Friday, May 17, 2024

The term "brain death" was created by a Harvard committee for organ harvesting. How much is your body worth? Well, if you're between 16 and 30, it's worth a lot

Boy, you've got to be a special kind of ghoul to be a "designated requestor."  dresses nice, befriends the relatives, "Can I get you a cup of coffee?  Oh, I know this has to be terrible on you.  We'll do everything we can to help you."  All of that is part of getting them indoctrinated . . . procurement to get their organs.  

Whose organs do they want?  Certainly from all children but especially the people who are 16 to 30.

Is this why a steady stream of drugs continues to flow into communities across the U.S.?  

No, couldn't be.  Prolly just some hoodlums peddlin' dope is all.  

Here is the full interview with Dr. Paul Byrne, titled,

Dr. Byrne's "Brain Dead" Is a Lie and Some Other Uncomfortable Truths, February 12, 2023.

Shopping in California, 1940s

On your intake form, make sure you write NO BIOLOGICS in all caps. Don’t trust that you’ll just get the “tetanus” shot. You won’t.

I would never go to a hospital for a cut, or for anything for that matter.   

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Russia to conduct missile tests for 10 days 300 miles offshore from San Francisco in international waters.

What Putin does not get is that our wonderful Neocons care nothing about the country, the people, and certainly not the economy.  He keeps warning – is this what you really want? They do not back down and want war so bad they can taste it in their sleep.  --Martin Armstrong

Thanks to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Putin keeps trying to warn the American Neocons that they are playing with World War III, which will be nuclear. They issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) that they will be firing missiles in a test just off the coast of northern California coast, thereby alerting pilots of Russian missile launches to LAND / IMPACT in the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center ((ARTCC). This will begin tomorrow and continue for 10 days. This is 300 miles offshore in international waters.

What Putin does not get is that our wonderful Neocons care nothing about the country, the people, and certainly not the economy. The Climate Change zealots in the White House agree with them and think reducing the population may be the only way to reach their NET ZERO target for CO2. He keeps warning – is this what you really want? They do not back down and want war so bad they can taste it in their sleep.

The first week of June in a Panic Cycle and the climate change nuts are punching for restrictions on travel this summer and the date is June 6th is what they are shooting for. They want to curtain your summer vacation this year to reduce CO2. If they can throw in war – fantastic! The only question they indeed to ask after World War III – Did we get enough of them to save the planet? 

ROBERT GREEN: the very last thing he did before that young man committed suicide was doing the yard work outside of the building that he was no longer permitted to enter

Robert Green is the speaker.  He's written a letter at  With Admiral Lee, he wrote "The Institution or the Constitution?" March 25, 2024.

We are not doing what it takes right now to make sure that Readiness is prioritized.  What's actually happening right now is senior leaders are protecting themselves, the institution, as we discussed in the article, and their own careers.  They are willing to risk the [military] services in order to not take any personal risk.  What we are seeing right now is a devastation of manning in just a Navy itself in the fleet.  When this thing started out, we were at 7,000 gaps on Operational Sea Duty Billets (positions). And in the two and a half years since that came to light, that has tripled.  There are now 21,000 gaps in Operational Billets (positions) at Sea, and it's only getting worse.  The services are going to miss recruiting, they estimate, by 41,000 recruits.  And the only way, as Admiral Lee and I write in an article, the only way we can get to the bottom of this is by restoring trust.  We've got to study this thing.  We've got to understand exactly what went wrong and how we can identify those things [so] that never happened again.  And we show how the law was broken and trust was destroyed with service members and with the American people.  We had service members kicked out and turned homeless with children I talked to one individual who had to live out of a vehicle with kids for a long time ended up being about a year before he was able to move into a family member's basement and couldn't get a job because of the characterization it wasn't a fully honorable discharge all for standing up for his religious beliefs.  That kind of thing was happening all over the place.

Another young man, isolated from his SEAL Team, was treated poorly, and forced to be escorted into his own building.  He was given manual labor.  He was told that the only thing he was allowed to do was yard work.  So the very last thing he did before that young man committed suicide was doing the yard work outside of the building that he was no longer permitted to enter.  Those kinds of things the American people see this, so if you are a senior leader and you're listening to this interview, we need to own this.  We need to embrace the red, and we need to take whatever personal consequences come from it so that we can rebuild trust with the American people.  So if something goes hot in the world, which it's highly likely in our current environment, we're going to have a force that's man properly to respond to that.