Now Democrats are going to start indicting other states & Governors they don't like.
— Robert Barnes (@barnes_law) August 31, 2023
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Now Democrats are going to start indicting other states & Governors they don't like
Lost Remedies
I see in your issue of last week that a surgeon in India has tried the injection of chloral in cholera, and lost 60% of his patients. I have tried oil of cinnamon in an outbreak on board an Indian immigrant ship, and every case recovered. --T.D. Atkins, MRCS (Royal College of Surgeons), from Suzanne Humphries' Dissolving Illusions, 2013.
Cinnamon is a common and familiar spice that has anti-infective properties a 2009 study in the Journal of Cranio- Maxillofacial Surgery showed it to be effective in hospital-acquired infections and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are major health concerns worldwide. Cinnamon's use as an anti-infective has been known for a long time. A letter to the editor in 1878 to the medical journal The Lancet indicated that, during an outbreak of cholera, all cases survived through the use of cinnamon. This is an impressive claim since cholera had a very high fatality rate during the 1800s.
I see in your issue of last week that a surgeon in India has tried the injection of chloral in cholera, and lost 60% of his patients. I have tried oil of cinnamon in an outbreak on board and Indian immigrant ship, and every case recovered. I have no doubt that the above medicine is a specific for cholera.
In 1889, Dr. Knaggs used a combination of ingredients including cinnamon with good outcomes in all 75 patients who suffered with the bacterial infection diphtheria. The therapeutic mixture was prescription was precipitated sulfur chocolate powder glycerin and cinnamon water.
Mix the powders in a mortar; then gradually add the glycerine with constant trituration, and lastly the cinnamon water. Dose, half a teaspoonful every hour or oftener. Dr. Knaggs reports the treatment of 75 cases of diphtheria by this drug alone, with no fatal results.
🚩 Glyphosate is like a 💣 to the gut. It weakens the immune system & causes cancer.👉 Studies show we can reduce our glyphosate levels by over 70% after 6 days of switching to an Organic diet.
🚩 Glyphosate is like a 💣 to the gut. It weakens the immune system & causes cancer.
— Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW) August 30, 2023
▪️ It's heavily sprayed on beans, grains, & fed to our food animals.
👉 Studies show we can reduce our glyphosate levels by over 70% after 6 days of switching to an Organic diet.
Blackstone: literally throwing the keys of their houses back to the bank because the prices are down so much.
This is a great listen. Word on the street is the large firms in housing like Blackstone are literally throwing the keys of their houses back to the bank because the prices are down so much.
— QE Infinity (@StealthQE4) August 31, 2023
This against the narrative out there that Wall St is buying all the houses.
“Sellers are holding out for prices that are no longer realistic."
"Sellers are holding out for prices that are no longer realistic. MSCI’s bid-ask spread reflects the difference between what U.S. property owners are asking for and what buyers are willing to pay…the gap for multifamily apartments was 11%, the widest it’s been since early 2012.” --
Danielle DiMartino Booth
Translation: Sellers are delusional and holding out for 2021 prices that are never coming back.
— QE Infinity (@StealthQE4) August 31, 2023
The more vitamin B1 you have in your stores, the less likely you are to have heart problems.
Conclusion: Hypertension and heart failure are in an inverse ratio with vitamin B1, thiamin. The more vitamin B1 you have in your stores, the less likely you are to have heart problems. The less vitamin B1 you have in your blood, the risks increase.
This association is especially significant in elderly-aged men, overweight individuals, smokers, drinkers, and dyslipidemia patients.
Why is this important? Because heart disease is the 2nd largest cause of death in the U.S. So that fact got my attention.
Association of #vitamin B1 w/ #cardiovascular diseases, all-cause & cardiovascular #mortality @_atanas_ @_INPST @ScienceCommuni2 @DHPSP @Grimhood @DrDeborahMD @shashiiyengar @hirokazupapi
— J P Fanton (@HealthyFellow) August 31, 2023
Raw milk is one of the best foods for detoxification, but only raw milk specifically, not pasteurized.
Raw Milk and Glutathione @ChrisMasterjohn has a great article on the Weston Price Foundation website that discusses how raw milk is one of the best foods for detoxification, but only raw milk specifically, not pasteurized.
— Inversionism (@Inversionism) August 31, 2023
For those of you who are new to researching…
Locally, Sprouts, my least favorite store because of their COVID-19 policies and reinforcements which turned them into thugs and still carry on with their authoritarian fantasies, carries it.
I wrote to on January 7, 2024, about the different uses between Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and I received this reply,
Because Ivermectin is the best option for COVID-19 treatment, and Hydroxychloroquine is a prescription drug used to treat many autoimmune disorders. It was first used to treat malaria. |
That might help.
