Saturday, August 20, 2022

I don't have the language for your camera to describe what I think about those people


We're always up against the hospital lawyers who are basically paid by the hour. They are big law firms.  They have essentially an unlimited budget, and bot are they actively litigating against us to deprive people of medical freedom and medical autonomy even when they're dying and they want to take a shot at a drug that might help them.  And for which there is evidence thet are fighting like hell and I don't have the language for your camera to describe what I think about those people.  Even in Florida, we've litigated in Florida.  I've been involved in some of those cases in my brief time with the firm, and, the hospitals down there resist.  Now there's a "Right-to-try" Act in several of the states, but it's tough to meet the qualifications of the "Right-to-try" Act, so we're sort of relying on common law principles of medical autonomy, the patient's right to make choices within reasonable parameters where you have a doctor who's prescribed . . . it's like a prisoner's case because the person is in sort of a prison of the hospital.  They're in a ventilator.  They're sedated.  And they're restrained, so they don't have the two legs to go out in the market place and shop around for different types of treatment so that's when the judge has to step in and say "This person has the tight, or his representative has the right, to try this medication which could save his life.  And we've seen in our practice and we've seen it in our studies . . . it has saved many lives.  One of my legal briefs mentioned very early is, this is 2020, the research was already out there, that ventilators were counterproductive in many cases.  They might save your life one day, but the longer you're on it, they're really going to take your life away.  And the drug, the other problem we've noticed, is there's a drug called Remdesivir, which seems to have been used by many of the people who come to us and it's not working, it has side effects but they are apparently getting extra money to prescribe Remdesivir because it's approved by big pharma.  It's a patented drug.  

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