Showing posts with label Neonatologist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neonatologist. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

The term "brain death" was created by a Harvard committee for organ harvesting. How much is your body worth? Well, if you're between 16 and 30, it's worth a lot

Boy, you've got to be a special kind of ghoul to be a "designated requestor."  dresses nice, befriends the relatives, "Can I get you a cup of coffee?  Oh, I know this has to be terrible on you.  We'll do everything we can to help you."  All of that is part of getting them indoctrinated . . . procurement to get their organs.  

Whose organs do they want?  Certainly from all children but especially the people who are 16 to 30.

Is this why a steady stream of drugs continues to flow into communities across the U.S.?  

No, couldn't be.  Prolly just some hoodlums peddlin' dope is all.  

Here is the full interview with Dr. Paul Byrne, titled,

Dr. Byrne's "Brain Dead" Is a Lie and Some Other Uncomfortable Truths, February 12, 2023.