Thursday, February 29, 2024

Why does the escorting officer put Doucet between himself and Plauche? And the cops weren't tried for conspiracy to commit murder? And the cameraman is unfazed.

It is horrible what Doucet did to Plaunche's son, Jody, who later wrote a book on the whole crime revenge drama.  And though I might even defend Plaunche's actions after having read a little of what took place, the fact that you've got the police operating in a conspiracy against your life is as bad as it gets.  Gary Plaunche murdered Doucet on March 16, 1984, for Doucet's sick molestation of Gary's son, Jody.  Wikipedia summarizes it,

Plauché, a native of Baton RougeLouisiana, was separated from his wife, June, at the time of the shooting. During 1983 and 1984, his 11-year-old son Jody was taking karate lessons with an instructor, 25-year-old Jeffrey Doucet. Unbeknownst to Jody's parents, Doucet had been sexually abusing the boy for at least a year. On February 14, 1984, Doucet kidnapped Jody and took him to a motel in AnaheimCalifornia, where he sexually assaulted and molested him. Jody, the focus of a nationwide search, was eventually found after Doucet allowed the boy to place a collect call to his mother from the motel. California police raided the motel and arrested Doucet without incident.

On March 1, 1984, Jody was returned to his family in Louisiana. In an interview with a news television crew, Gary, having heard reports that Doucet had sexually assaulted his son, stated that he felt a sense of helplessness.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

therapeutics that replenished the Bifidobacteria, such as vitamins C and D and ivermectin improved patient survival rates

Gastroenterologist and CEO of ProgenaBiome, Dr. Sabine Hazan, has said that the COVID-19 vaccine may cause immunosuppression by reducing good Bifidobacteria in the gut. She showed that after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, Bifidobacteria levels dropped by half among her trial participants.

Bifidobacteria are essential for boosting intestinal immunity. Dr. Hazan’s earlier work showed that people with reduced Bifidobacteria in the gut were at risk of severe COVID-19 infections, and therapeutics that replenished the Bifidobacteria, such as vitamins C and D and ivermectin improved patient survival rates. She also told how her clinical trials on COVID early treatment were sabotaged during the pandemic . . . 

Illegals demanding MORE free housing shut down a Seattle City Council meeting

Thank you to Steve Bartin.   


00:25. A quote from a lesser known dictator and that's Mao Zedong.  In 1957, he not so famously said, "Not to have correct political opinions is like not having a soul."  And I think that that is kind of a banner for the lives that we've been living for the last few years and that's very unfortunate but it's also very telling.  My talk is titled, "The Target Is You."  What I want to talk about is actually "The Politics of Compliance" is the name I've given this and it's actually derived from a strategy that Mao Zedong used, but to make the politics of compliance work the target is actually you.  And I don't just mean you with the wrong political opinions who don't have souls.  I mean everybody.  There are generally three categories of people when it comes to the politics of compliance: 1) there are the people who are complying; 2) there are the people who are refusing, and 3) there are the people who aren't sure.  And all three are targeted by the politics of compliance roughly the same way with the same Dynamic the goal is of course to get the compliant to feel better than everybody else but also frustrated with everybody else it is to convince those who are not sure to join the programming to begin to comply and it is to use the people who refuse to comply as the wedge around which the entire thing turns.  In fact, it's to dehumanize them and motivate the other two groups to try to destroy them.  So Mao Zedong simply took over China with a very small number of conceptual concepts that I'm lumping together in what I'm calling the politics of compliance.  He separated the population into two broad categories I just mentioned.  I just mentioned three, well he cut it into two.  It was an oversimplification, and those two categories are the people, and the enemies of the people.  Not to put too fine a point on it, that's what he called them: the people and the enemies of the people. And what he said is who are the people?  Well, he gives this kind of historical record in 1957 as to who counted as the people, and when.  And there's a consistent running theme through his 8 or 9 different examples of different historical periods of the Chinese story, whether it's the Japanese or the Sino-Japanese War, the second one, whether it's the period of building socialism after he took power in 1949, whether it's during his 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-Year Plan, and the examples all have the single theme of THE people are the people who agree with Mao, and THE ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE are the people who don't agree with Mao.  And it turns out to be really that simple the people at the period of building socialism are those who support the building of socialism and the enemies of the people are those who resist the building of socialism.  He says it explicitly that clearly.  