Running low on your medication? Order a refill online and have it delivered to your home. #USA #UK #goodmoring #SaturdayVibes #SaturdayMorning
— ivermectin-suppliers (@jams_caro) August 19, 2023
Site -
GoodRx sells Ivermectin.
Pharmacy Delivers, an Indian supplier.
BuyIvermectin24 site from India.
BuyIvermectinforsale, an Indian supplier. This place promises a 7-day shipment to the U.S. Hard to know.
Order Ivermectin from a Tennessee pharmacy.
Not sure if this is kept up to date, but this is a good list to start your hunt for OTC IVM in TN 🧡
— HarrietteTheSpy (@TheSpyHarriette) August 31, 2023
Buy Ivermectin, Ziverdo kit, and HCQS online
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee: The Phoenix Pharmacy, Knoxville, TN. 865-692-1603. This place ships ONLY IN TENNESSEE and only sells 3mg for $5/tablet. That will get expensive.
Brand Name:
3mg: $5
Village Pharmacy's OTC version requires a doctor to be assigned to that pharmacy with a collaborative agreement. They do not ship out of state. 865-579-4547.
Rocky Hill Pharmacy. 865-337-5887. Have not called this pharmacy, because the gal at the Village Pharmacy suggested that I phone the pharmacies on the border, like Chattanooga and Nashville. That page has no pharmacies listed in Chattanooga; a few in Nashville.
Health & Wellness Compounding Pharmacy.
Medicine Counter Pharmacy. 9-7; 10-2. 423-680-7373.
Do you sell Ivermective w/o a prescription? Yes, up until September 30, 2023.
Do you ship out of state? Yes.
Brand name? No brand name. They compound it, meaning that they make it in-house.
Dosage that you sell? By weight. Check their website. Click on the link below the Ivermectin capsule image.
Their website provides a dosage table by weight.
Hamilton Discount Pharmacy. 9-7; 10-2. 423-892-5955.
Stop-n-Go Discount Pharmacy. 8-8; 10-6. 423-468-7161.
Stay aware and always carry bear spray when you're in their territory
Stay aware and always carry bear spray when you're in their territory
— Insane Reality Leaks (@InsaneRealitys) August 29, 2023
Alex Stein at Target with a black mask. July 21 2020.
In preparation for a false resurrection of the Covid nonsense, don't forget your sense of humor. Alex Stein at Target with a black mask. July 21 2020.
Germany begins dismantling wind farm for coal
The article is behind a paywall as is the audio, which requires a EU membership.
What? Is sanity returning to Germany? Oh, the humanity! How will the Greens sleep without the Linus blanket of their precious windmills?
— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) August 31, 2023
"We currently are earning less and spending more (adjusted for inflation) than at the worst point of the Great Depression"
Another Great Depression or Worse?
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) August 30, 2023
"We currently are earning less and spending more (adjusted for inflation) than at the worst point of the Great Depression" 🚨🚨🚨
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Remote Work: Major Blow to Commercial Real Estate?
Remote Work > Office Rental
— Game of Trades (@GameofTrades_) August 30, 2023
This is a major blow to commercial real estate
Parents have a constitutional right to be in charge and direct their child's education and healthcare, and mental healthcare, and the Supreme Court has been very clear on this issue
"What you want to do is put the school on notice, even if your child is only entering kindergarten. You want the school to know that you do not want your child exposed to gender ideology…You do not give your permission for your child to meet with the guidance counselor without…
— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) August 30, 2023
GET THIS BLOCKBUSTER BOOK, hear the voices of parents gaslit and abandoned by all our previously trusted institutions, especially mine - medicine. No family is immune, heed the wisdom of these parents, they can save your family!@pittparents
— Miriam Grossman MD (@Miriam_Grossman) August 29, 2023
During the pandemic, by shutting down Main Street, you shifted enormous amounts of market share into the publicly traded companies, and their stock goes up . . .
the bigger game. Then things they cut off your income or savings. The WHO, the media, you got the banks. Riots of 2020 and fires of Ferguson were land grabs.
capital gains on real estate is one of the biggest source of political contributions.
The times are different now. We are at the end of the financial musical chairs game. All that “leverage” is about to un-lever very rapidly, the fake money will turn out to be, well - fake! The cabal are desperate to grab the real stuff. Attractive land is some of the most “real” of the real stuff. They are quite willing to burn and murder for it, as we have seen in Lahaina, HI, Paradise, CA, and elsewhere.
