Tuesday, August 23, 2022

"I didn’t shut down anything." He's lying. What's new?

Understand that Anthony Fauci is such a professional liar, that he's been lying and hiding his deeds for decades, that you can bet that he will lie in any interview.  The whole "Neil, go to record" to prove his innocence is rich.  What's Cavuto going to do, stop everything to put a pause in Fauci's hotseat?  Hardly.  Good play, Tony.   

But I get the sense too that Fauci is lyung because doesn't follow the science.  He does track or predict outcomes or possible fallouts from any of his decisions or recommendations. I mean we've already learned that Debra Birx lied deliberately to everybody and all she can do is laugh and smirk in her interviews at her guilt for having been caught and then spin her lying as some protective measure of worse outcomes.  The media is just as guilty.  Have go hold their feet to the fire.  So the question is, Did Fauci know the lockdowns would kill people?  I'm assuming he and his team did know.  Given his affiliations with biolabs in China, and probably in the Ukraine, I'm going to sat that he knew.  Libertarian and intellectual leader in the United states and beyond, Tom Woods reviewed the fallout from the lockdowns here

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