Tuesday, August 23, 2022

9 Best Foods to Get All Your Fats

Fat Soluble vitamins: A, D,E, K1, K2 . . . Fat soluble vitamins in vegetables, things like carotenoids (like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential for your eyes and have anticancer properties)  chlorophyll.  

With fat soluble vitamins, like dissolves like: you need to add fats to absorb fat soluble nutrients.  Add olive oil to your salad to extract phytonutrients.  When you take fat soluble vitamins it's important to take them with a meal or add oil or fat to them to increase their absorption. Food manufacturers don't use fats: they use solvents, like Hexane found in "oils" like Canola oil, Sunflower oil, 

Absorption of fat soluble nutrients is dependent on bile from your gall bladder.  Now your liver makes bile and it is stored in the gall bladder. Without bile you cannot absorb fat soluble nutrients.  If you have your gall bladder out.  If you have a sluggish gall bladder or problems with your liver, that's going to diminish your bile and diminish the absorption of fat soluble vitamins.  You might not know that you've had a subclinical deficiency for quite some time . . . .  bile is produced in your liver, your gall bladder breaks down the bile fats or kind of emulsifies them.  So then your pancrease, specifically the enzyme Lipase, can come in and dissolve the bile fats further so that you can absorb it in your intestines. If you have problems with your pancreas and you're not producing adequate Lipase, that could be another reason why you're not absorbing these fat soluble nutrients.  And one of these symptoms 

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