Below is a note from Catherine on the tactics the government typically uses to drive people off the land they want and into the “enclosures” they prepare for them. This approach has been used consistently, starting with the Native Americans, continuing with the poor black and immigrant neighborhoods, and now into the middle-class areas that billionaires desire:
Moving people to quarantine is good if you want to install things - but if you are stealing real estate it gets pretty obvious pretty quick. Better to scare them out so they pay their own expenses of going elsewhere. As much as possible, you want "free range" solutions.
Based on what I saw at HUD and during the pandemic, tactics depend on local jurisdictions (local laws, local resources) as well as the covert operations they choose to use locally at the same time. The success of the operations depend on several lines acting in concert: intelligence/surveillance, government in health area, banks and insurance companies, media, real estate developers and investors. This coordination already exists in the management of places, but it is hard for most people to see or fathom. The sweet spot is the amount of real estate that can be picked up and the capital gains this translated into for investors, public traded company etc and the political donations that flow to politicians from capital gains.
Tactics revolve around various options of getting fee title to land and real estate:
1. Force a sale: Do things that shut down private business and personal income and or lower the value of the real estate (including by radically increasing costs, like cost of remediation or requiring installation in new sewer systems or equipment etc) and/or permit the cancellation of insurance. A lot of helpful tactics can be applied through lenders, banks and insurance providers who are playing ball.
2. Condemnation to deal with "pathogens" [this is what WHO Pandemic Treaty aims to do among other enslavement things]
3. Eminent domain - prices will be much lower presumably after the "pathogens" are found
4. Emergency money to help - except all the money goes to "insiders" who are moving in or are playing local person helping the insiders move in and take over
5. Supporting media- very gaslighting - see video here for example
6. Poisoning - poisoning of individuals or failures of water systems will cause disability and death which are likely to force sales
In all cases you want to keep things as complex as possible under the guise of "helping" - you will have heavy surveillance of all parties and your covert operations and media in combination can take care of isolating or compromising individual parties who are slowing you down or stopping you. Covert operations will by and large be done by or through corporate contractors and mob (drug cartels)
I suspect they have perfected a lot of the tactics using response to weather warfare "natural disasters".
In closing, quoting Catherine, you have to be a wealth builder in your mind. You cannot succumb to the mentality of doom and victimhood, no matter what. I hope we have conveyed this in our discussion.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Burglary suspects arrested after allegedly breaking into same Bradbury home 5 times in 10 days
Burglary suspects arrested after allegedly breaking into same Bradbury home 5 times in 10 days
— St. Michael, the Archangel (@aveng_angel) August 30, 2023
POWERFUL MESSAGE & WARNING from MILILANI TRASK, Hawaiʻi Island Trustee #HawaiianSovereignty Movement
Thank you to Reinette Senum. Go to the 23:49 mark to see the video that is now removed above.
Here she is on August 9, 2022. "We have tolerated commercial science to the point that they have continued the desecration." Remember her name, Mililani Trask.
Vivek is a Soros plant to stop Trump. He claims he will immediately stop the war in Ukraine once in the WH, but will flip and continue globalist wars. They have already done the same scheme with Italian Prime Minister Meloni.
Vivek Ramaswamy is the GOP candidate planted by the globalists in their attempt to prevent Trump from entering the presidential race He claims he will immediately stop the war in Ukraine once he enters the White House. The moment this guy gets into the white house, he will flip and continue to implement the globalist agenda of wars, arms sales, and massive profits for stockholders in US military companies. This guy has already been financed by Soros several times in the past. They have already done the same scheme with Italian Prime Minister Meloni. After realizing that the Italian population would elect an anti-globalist, right-wing president like Orbán in Hungary, they planted their own candidates with right-wing ideology in Italy. After being elected Prime Minister Meloni completely turned her politics around 180 degrees and became 100 percent liberal.Say it with me now #H1BObama
— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) August 30, 2023
Let's hope that the Americans will not repeat the mistake of the Italians.
FDA's Curtis Wright: Sold out a nation of youth for $400,000 a year job from Purdue Pharma, manufacturers of Oxycontin
When we talk about a bureaucracy we are describing the structure of a system, the top-down structure. Bureaucracies don't change that much. They might increase or decrease in size, but the direction of power and control is usually the same. So in that regard, they don't really change that much. Systems don't change either, so even if you have these whistleblowers coming out and they out someone, know that the system doesn't change. Curtis Wright, IV, won the lottery.
‘Painkiller’ Producer Peter Berg on How the FDA & Medical Journals Partnered w/ Purdue Pharma on the Opioid Crisis
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) August 29, 2023
“These are the big time, hard hitting drug dealers…they’re f--king gangsters”@joerogan
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd),
Curtis Wright,
Peter Berg,
Purdue Pharma
OWEN BENJAMIN ON GLYPHOSATE: There is nobody that will vote this out. It's not even possible.
