Friday, September 6, 2024

1991, FDA HEARING ON SSRIs: FDA was deluged with reports of suicide, homicide and mass shootings caused by those "antidepressants." Lawsuits then revealed the industry knew that risk, but, just like now, the FDA hid it from the public.

First, no one needs prescription drugs.  Exercise is the magic bullet.  And diet is the next best remedy.  That's it.  There are no imbalances on the brain, but only deficiencies often caused by stress, prolonged and or chronic stress.  Fix the stress with exercise, sunshine, and a good roast and mashed potato dinner.  Don't think that your doctor or psychiatrist knows more about your health than you do.  Honor thyself.  Don't outsource responsibility for something as important as the physical carriage that brung you. 

When SSRIs came out, the FDA was deluged with reports of suicide, homicide, and mass shootings caused by those "antidepressants." Lawsuits then revealed the industry knew that risk, but, just like now, the FDA hid it from the public. 

This FDA 1991 hearing will alert you, if it hasn't already, to the malicious criminal depravity of the FDA. 🧵 

On Prozac, Wikipedia states that,

Fluoxetine was invented by Eli Lilly and Company in 1972, and entered medical use in 1986. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. It is available as a generic medication. In 2022, it was the 22nd most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 24 million prescriptions

One book that was very popular after the FDA hearings was the 1994 book, Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? The Rest of the Story on the New Class of Ssri Antidepressants Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lovan, Luvox & More, 1994.  I'd read that.  It was promoting the virtues of Prozac as a unique antidepressant.  And it seems that all of America was being diagnosed as depressed in those days.  Psychiatrists were straight-up drug pushers, crushing any street drug competition back then.  A better book to read on Prozac is Peter Breggin's Talking Back to Prozac: What Doctors Aren't Telling You About Prozac and the Newer Antidepressants, Peter Breggin, and Ginger Ross, 1994.

Peter R. Breggin, M.D. Chief Expert for all 150 Prozac Lawsuits Against Eli Lilly Speaks Up.  The Real Truth About Health.  At the 12-minute mark, Breggin tells how the state of Ohio mistreated and threatened Pam Popper.  That lady is a true fighter and champion; she dismantled Ohio's dietician department.  He then mentions T. Colin Campbell, author of Whole, 2013.

PAUL SALADINO: Seed oils accumulate in some membranes, and we can't get rid of it. Probably causes increased permeability of membranes, it accumulates in mitochondrial membranes

My problem with most pork is that it's fed grains, corn, and soy and that corn and soy are very high in linoleic acid and pigs and chickens can't get rid of that linoleic acid, which means the fat of pigs and the fat of chickens fed corn and soy ends up much higher in linoleic acid than the corresponding fat of a wild pig or a wild chicken.  And wild chickens and wild pigs, the amount of linoleic acid is around 5% or 6%, but in domesticated chickens and pigs, you're looking at 15% or 16% linoleic acid.  And excess linoleic acid is the polyunsaturated fatty acid found in seed oils that I'm very worried about for a variety of reasons.  

Learn more about seed oils from Saladino through the podcasts he's done with Georgy Dinkov, Tucker Goodrich, and Jeff Nobbs.  Lots of reasons why seed oils and linoleic acid in seed oils harm humans.  It accumulates in some membranes, and we can't get rid of it.  Probably causes increased permeability of membranes, it accumulates in mitochondrial membranes in the cardiolipin, causing problems with the electron transport chain.  Leads to increased oxidation of LDL, increased oxidized LDL, and has been shown in randomized controlled studies, like the Minnesota Coronary, which is a long study with over 9,000 participants to be linked directly in that randomized controlled trial to higher rates of coronary heart disease, which makes sense when you realize that linoleic acid gets into the LDL particles and causes increased oxidation, etc. 

Will never forget the first time I ate food that included Canola oil.  My heart flipped inside my chest.  Shocked the hell out of me. 

Thanks to Joshua Booth for the above chart.  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

ROSSINI: Government efficiency is an oxymoron. Government doesn’t operate with profits and losses. Everything is decided politically, and the incentive is to spend your entire budget.

Pat Buchanan is the author of 10 books, including 6 straight New York Times Bestsellers.  The book we'll be talking about today is Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World, 2008.

PETER ST ONGE: Jobs collapse as job openings crash by *half a million* and layoffs soar to 1.8 million.