Tuesday, August 29, 2023


How did we go from "Don't tread on me" to "Please, tread on me, easy . . . easy"?

This flag is preferred.

So is this flag.

And if you put this flag in your front yard to claim the neighborhood, why the government could exempt you from paying any taxes for the rest of your life.   

But this flag?  Its off to the gulag for mein kleiner Zwölfjähriger.  Ever get the feeling that the old Soviet Union has more freedom than America?  Does seem like the boiled frog is al dente. 

From Abbeville Institute,

A bit of folklore, often retailed, reports a remark made by the sage Ben Franklin at the conclusion of the Philadelphia convention that drafted the U.S. Constitution. Franklin is supposed to have said: “Well, gentlemen, you have made a Republic—if you can keep it.”
The story is hokey. Except for one point, everything about it is designed to give a false impression. The delegates had not “made a Republic.” There already existed 13 republics recently created by the political genius and physical and moral courage of various communities of Anglo-Americans. 

The kid would have done better with this flag, one that Democrats have endorsed.

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