The attack on the food supply and why voting harder isn’t going to help
— Owen Benjamin 🐻 (@OwenBenjamin) August 29, 2023
The system believes as an entity
The system believes it has to do these things in order to survive, LGBT, and all this stuff.
It needs way less people because it can't sustain people. So they're trying to poison people, do factory farming,
The only way through is you do it yourself, or you get local supply chains. Remember, anytime you find yourself in under the gun or being hunted by the mob, the only way through is NOT OUT. THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THROUGH.
It's not only NOT despair. The people involved in politics are all . . . they don't see the future. They don't understand what they're doing. There is nobody that will vote this out. It's not even possible. You get a local mayor and a local assembly, and guys get together, and then you debate, then you vote, then complain, and the state still says No, Glyphosate. You don't have the power to do that. So what's the answer? The answer is that you grow it yourself without glyphosate. Or you get somebody you know to do and buy their food. You have to start from the ground up. Solutions will not be from the top down. And that is not a black pill.
"Well, who do I vote for? What do I do?"
You have to do it yourself. Because the system is in retreat; it's not in a push. Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030, "you will eat zee bugs," "you will own nothing and be happy. These aren't offenses; these are defenses. It's not like people are doing things to you. It's just they're having a hard time keeping a sinking ship afloat. And so stop looking at them for anything. That's why I've been hammering that "Rich Men North of Richmond" song is because it's victim consciousness. It's saying these men are doing something to me; they want to have control over me. They don't have control over you. You want them to provide for you, and they're not doing a good enough job. They're giving fat people fudge rounds and money ain't s***. Well, then do something else. "Well, I can't."
So if you want to survive what's coming, it's not going to be boots kicking in the door, it's not going to be war unless you want to go to war; that's a choice. It's not going to be starvation the way you see in the movies, IMO, I've always said this, I've never been a doom and gloomer about starvation. It's going to be your belly will be full but it'll be full of toxic chemicals and no nutrition. Okay, that train is victim consciousness. If you want to get off that train you have to say, "Okay, I WILL have a family. I will grow my community. I will grow my food I will do these things myself. And you will be called names, and you will be mocked, and you will be ostracized by the slaves because the slaves hate when someone does what I do. They hate it because it reveals her own cowardice why would people go so crazy on me just because I made fun of a song from an artist they've known for 2 weeks if you watch my old stand up I know notoriously make fun of pop music, Timberland and Yellow Ledbetter. Why would you care? I'll tell you why they care. Because it reveals their status in life and they are on a train to oblivion. Despair is the weapon. It's victim consciousness, and that's on a spiritual level. The government isn't even aware of the stuff that I'm talking about. They're just trying to survive. They're just trying to keep the system intact. It's a metaphysical spiritual battle. It's about victim consciousness, resentment, and despair versus gratitude, empowerment, and productivity. Be on the right side of this fight. Or else you're going to be decimated, and it's not going to be a sexy death, like in the movies. You're just going to get, like colon cancer, or you'll commit suicide with fentanyl without admitting that you're committing suicide. I'm right and if you look at the anger that people have towards me, it's not justified logically; it's only justified pathologically and emotionally and it's because I'm right. It's not because I'm wrong. You might disagree with me on stuff, but I'm right about this. Hitting a little button to get someone else to do something for you is not going to work.
And that doesn't mean to overthrow the government because the slaves need their master. If you overthrow the government, this is what I disagree with a lot of those anarcho capitalist guys, if you don't have the right inner world, without a government it would be horrifying. And most people are victims. And most people want to be daddy's little baby as adults. That's why I am totally in favor of the government existing, the World Bank existing, the Federal Reserve existing, all of these systems because if a slave doesn't want to be a slave they need that or else you will have lose radicals that you can't even imagine they won't know how to feed themselves. As a victim, they would steal; they would loot; burn, and would freak out. The only way you could have a world without a government or the central banks is that you have people who don't want to be slaves. Our country was founded by people who did not want to be slaves, and that's why America has a glorious tradition. And it's got a really good culture that's being attacked right now with despair and victim consciousness. And it's a spiritual battle, but unless people want that, they need the government.
Do you think slaves want people to get off the plantation? Look at the venom aimed at Kanye West, who questioned his Jewish contracts. It's because he didn't want to be a slave anymore. When he's rapping about murdering people, and crank and crack, everybody loved it. You didn't have a problem with JayZ like you have a problem with Kanye West. You have a problem with Kanye West because he said slavery was a choice, and that drove you insane because he's f***ing right: that these ghettos are filled with people who want to be there. They might pretend they don't. They want to pretend that somebody is doing it to them, but it's all mental, man.
