Monday, August 15, 2022

We've seen their scorched earth operation, and suddenly you're relieved that they've some how had a Road to Damascus comeuppance

To which. I replied,

Nothing they say from here on out--truth or falsehood--should matter. Their lies killed and maimed friends, family, co-workers, and you're all wet and giddy over a twisted concession.

The point being is that it doesn't matter if they or tell the truth. They've shown their true colors: they're willing to destroy an economy, willing to force a poison into your body, for which there is no "off switch," and you lose your livelihood and all you've built. We've seen their scorched earth operation, and suddenly you're relieved that they've some how had a Road to Damascus comeuppance and they're delivering constipated admissions, none certainly that would incriminate any one of them by itself. Have you forgotten how they've injured your friends, your lived one, a co-worker? Never forget. Never forgive. And hold the line.

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