Friday, August 19, 2022

The pineal gland is crucial to critical thinking abilities among other important brain functions. This may be related to the known effect of fluoride exposure lowering IQ in children according to Harvard researchers

The pineal gland is crucial to critical thinking abilities among other important brain functions. This may be related to the known effect of fluoride exposure lowering IQ in children according to Harvard researchers.

Fortunately, this is an easy and painless process as long as you go slow! In addition, this method is supported by scientific research.

All that needs to be done is add supplemental boron to the diet for a short period of time.

Bonus! Boron is important for removing heavy metals from the body as well and will likely improve your arthritis (both RA and osteoarthritis) if you suffer from this degenerative ailment.

This might help with choosing which boron to use.

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