How did we go from "Don't tread on me" to "Please, tread on me, easy . . . easy"?
This is INSANE.
— Natalie F Danelishen (@Chesschick01) August 29, 2023
This flag is preferred.
So is this flag.
And if you put this flag in your front yard to claim the neighborhood, why the government could exempt you from paying any taxes for the rest of your life.
But this flag? Its off to the gulag for mein kleiner Zwölfjähriger. Ever get the feeling that the old Soviet Union has more freedom than America? Does seem like the boiled frog is al dente.
From Abbeville Institute,
A bit of folklore, often retailed, reports a remark made by the sage Ben Franklin at the conclusion of the Philadelphia convention that drafted the U.S. Constitution. Franklin is supposed to have said: “Well, gentlemen, you have made a Republic—if you can keep it.”
The story is hokey. Except for one point, everything about it is designed to give a false impression. The delegates had not “made a Republic.” There already existed 13 republics recently created by the political genius and physical and moral courage of various communities of Anglo-Americans.
The kid would have done better with this flag, one that Democrats have endorsed.
The only people in Texas who are protected from COVID mandates are government employees
The only people in Texas who are protected from COVID mandates are government employees. This means hospitals, schools, businesses are free to make their employees/students take the next COVID shot. We need @GregAbbott_TX to include the Texas Vaccine Freedom Act in upcoming…
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) August 29, 2023
Monday, August 28, 2023
A plant based diet made her very sick The Carnivore Diet fixed it all . . .
A plant based diet made her very sick
The Carnivore Diet fixed it all...
— Ken D Berry MD (@KenDBerryMD) August 28, 2023
the CIA and NSA funded Google. That's a proven thing. There were research grants that they had for surveillance, and Google won those grants.
Who is actually watching us online?
3 threat vectors: 1) scammers and hackers, 2) big tech, and 3) big brother. The last 2 work together.
Google has been shaping the whole NSA and how the NSA collects data.
How much is Google in bed with the NSA, CIA, and all of that it seems like anybody who is inconvenient with the government gets deplatformed, or anyone who goes against the whole cathedral narrative. Is there any way of knowing how much the government is dictating who gets canceled and who doesn't?
The scientists and doctors were censored. Dude, there were thousands of them that got censored. So it wasn't just those big names.
I don't know if we can really know or predict, but we can observe. We know that the CIA and the NSA funded Google. That's a proven thing. There were research grants that they had for surveillance, and Google won those grants.
The other thing that I think of a lot is the Chinese social credit system, which is going on right now in China. This is real. It's going on right now. It's technological slavery, and Google is right at the heart of it. They have worked closely with the Chinese government. They don't care about people or individuals. And I don't consider Google any better than government and anyone who seeks power. And they all work together, putting this network into place that we don't even have an idea how powerful this network is.
8:45 There's a pro-human and anti-human vibe, and if you're trying to suppress freedom, I consider that anti-human, because then you're just looking for slaves. Then the liberty side of the spectrum, which is pro-human, we all believe that liberty is the way to reach human flourishing at the maximized potential. So all of these big companies seem to be working together in a very anti-human way that is . . . totally disturbing.
More disturbing to me are the hordes of people who follow along, get told what to do, get told what to think, and these hordes do not question it. They don't question the evidence in front of them. They don't reassess their view.
What are the risks from hackers and scammers?
Most doctors are sheep. Allow me to explain….
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) August 29, 2023
Thank you @DennisPrager for having me on your show today. Full episode in comments.
"People get confused sometimes they think an economy is money. Money is a database for exchange of goods & services. Money doesn't have power in & of itself. The actual economy is goods & services"
"People get confused sometimes they think an economy is money. Money is a database for exchange of goods & services. Money doesn't have power in & of itself. The actual economy is goods & services"
— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) August 28, 2023
— Elon Musk
"Blatantly Illegal:" NASCAR hosted a paid "diversity internship" that BANNED WHITE APPLICANTS on the basis of their race . . .
So what's the angle here? If they hire more blacks or people of color who end up serving white customers, does this ease white guilt of upper middle class?
Someone with standing needs to sue over this. That’s the only way it stops.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 28, 2023
Stephen Miller invites you to call his office for legal help if you experience discrimination from NASCAR.
Report unlawful discrimination at 1-877-AFL-5454
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) August 28, 2023
From 8% in 2020 to 20% and counting in 2024
With considerable trepedation, in late 2016 I made the call that the black community was moving to the right. Seemed like a sketchy call. Not so much anymore. Stuff like this is all over twitter and tictoc...
