Friday, August 19, 2022


Well, she may be relying on socialized medical care because she can't afford much more than that.  But if she can afford a few vitamins and supplements, start with the protocols @ Dr. Grouf, Natural Immunity FTW,

Milk Thistle for any cold or sinus symptoms associated with COVID symptoms. 

Black Seed Oil, or Nigella Sativa, has been claimed to block the spike protein from attaching to any organ in your body.  

1.  Ivermectin, Suramin [also Artemesinin], catechin, curcumin [tumeric], carpenter's herb all work to block the entry of spike proteins into cells.  These antiparasitics work because the action of the spike, chimeric protein behaves much like parasitic worms.  

2.  Neutralizing free radicals with NAC (or Glutathione), vitamin C, and other antioxidants.

3.  Cell devouring wastes and toxins with intermittent fasting, exercise, sleep, certain nutrients like Resveratrol.  

As you take antioxidants that target viruses or specific organs, take Melatonin which has a broad reach across the body and across different oxidants.  We begin losing melatonin early in life.  This is a must-have. 

To reduce cell destruction and protect nerve cells, you need curcumin plus quercetin.  

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