Tuesday, September 24, 2024

as one person told me, "My daughter was worth more dead than alive," and they took her.

These people were going into hospital [and] they had not taken the COVID-19 shot.  This is really important because every single person that sat on that bus or virtual story, I asked them the question, "First of all, did you take the COVID-19 shot?"  No, they did not.  And it was becoming increasingly clear that the "unvaccinated," as they're called, were being targeted and they were being killed.  And the people speaking to me used the word "murder."  It seems to me like you came into a hospital, and the first question they asked was, "Did you take the shot?"  And if they said yes, they did take a shot, they went and got different treatments.  The ones who did not take the shot, the "unvaccinated," went straight into [a protocol of] Remdesivir, ventilation, fentanyl, a cocktail of drugs, and killed on those ventilators over and over again.

00:47. Okay that's a very strong accusation but let me add to it.  I've interviewed other guests, lawyers, who have pointed out that the hospitals were financially incentivized to produce COVID-19-related deaths because some of them received, in California, as much as $500,000 per death if someone was diagnosed with coded beforehand.  Do you think that that kind of financial incentive played a role in this flow chart that you're describing right now?

01:15. 100%.  We have coded and whistleblowers, people working inside the hospital, telling us that they were just jabbing people for this COVID-19 test, and they would keep going over and over again till they got a positive.  And the minute they got a positive, tick that box.  That's some money.  On to the next thing, Remdesivir, big tick for that.  And they were showing us on the death medical records how much they were getting paid for every single drug and cocktail and equipment that was used on them.  And it was half a million dollars plus per person.  Big money.  And as one person told me, "My daughter was worth more dead than alive," and they took her.

VBL'S GHOST: China is stimulating again. BRICS are buying. Oil has a lid on it. Gold doesn't have a lid on it. Silver doesn't have a lid on it.

What's going on? 

China is stimulating.  Again.  And the money is going into things that keep going up.  We have momentum on our side now.  

The Fed cut 50 basis points.  

The BRICS are buying.  

The sovereign funds, SWF, are buying.  And you have a market now that really has no lid on it anymore.  

Oil has a lid on it.  

Gold doesn't have a lid on it.  

Silver doesn't have a lid on it.  


Kick back and relax.  Miners are next.  

What's going on?  I'll tell you what's going on.  It's your time to make money.  Cheers. 

JAIME DIMON: We have to control the borders. We need more merit-based immigration.

We are screwing up tons of other things, including immigration.  But life isn't either or, so when your kids say we'll do this or that . . .  You know, you're dealt the hand you're dealt, and you got to deal with it.  So we should be very clear about helping the lower-income population.  Every country has to control the borders, and we have to control the borders.  So they're all important.

00:22  Would you take the deal that the Republicans put on the table, which is we want this border and immigration policy as we've laid out, and then we'll fund the rest.  Would you take that than neither?

00:32  I have not read that deal in total, but I probably would take it.  We have to control the borders.  We need more merit-based immigration.  We need more seasoned immigration.  [seasoned?  You mean of a certain age?]  We need DACA to have a place here.  We need a path to citizenship.  If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country.  And so I think the people who think that somehow it's okay, well now that they're sending the migrants into New York and stuff like that . . . so to all of my super liberal friends, now they realize what a problem it is.  Did it have to be that?  So we want to have a big heart for the world, but we have to control [the border and immigration].

WEJOLYN: “regularity” may be a matter of life & death

British & South African medical scientists insist that “regularity” may be a matter of life & death. Insufficient bowel movements may often explain gall bladder disorders, heart problems, varicose veins, appendicitis, clotting in deep veins, hiatal hernia, diverticulosis, arthritis & cancer of the colon” - “In most cases, simply changing the diet & eating habits alleviates many bowel problems without surgery.”

Dr. Bernard Jensen, 1908-2001.  His published works.

Dr. Anthony Badzier, 

DR. ANTHONY BADZIER professor of gastroenterology in NYC.

I conclude a study for 25 years of more than 5,000 (diseases) cases that every doctor must realize, that the toxins of the intestine are the most important causes of many disorders and health problems in the human body (today more than 11,000 diseases caused by poor intestinal cleaning).