— Dave Collum (@DavidBCollum) August 28, 2023
2021 study: odds of kids having Asthma are DECIMATED by simply breastfeeding & never vaccinating.
2021 study: odds of kids having Asthma are DECIMATED by simply breastfeeding & never vaccinating.
— Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW) August 28, 2023
They tell this to every parent, right?
The findings suggest that the duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding are associated with a lower risk of asthma in children aged <7 years.
Professor Parke said gynecologists had been aware that heavy dieting affected fertility but it had not been known that even a small weight loss could affect fertility.
I know I’ll see this everywhere on X after i post it - with no hat-tip…. But oh well - “esp those based on vegetarianism, may cause women to have fertility problems…” this is 1988.
— Wejolyn 🇺🇸 (@Wejolyn) August 28, 2023
Professor Parke said that during the 1,000-calorie phase 37 of the women developed hormonal disturbances.
There were two types of disturbances with about the same frequency.
In one, no egg was developed in the cycle and the levels of one hormone, estradiol, were low. In the other, there were lower than normal levels of another hormone, progesterone, which protects the embryo during its first weeks of development in the womb. A deficiency in this hormone would seriously hinder development.
Professor Parke said gynecologists had been aware that heavy dieting affected fertility but it had not been known that even a small weight loss could affect fertility.
Fertility could be affected even when the woman did not fall below her ideal weight she often failed to notice any disturbance because the menstrual flow occurred normally.
The younger the woman, the greater the possibility that the weight loss would lead to such disturbances. Professor Parke said, "We noted that diet-caused disturbances appeared much more often and those age up to 24 years old than in the 25 to 30 age group," he said. The reason could be that accessibility of the menstrual cycle increases until the mid-40s.
The probability of a disturbance rose in relation to the amount of weight shed or the further the weight fell below the ideal body weight.
The composition of the diet was decisive. With the same loss of weight, a vegetarian diet or one rich in carbohydrates was much more likely to cause a disturbance than a balanced diet that contained meat and milk products.
The team's findings have been published in Fertility and Sterility a medical journal in the U.S.
Tylenol is the #2 reason why people need liver transplants
Thank you to Wejolyn.
Tylenol is the #2 reason why people need liver transplants:
— Wejolyn 🇺🇸 (@Wejolyn) August 28, 2023
(There are more problems than only this)
If you're getting headaches, or pain anywhere in the body, use vitamin C as the first frontal assault. Then add magnesium. Or try a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Comfrey works too.
[Salaries for] Manufacturing and business are down 10%, while IT and engineering are down closer to 20%. The few sectors that're still going up are -- you guessed it -- government-dominated education and health-care.
WSJ: "The Worker Bidding War is Over"
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) August 28, 2023
Just 6 weeks after warning that greedy workers are sending us to hyperinflation, it turns out the boom's already over as salaries for new hires are "shriveling."
Manufacturing and business are down 10%, while IT and engineering are down…
This is why they don’t like him, because they can never be him. He connects with the people like no one else
— 🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 (@Travis_in_Flint) August 27, 2023
To Disobey Means You Survive
UNconventional Grey; The Newly Resurfaced Documentary That Exposes What We Are Facing Today, Costing the Life of the Filmmaker, by @ReinetteSenum.
— St. Michael, the Archangel (@aveng_angel) August 28, 2023
This presentation is 28 minutes but it is excellent. The speaker is Reinette Senum, former mayor of Nevada City, California in northern California. Here she talks about how to prepare yourself in case of a fire. She offers fire and exit preparation tips in this presentation and the resources that she links to are indispensable.
Also, please do not miss the last 5 minutes of this presentation of a Hawaiian woman, an elder and survivor of her tribe where she completely destroys the city council, the front organization doing the bidding of scavenger developers who want to take the land in Lahaina.
Here is the direct link. It is a must watch.
Sunday, August 27, 2023
1952 CIA MEMO: “get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and against fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.”
One goal of the CIA's mind control research according to their own 1952 memo was to “get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.”
But I thought the 1975 Church Committee put a stop to all of . . . oh, nevermind.
One goal of the CIA's mind control research according to their own 1952 memo was to “get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.” It's 2023. What do you see?
— Truthstream Media (@truthstreamnews) August 28, 2023
NEVADA: Tribal Rangers trucks just RAMMED a climate change group blocking the road and mass arrested all of them
— Salty Cracker (@SaltyCracker9) August 28, 2023
KRISTEN MEGHAN: “You are safer without a mask." Yes, because you'll avoid the Foegen Effect’m not a mask expert but Kristen is. ⬇️ “You are safer without a mask.”
