7:22 She showed me things in a taping that you're going to see that are not in that first publication that just came out that I did the two shows on. And she's convinced by matching up the pictures from other publications that what they are incubating are over two and three years and they're still growing; they are still enlarging and sprouting, something called Bio-hybrid Microbots, micro-robots. . . . they took Pfizer and Moderna vials and incubated over months and months and months, over two-and-a-half years . . . the materials inside about 50 Pfizer and Moderna vials. And no, not saying this was in everything, Ryan Cole. Saying that this was found in 50 or so vials. Some open, some not open. All growing the same thing. Different media, normal saline, which is isotonic, which is 0.9% salinity which is compatible with the human body; that's why we call it normal saline. Distilled water with no electrical charge, no minerals, nothing of its own, grew things the biggest and the fastest. [SO AVOID DISTILLED WATER?] The human body is 75% water. They have found so many different types of structures. They tested them on human skin. They tested them in human blood freshly drawn, human semen, freshly given specimens where the sperm motility was still there to see the reaction. It's ex-vivo, i.e., out of the body, but living material. So it is en-vivo media. They're going for broke. They're building self-assembling and then there's a mission beyond that, I am sure, and it takes a long time; this didn't happen over hours. They're checking them daily and weekly, over 20 to 25 months.
10:20 And here was the bombshell. These are growing just as well in the injected as well as in those whose blood and semen were used as samples that were not injected. Not saying it's growing in uninjected people, let's be careful. But people who took the shots, and say, "Hey, I haven't had any symptoms. My whole family. We took the shots. You know, in 2021, we took two Pfizers and a Moderna booster," whatever the combination, "and we're doing fine. We've never even had a fever." It's growing in them, and it grows best in water, distilled water, and normal saline. The world is in danger. Bio-hybrid. Synthetic biology. Bio-hybrid. "Life," and hybrid, "Mixing it with something else." This is the merging of non-human life with human life. If you want to call it trans-humanism, I'm okay with that term.
12:14 Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Brody are part of a group called the International Interdisciplinary Research Team. Now, why is that important? They're not just MDs. They're not just scientists, okay, those are the be-all, end-all. They're engineers, all kinds of engineers, chemical engineers, all kinds, I'm not an engineering expert. She explains in the first part of the show, which I think is incredibly valuable. In the process of answering my question, "How did you and Dr. Brody even start this, what even made you say, "Hey, let's incubate?" I mean it made sense. In her explanation, she made a comment, she's an OBGYN, she made a comment about the difference between somebody who took the shot and what she saw in her 30 years of practice in what I would call "Pre-COVID, normal" miscarriage. She calls it abortion because in the medical and scientific world, I never felt comfortable with it but it is the technical term for miscarriage when you say "spontaneous abortion." But she says, and this made me so sick to my stomach, she said I can tell the difference between a miscarriage that happens in a vaccine COVID-19 injected person and someone who hasn't taken it." How is that, Dr. Lee? She said in natural spontaneous abortion, er, miscarriage, the fetus dies on its own, and something goes wrong. It had a congenital, predetermined problem and it died. Stillbirth. It became ill. It couldn't multiply, and then the body starts to contract the uterus and bleed and you get bleeding, because it's the body's way of saying, "Uh-uh, ain't going to make it. Get it out. Get it out." She said that in the jab, the fetus doesn't die first. The situation around it, the um, becomes untenable and then the fetus dies from it. She does the ultrasounds. She found evidence that the uterine sack that holds the amniotic fluid was contaminated with blood and clots and the fetus was struggling and struggling to survive and fighting through it. This is the kind of evil