Tuesday, August 2, 2022

countries, city-states, and governments are all temporary in the eyes of father time.

even a 100% Republican victory in November will not stop the decline. It will merely present a short-term bounce in confidence. What takes centuries to build vanishes from history faster.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong

Congressional Budget Office warned that US federal debt is expected to rise 185% within the next 30 years. Total debt holdings could double the size of US GDP by 2051. No politician or spender of this debt cares as they have no intention of paying it off. The Congressional Budget Office is calling this an optimistic forecast, given the previous estimate of debt soaring to 202% of GDP by 2051. The fact of the matter is that no one can foresee how much money politicians will continue to spend. Servicing the debt will become more expensive over time, expected to reach 10% of GDP by 2051, 7.4% in 2042, and 5.1% in 2032.

Most do not realize that the national debt is already at monumental levels. US gross federal debt to GDP reached 100% by 2012. The ratio remained somewhat stagnant until capitalism became sick with COVID in 2020, and the GDP to debt ratio rose to 128.1%. The figure stood at 137.2% by December of 2021 and has continued to increase.

China no longer wants US debt and has begun to sell off its holdings. As other currencies decline relative to the dollar, US debt, and all government debt in general, no longer seems like a smart investment. We have reached a point where Congress can continue to pass bills and bribe voters with socialistic promises from their latest puppets because no one cares about the future of America. The US will be the last to fold but expect the inevitable as countries, city-states, and governments are all temporary in the eyes of father time.


Elsewhere, Martin Armstrong writes about the decline of american confidence.  He says that the Roman Empire fell in 8.6 years, so it's nit a one-year crash or an overnighter.  He writes,

History has been confirmed from the coinage. Imperial Rome pretended that the emperor was still elected as consul every year as if the Republic still existed. Just as we think we live in a democracy but find out the president can issue an executive order that is never submitted to Congress, no less presented to the people for a vote. In that sense, we still live in a dictatorship, just like the Romans. That said, this allows the Roman coins to be dated to every year they were struck.

That established, I realized that the coinage would answer a vital question being a trader – How did Rome fall? Was it like a 747 coming for a landing? Or was it in some sort of panic meltdown? It turned out to be the latter.

I know of NO OTHER WAY that question could have been answered and how VITAL that is to our present-day events.

To everyone’s surprise, other than a trader, bull markets are long drawn out affairs, but bear markets accomplish 90% of the decline in just two to three years. You are witnessing history. The United States is being destroyed rapidly, and unfortunately, even a 100% Republican victory in November will not stop the decline. It will merely present a short-term bounce in confidence. What takes centuries to build vanishes from history faster.

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