Friday, August 19, 2022

Convenient to look at [Birx's data], but those categories were not of sound scientific basis

The set of data she distributed always included arbitrary categorizations of the cases, test positivity, or other factors in specified ranges that were assigned certain colors. Convenient to look at, those categories were not of sound scientific basis; nothing formed the limits of the ranges other than arbitrary cutoffs. Yet these categories automatically garnered significance and drove meaningful policy decisions at the state and local levels.

DBx: Covid ‘analysis’ and policy-making have exposed the incompetence of many ‘scientists’ occupying government offices. Unfortunately, ordinary people had to pay the price for the ineptitude of the likes of Deborah Birx and for the megalomania of Anthony Fauci.

IMO, Birx is the epitome of the arrogant, platformed click-clack heeled bureaucrat who thinks her appointment entitles her to anything.  

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