Monday, August 29, 2022

Nanoparticles without the mRNA inside, honed on the rats' ovaries to a very significant degree

From Canadian doctor, Dr. Hodkinson,

Baby girls are born with all the eggs they're ever going to have when they are born.  They're not going to make anymore.  There's about a million or so.  And so each one of those ova is incredibly precious.  So there could be an inflammatory attack going on against the ovary of a developing female fetus because we also know that Nanoparticles are well-known to pass through what we call the placental barrier, the thing that keeps the baby safe from all kinds of noxious things.  So these nanoparticles from the clot shots that are known to be inflammatory, that are known to concentrate in rat ovaries but not studied in humans conveniently, despite knowing that those nanoparticles are known to be inflammatory, are getting through the placenta and could be, again not studied, could be attacking the ovaries of the developing female fetus.  Translation: this may not simply be an effect on fertility; it could be causing infertility that only manifests 20 years later when that little girl becomes of reproductive age. This is the stuff . . . this is the stuff of things still not studied . . .

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