Thursday, October 31, 2024

BROOK JACKSON: Forced sterilization is still legal in the U.S. Earlier this year, a DHS OIG report found that ICE’s Health Service Corps (IHSC) failed to follow proper approval processes for major surgeries on detainees.

All reporting comes down to unearthing facts.  Facts don't speak for themselves.  They can't.  Information is neutral until it gets put into the hands of others where it then takes on a life of its own.  This information here is stunning.  And it confirms a friend's complaint, who says, "The government is either trying to put you in jail, castrate you, or kill you."  I would add that they're also trying to bankrupt you, all in no particular order.  

Brook Jackson writes, 

Forced sterilization is still legal in the U.S. Earlier this year, a DHS OIG [Office of Inspector General] report found that ICE’s Health Service Corps (IHSC) failed to follow proper approval processes for major surgeries on detainees. About 32% of sampled surgeries were not approved by qualified officials, leading to concerns over medical necessity documentation. Notably, two of six hysterectomies reviewed lacked adequate medical justification. The fix—IHSC updated its policies to ensure the Regional or Clinical Directors approve all major surgeries going forward.

The end.  

U.S. Department of Homeland Security / Office of Inspector General, ICE Major Surgeries Were Not Always Properly Reviewed and Approved for Medical Necessity.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

JUDGE JOE BROWN: Jussie Smollett is Kamala Harris's nephew by marriage.

Jussie Smollett is Kamala Harris's nephew by marriage. 

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: one of the most impressive traits Trump displayed to me was empathy. When I went to visit Mar-a-Lago in 2020, Trump said he was tired of calling mothers to tell them that their sons died fighting in the Middle East. It was the first time I heard a politician actually discuss the citizens on the battlefield who are sent off to die in these neocon war games.

WHY would Putin ever agree to any agreement with Ukraine when they NEVER comply with what they agree to. 
Another stipulation is that Ukraine may never join NATO. Russia has repeatedly stated that it is not battling Ukraine but the NATO alliance that has them cornered. NATO has become the aggressor in this conflict that has grown to such proportions that admitting Ukraine would instantly lead to World War III under Article V that demands all NATO members attack in unison.
--Martin Armstrong

Donald Trump has long stated that he would end the war in Ukraine if elected president. Confident in his ability to do so, the former president has stated he could end the conflict in 24 hours and has guaranteed to do so before he actually enters the White House. He finally revealed how he intends to accomplish such a feat.

It begins by revisiting the failed Minsk Agreement – the entire premise of the current war.  Franรงois Hollande and Angela Merkel representing France and Germany at the time brokered the agreement between Russia and Ukraine. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitored negotiations and both sides agreed to an immediate ceasefire. Russia withdrew troops from Ukraine for one primary reason — the Donetsk and Luhansk regions were to be occupied territories that would have the autonomy to vote in their own elections.

These regions were never Ukrainian territory. It was occupied by Russians for centuries. The people there had a right to their own lives. The Ukrainians demanded they no longer speak Russian and they sought to deny them even their own religion and they were to report to Kyiv instead of Moscow. This was like Mexico reclaiming Texas and demanding English was to be outlawed only Spanish was to be spoken and all religions were to be outlawed except allegiance to the Archbishop of Mexico.

The ethnic Russians in the Donbas did not want to submit to a central government from Kyiv itself. The Obama Administration really opposed this sort of settlement on the grounds of old-world empire theory predicated on the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Such policies have led to the death of hundreds of millions of people over the centuries.

Europe brokered the Minsk Agreement as a ploy to buy time. Angela Merkel admitted a few years ago that they negotiated in bad faith with Putin simply to allow Ukraine time to fortify itself, thereby buying time to build its army. She also said that at the time, NATO was weak and could not provide support to Kyiv to the extent they do currently. The Minsk Agreements were signed to pretend to resolve the Donbas conflict.

WHY would Putin ever agree to any agreement with Ukraine when they NEVER comply with what they agree to. It is now abundantly clear that the Minsk agreements were NEVER intended to be carried out by the current Kyiv government. They were simply used to buy time to build up their forces for war against Russia.

Another stipulation is that Ukraine may never join NATO. Russia has repeatedly stated that it is not battling Ukraine but the NATO alliance that has them cornered. NATO has become the aggressor in this conflict that has grown to such proportions that admitting Ukraine would instantly lead to World War III under Article V that demands all NATO members attack in unison.

Trump’s former advisors have stated that America would have no role in enforcing any peace treaty agreements. This is not our war. “There are two things America will insist on. We will not have any men or women in the enforcement mechanism. We’re not paying for it. Europe is paying for it,” his former advisor added.

A strong leader like Donald Trump who does not align himself with the neocons could possibly persuade Putin, but who will persuade Zelensky? Zelensky’s Victory Plan includes the annihilation of Russia which is precisely what the neocons have been after. Who will convince the allies who have provided trillions in funding to Ukraine? Let’s also remember that the neocons are on both sides of the political spectrum and Trump would have trouble convincing his fellow Republicans to walk away from this war.

I’ve said it numerous times, but one of the most impressive traits Trump displayed to me was empathy. When I went to visit Mar-a-Lago in 2020, Trump said he was tired of calling mothers to tell them that their sons died fighting in the Middle East. It was the first time I heard a politician actually discuss the citizens on the battlefield who are sent off to die in these neocon war games. Trump said that there had been war in the Middle East for most of known modern history and America simply had no place there. Likewise, America has no place in Russia or Ukraine.

Socrates states that Trump could slow down the war cycle, but he cannot prevent the inevitable. It is true that Donald Trump could delay the onset of the growing global conflict BUT he cannot alter the cycle. Our computer shows that war could break out by 2027, and the financial implications will be fully felt by 2028.

Solomon Asch's famous experiment, showing that people bow to majority pressure, denying their own perceptions, successfully replicates in foreign country. And everybody is a conformist

I was vaguely familiar with the Asch Experiment, how one participant's knowledge, opinion, or understanding of shared reality can be manipulated by the group.  When I worked in a large school district, I saw his all the time.  To shore up consensus on some new program, or new trend, the district would stack a conference or a training program with personnel loyal to the district heads and program lieutenants.  To outsiders, this sounds like a conspiracy theory.  But one brave teacher raised his hand in a conference of about 40 "teachers" and asked bluntly, "How many of you in this room are district plants?"  And either stupidly or naively, a dozen hands went up.

I just had no idea that the Asch Experiment could corral 60% of an audience.  This means, contrary to the video above, that you don't need a majority of the audience to be privy to or participants in the experiment.  It's that powerful.  The cognitive dissonance of your own judgment is enough to change our minds.  And that change doesn't even have to be done with convictions, simply by peer pressure to conform.  I had no idea how powerful that was.  Well, I kind of did.  Look at any organization.  If a rumor is begun about you, and those spreading the rumor placed within it the instruction to commit violence, then that conformity contains a whole new level of concern.

This explains why critical thinking skills are essential for survival.  Too many of us take our life, our health, our wealth, and our survival for granted. 

CARNIVORE AURELIUS: If you consume what you produce, it's not counted in the total GDP of the economy... Meaning if you're growing your own fruits and veggies, eating your own chickens and milking your own cows, you count as ZERO for the economy and thus don't help increase government tax revenue