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) August 28, 2023
She refers to the Foegen Effect, the observation from a Kansas study that found that tiny droplets (perspiration essentially) that collect on the inside of the mask and inhaled deeply proved a higher fatality rate following COVID-19, meaning that you're more likely to die from COVID-19 if you inhaled viral droplets deeply while wearing a mask.
Which puts a gigantic question mark on the supposed wisdom by health official to mandate them for adults or children wearing them all day at school.
The cause of this trend is explained herein using the “Foegen effect” theory; that is, deep re-inhalation of hypercondensed droplets or pure virions caught in facemasks as droplets can worsen prognosis and might be linked to long-term effects of COVID-19 infection. While the “Foegen effect” is proven in vivo in an animal model, further research is needed to fully understand it.
I wonder. Is this class action lawsuit worthy?
Dr. David Martin DON’T FEAR the Coming Lockdowns… the Cabal is Already DEAD via @YouTube. This is a MUST LISTEN!
— Christiane Northrup (@DrChrisNorthrup) August 27, 2023
5:00. Remember that this was a behavior modification exercise in Covid 1.0. If we go back and look at Anthrax 2.0, which was September of 2001, we see that we needed a couple rounds of the fear porn to get people to accept the Prep Act in 2005, which gave the legislative framework for the way in which the Biden Administration is currently planning for lockdown 2.0. This is a very old playbook. If we go back and look at how old the playbook is, what we needed was to get everybody addicted to penicillin. We needed the HIV epidemic to get everybody addicted to AZT and very costly medications. We needed to create hyper allergies and food allergies. We needed to create all kinds of other things with environmental toxins so that we could get people addicted to epinephrine pens, which then mysteriously became $40,000 a dgutSeth It's amazing how this works. We have a pattern that goes back to 1904 when the Japanese figured out that bacillus thuringiensis (BT) was a gut toxin to vertebrates, to humans, and so, you know, not surprisingly, we decided to use bacillus thuringiensis to modify all of our seed crops: BT cotton, BT corn, BT soybeans, every single thing you put in your mouth that's not a GMO-free certified, every single thing you put in your mouth that has corn syrup in it, tofu, soy milk, soy sauces, and everything single thing you put in your mouth is actually containing inside of it a toxin that was known in 1904 to create gut problems. Lo and behold, Seth, we have irritable bowel syndrome, dietary issues, heartburn, and gut issues. We have to remember where we are. This is behavior modification. It's not about a pandemic. There is no Health Emergency to be declared. Allegedly the new variant, which was supposed to be told, is now 26% of the circulating population the air variant is actually not a variant. It was actually not only planned, but if you look at the clinical trials for the multivalent injection that's currently being developed by Moderna, Biontech, and no vaccine what you'll see is that in all three of those existence before it was in the population before it was in the population
8:10. There never was a Covid pandemic. There never was a SARS CoV2 novel Coronavirus. There was never any of those things. This was a behavior modification exercise to fulfill the objective of the financial interests that were being served. And let's remember that the quote, and I keep saying this quote because no one is still admitting that, the criminals acknowledge their own crime
until a pandemic is at emergency threshold. The public doesn't understand the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan Coronavirus or pan influenza vaccine. We need the media to create the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.
That's a quote from Peter Daszak that's a quote that was made at the proceedings at the National Academy of Sciences published in 2015 and this is the admission of terrorism again. And with the Biden Administration is engaging in domestic terrorism 2.0 and the reason why is because the Biden Administration could have never won an election in an open conversation no one would have elected him as president. No one would have elected a Democratic ticket if people were not glued to their televisions under lockdowns. The administration of Trump that allowed for those things to happen was administered by who else, Anthony Fauci and Alex Azar, Treasonous Individuals in Chief, whose sole purpose was to get people out of the public conversation, out of the debates, out of the random interactions of people talking about matters of State, getting people addicted to the TV, get them in front of MSNBC, a criminal co-conspirator; NBC, a criminal co-conspirator; CNN, a criminal co-conspirator, get them in front of the propaganda machine, and lo and behold, you can actually overthrow a government which is exactly what they want to do in Round 2. It turns out that Democrats will win in a state-controlled faux election that has people masked, that has people at polls standing six feet apart and has the election process done on digital platforms, which will not and cannot be audited for any authentic performance. So that's the game plan. And remember, nobody's sick right now. People are actually dying from the effects of the hyper-acceleration of cancers, from the pseudouridine that was in the shots. People are dying of myocarditis but nobody's sick right now.
