writings and indeed including in her PhD thesis that I learned that she follows a school of history in American academia known as revisionism, one that came about in the '60s and '70s that was essentially promoted by straight-up Marxist and the New Left what we used to call the new left in this country which really wasn't much different from the old left it was usually their children but they took over the departments on college campuses and they are at school that writes about itself and has its stars and so on and she clearly followed in the school and the people here are people who she essentially considered her mentors and study Network at Harvard and so on.  So it became pretty clear that there was a red thread, if you will hear in terms of an openness to communist ideology as it was, put into practice.  So she was case number one.  Gives you a flavor of what I was finding with Nellie Ohr.  What intrigued me is that she does have CIA credentials.  She worked for their open-source shop, so she had a CIA connection.  Interesting. We also know she took out a ham radio operator's license in the spring of 2016.  Who is she talking to? 

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