Tuesday, August 27, 2024

DANNY RODDY: Leg hair loss is not superficial and can indicate early arterial stiffness. Vitamin K and thyroid, and just vitamin D can reverse it

This was the weekly rations allowed for an adult in the UK during WW2.

TIM DENNING: "The purpose of a habit is to remove that action from self-negotiation." - You create a habit to automate the process. - If you perform a habit enough times then you don’t have to decide.

TREASON IN SPAIN? Spanish government is shutting down entire airport to exclusively fly African immigrants into Spain. Using taxpayers money, the government is flying immigrants from the Canary Islands into mainland πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ and directly into hotels.

What's Your Source of Negative Ions, Waterfalls or Afternoon Traffic?

Who knew that when Dad was telling us to go play on the freeway, he was really trying to have us get more negative ions to fortify our health.  And here I was thinking that he was just tired of dealing with his teenage boys.