3:20. And this sets up a dynamic I think the best name for it is Hatecraft, and here is how it works.  The goal of this split is to say that there is a correct perspective on all things, a sacred science (see #5), as Robert [Jay] Lifton described it, and that's called The People's perspective, or at least it was in China.  We could call it whatever, "the critical race perspective on Race"; we could call it "the queer perspective on sexual politics"; we could all imagine a bunch of examples under COVID, "the public health perspective," I guess would be the right name for it.  I see Red Hats in the crowd, you're not allowed to have those.  That's the deplorable side of a different perspective.  But this is the general idea.  There are people who do the right thing.  There are people who do the wrong thing, and the goal is to bring people into the people's perspective, which is also called agreeing with the tyranny.  

4:10. And what you do in order to achieve this idea is that you separate the population into two broad categories, The People and The Enemies of the People.  And then you say,

What we want is unity.  We want Unity but there are certain elements in the population who are preventing us from unity and moving into the future that we can be having, and it's their fault.  The people want to move forward, and the enemy of the people is stopping them.  The people want to open their businesses and go back about their lives, but the people who won't wear masks or take a shot or socially distance or close down their lives or whatever else in the COVID department, are stopping them.  We want to open the country back up, but we can't because there are anti-vaxxers.  They are the problem.

That is hatecraft.

You know who does revere the dollar? Everyone living outside of America, especially the people in 3rd-world countries who still place the dollar on a pedestal because its purchasing power far outweighs their own national currency. Migrants are not following the American dream to build a new life; rather, they are following the dollar.

If they were permitted to work, they would see that their wages would not take them far. They have no concept of American taxation.  --Martin Armstrong

Thanks to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

I revealed how Democrats planned the deliberate invasion of America to secure votes for socialistic policies. There is a second motive that is not largely understood, but it becomes apparent when you follow the money. In particular, follow the dollar.

The dollar’s purchasing power is significantly less than it was a few short years ago. Americans understand that inflation is here to stay, and the cost of living far outpaces what they earn. Americans mourned the American dream and are living in survival mode. During private waves, when the public turns away from the government, people hoard their money. The American people no longer revere the USD and are turning away from all government investments. They see the value of their dollar declining every time they go to the store, pay their mortgage, or glimpse at their bank account. Tax season highlights the misuse of government funds as we are taxed every time we look at the dollar.

You know who does revere the dollar? Everyone living outside of America, especially the people in third-world countries who still place the dollar on a pedestal because its purchasing power far outweighs their own national currency. Migrants are not following the American dream to build a new life; rather, they are following the dollar.

Now, our fiat currency could easily be exposed for being worth less than the public perception. “Money” is merely worth its associated cost. Most people blame the Federal Reserve for they are led to believe that it is the Fed that creates trillions of dollars to use for every outlandish spending package. The Federal Reserve simply prints more money when demanded by monetary and fiscal policies on a small scale. The bulk of the real money supply is US government debt, which has become cash that pays interest. The dollar remains the strongest currency in circulation, for now, but it does not have the same strength as it once did because all governments are cascading toward a sovereign debt crisis when there is NO BID for government debt.

The migrants provide the illusion of a stronger dollar and a reason to print in continuation to meet the monetary policies enacted under Biden. Furthermore, the migrants are provided with free housing, health care, food, and all other living expenses in order to perpetuate the concept of a strong Democratic Party. If they were permitted to work, they would see that their wages would not take them far. They have no concept of American taxation. Therefore, the second motive behind the deliberate invasion of America is entwined with the declining purchasing power of the USD, but they also need bodies for World War III. They will offer citizenship in return for military service. If what the migrants were getting, which is nearly $2,000 a month just in food and medicine, they would suddenly see that they could not possibly live with no trade and language skills. The Democrats are getting their just due, for a growing proportion are coming from the Middle East and Africa who neither share American values nor just may not be soldier quality.