John Pelletier, former investigator at Vegas 2017 shooting, is Maui's Chief of Police AND Maui's Coroner. So he gets to write off the cause of death
With Pelletier both being in charge of the Police Department and in power of the investigations of the deaths, there certainly seems to be a sinister conflict of interest here!
Maui fire victims get $700 TOTAL to rebuild their livesFEMA Officials get $1,300 a night rooms at The Four Seasons, Fairmont Kea Lani, and Grand Wailea in Maui. Hustle, Bitch
Here Hustle, Bitch's notes.
I am not a CPA, lawyer, or financial planner. The material in these videos is not to be interpreted as tax, legal, financial, or other advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your duty to check all the details on your own. This is a YouTube video for entertainment purposes ONLY. If you need advice, please contact a trained CPA, lawyer, financial planner, or the correct professional. Linked items may create a financial benefit for this channel. Any use of other media is by fair use or license only.
EXPOSED! They’re All In On it | Maui Massacre
Maui fire victims get $700 TOTAL to rebuild their lives
FEMA Officials get $1,300 a night rooms at The Four Seasons, Fairmont Kea Lani, and Grand Wailea in Maui
If you think that’s the big news for today, well I have information that you Will not believe.
We have talked all week about Maui Police Chief John Pelletier. The guy who was in charge of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting that to this day, still remains a mystery.
Pelletier is the same dude who on yesterday's video we found out received a PAY RAISE only 50 days after he started the job! $205,000 per year - a 29% raise! Even MORE than he asked for?!!
Okay, so we know who we’re talking about right? Now get this….. The Maui Police chief with the dark trail of controversy and bad luck around him is also the Maui CORONER! HOW CONVENIENT!
Oh, but it gets worse. HB 869 was a bill that passed on Jan 23 of this year. Just one month after Josh Green took office. But what does HB 869 say? What does it do? Well, the very first section, Section 1, states,
The legislature finds that coroners should be separate from law enforcement and free to make independent judgments when investigating deaths.”
It also says “Under current state law, the chief of police for a county serves as the coroner if the county does not have a medical examiner. Making coroners independent from law enforcement will promote transparency, avoid conflicts of interest, and encourage more confidence in coroners’ rulings.
Remember Maui Police Chief John Pelletier told reporters that the fire had melted metal, making the remains extremely difficult to identify.
With Pelletier both being in charge of the Police Department and in power of the investigations of the deaths, there certainly seems to be a sinister conflict of interest here!
We are talking about families living in a small 5.7 square mile area. He can figure out how many children were living in each home.
With nearly 500 FEMA personnel on the ground in Maui, along with 270 Red Cross workers, 400 Hawaii National Guard members, and close to 200 U.S. Army reservists, there is no way they still aren’t aware of the numbers. No way.
Taking a look now, Maui water officials warned Lahaina and Kula residents not to drink running water, because it may be contaminated even after boiling, They also warned to only take short showers in well-ventilated rooms to avoid possible chemical vapor exposure.
And then there’s the “Maui Fuel Spill Saga.” The Air Force faced the repercussions of a 700-gallon fuel spill at a Space Force facility atop Haleakalā.
That’s right. An oil spill. On a volcano. In the same area that was ablaze and devastated the island. Haleakalā is a culturally and religiously significant site for native Hawaiians, according to the National Park Service, and it is considered to be a dwelling for the gods and is a place where priests perform ceremonies.
Space Force established its first regional command in Hawaii in November 2022. Then 2 months later, they apologized for spilling 700 gallons of diesel fuel on sacred ground at the Maui Space Surveillance Complex at the summit of Haleakala. another instance of why they shouldn't have these facilities in Hawaii’s most sacred spaces
"We have a solemn responsibility to protect this sacred ground upon which we have the privilege to operate, and it is a privilege, not a right,” said Brig. Gen. Anthony Mastalir, commander of U.S. Space Forces Indo-Pacific. “You expect more from us, and last week we let you down. And for that I am truly sorry. We understand the importance of being good stewards of the environment."
Mastalir is new in Hawaii. He arrived in 2022.
Police Chief Pelletier, new.
Governor Josh Green, new.
Space Force Commander, new.
All three have bad luck surrounding them.
Then there's this:
Jet fuel spilled at Red Hill.
Fire suppression spill at Red Hill.
Coolant spill on Mauna Kea.
Diesel spill on Maui.
A lot going on for distraction and to divert resources away from the target area.
Founder of the Weather Channel and meteorologist, John Coleman, says, "Climate change is not happening." "There is no global warming."
Pelletier is the chief of police AND coroner.
Here is the follow-up.
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