Sunday, May 26, 2024

Native New Yorkers Aren’t Holding Back. Ex Barack Obama Voter Tells The Media They Will Not Tolerate Another Stolen Election

Big Tobacco Bought Big Food in 1985

This 2016 film reveals how the tobacco Giants have corrupted our food.

1985 tobacco giant RJ Reynolds bought Nabisco FoodsTobacco pioneer Philip Morris bought General Foods and in 1988, 3 years later, Kraft Foods, making them the largest food producer in North America and leaving the business of food in the capable hands of the same corporations who helped addict us to tobacco.  Using the same practice they use to promote tobacco, food companies set about peddling the entire planet a diet of processed goods, loaded with chemicals and additives masquerading as food.  This new machine operates with specific targets in mind, like addicting consumers without them knowing it.  

The clip above comes from the 2016 documentary titled, The C-Word, narrated by Morgan Freeman. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

This baby gets it!!

ERIN MARIE OLSZEWSKI: Now I know that they were experimenting on patients without the patients' permission or the family's permission, and they were hanging Remdesivir even without our knowledge on these patients

Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence, and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst HospitalErin Marie Olszewski, 2020.

Are Unidentified 'Death Squads' Being Used to Kill Patients in Hospitals with Remdesivir and the Like?

"[T]here was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like your average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak. Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges..." In this clip from an interview with Peter McIlvenna () writer, producer, and presenter Jacqui Deevoy () describes a support group of approximately 142 people who have "absolutely horrendous stories their loved ones were murdered in NHS [National Health Service in England] settings," including in hospices, care homes, and hospitals." Deevoy, who set up the support group following the production of a 2021 film dubbed 'A Good Death?' (co-produced with David Icke's 'Ickonic' platform/studio), says "the stories are just unbelievable," as "you don't expect your loved one to go into a care home or hospital and be murdered, which is what's happening." The writer goes on to note that "we kind of sugarcoat it slightly by calling it 'involuntary euthanasia,' but 'involuntary euthanasia,' I don't know why that phrase really exists because that is murder." Deevoy adds, "If someone is being euthanized, being...killed, against their will, surely that's murder. I can't see why it's called anything else." "If we drugged a loved one to death, no matter what state they were in, whether they were terminally ill or not, we would be arrested and probably jailed," Deevoy says. "But when a doctor or nurse does it, it seems to be okay. And I don't really understand that." Deevoy goes on to say that "It's hard to believe that doctors and nurses could be that heartless and cruel...and murderous, but I don't think it's all doctors and nurses at all. I'd say 95% of them are absolutely brilliant..." Critically, however, the writer says "there was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like you're average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak..."  

Deevoy adds, "Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges, they've been very hard to trace afterward in some cases—it's very, very strange, and I'm starting to wonder if these people haven't been brought in to do this. Because your average nurse or carer or doctor wouldn't be able to do it. That's not why they're doing their job. They're doing their job to help people, not to kill them."