Saturday, April 20, 2024

Get off the ground with ease with these movements

If you sit a lot, like I do, this, er, these exercises are for you, and for me.  I tried them this morning, and it was like getting up from a chiropractic appointment.  Felt terrific and energetic.

Liam Howe advises . . . 

Start using these movements today to increase your health span and take control of your life.

Backward walking: ensure you are doing it in a safe place.

Tib raises strengthens the tibialis which helps to get off the ground.

Reverse step-up helps strengthen the knees.

ATG [ass-to-grass] Split Squat strengthens legs opens hip flexors and helps with balance and stability.  

Make sure to follow bulletproof_baller for more great content like this.

PS, if you want my free knee rehab program comment "Knee1" in the comments and I'll set you up.

Friday, April 19, 2024

TikTok Ban Getting Signed Tomorrow? Because it's attached to the bill that gives aid to Israel and Ukraine

DR. JANE RUBY: The truth is that most physicians in the United States will tell you that they don't think that parasites infect humans in first-world countries, partly because they've been indoctrinated, but it's also because they know that they are being incentivized to just toe the line

Here is the direct link to Dr. Jane Ruby's show on parasites, where she starts off by pointing us to a few valuable sites, and X accounts, that cover parasites in a more dedicated fashion.  

3:20  Logan Detox Jesus @detoxjesus.

3:30  Awakening Divinity @VisibleSoulFire.

9:00  There are thousands, perhaps millions, of parasites in the world.  But let's look at some basic categories of parasites.  Whipworm, Round Worm, Giardia, Bookworm, and Coccidia.  The truth is that most physicians in the United States will tell you that they don't think that parasites infect humans in first-world countries, partly because they've been indoctrinated, but it's also because they know that they are being incentivized to just toe the line for the pain and suffering they've caused by adhering to the policies and codes of our overlords, like the CDC.  Some of these parasites are visible to the naked eye and some of them are microscopic and not easily seen.  Although not generally recognized, it does appear most of us have one more parasite at any given time even in first-world countries. Think about it.  If your animals in first-world countries need occasional deworming, so do we most likely.  Autopsies of multiple sclerosis and other types of what we thought were just progressive degenerative neurological diseases after they have been autopsied and found to have had tons of parasitic infections.  There's the food industry, the drug, industry the medical industry that forms essentially a cooperative cabal for several centuries, like this "chronic illness" cartel that wants to keep us tired, depressed, overweight, weak, depressed, and sick.  Because I need to keep us coming back over and over and over again to their medical offices, to their operating rooms to continue making money off of us.  So they've poisoned our food put addictive compounds into our food they've poisoned the water with things like toxic fluoride and they tell you that you need it so that your teeth will be healthy and strong they are spraying chemicals in the air every single day that change your hormones set you up for illness and make sure that you have an early demise.  But before that will help you with the pain and the suffering and keep you alive a little bit longer when there's no longer a penny left to extract from you they tell you that they can't help you anymore and so they send you off to hospice another money making operation

"The pathogens already exist inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel,...that have not opened yet."

Jason Shurka claimed that on October 4, 2023, FEMA would be using 5G frequencies to activate nano pathogens in the blood of the vaccinated.  That turned out to be a nothing burger, thank God, except for the personal self-aggrandizement that it blessed Shurka with.  My question is who in the medical freedom movement simply boosted this guy to some credible source for mass craziness?  Who endorsed him?  Who found him credible?  Greg Reese claims at the end of the video that he doesn't know who the guy is.  Okay, then why would you promote him?  If the medical freedom movement so addicted to clickbait that they'll promote anyone, anything?  What, can't find enough material to review?  I mean the 5G is probably a concern, so work on that; work on that first. 

On October 4, 2:22pm Eastern time, the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated across the entire United States under the leadership of FEMA disguised as a test.  However, this test will be used to send a high-frequency signal through devices like SMART phones, radios, and TVs with the intention of activating graphene oxide and other nanoparticles that have been inserted into billions of human beings around the world through the obvious mediums.  If the October 4th date does not occur for any reason, the backup plan will be to do it on October 11th at the same time.  In the case that this is not able to be stopped, I ask you to shut off your phones and all other relevant devices at 2pm eastern time for a period of 2 hours to be safe.  --Jason Shurka 

FYI, this guy's prophecy was from last year, 2023.  I don't know why Greg Reese is showing him this year, a full 6 months post the deadline, which kind of came and went without a whimper, thank God.  

Greg Reese says that he doesn't "know who this guy is."  Well, . . . 

[RG911Team] “Buildings don’t have zero resistance.”