Monday, January 29, 2024

"To fight this money flow's effect on governance . . . make it clear that when the orders come down from the HHS through state health depts. to the counties that the [sheriffs] and healthcare workers don't carry out their instructions . . ."

Just read this,

To fight this money flow's effect on governance, Watt says it's critical to "repeal emergency preparedness plans and make it clear that when the orders come down from the Health and Human Services Secretary through the state health departments to the counties, the county law enforcement officers and the county healthcare workers are not going to carry out the instructions because they understand... the instructions are to kill the population. Or to round them up so they can be killed elsewhere." --Katherine Watt

"[The BIS is] the central bank for the national central banks." Open that link to see the member banks; they're the central banks of the different nations around the world, hence the name Bank for International Settlements.

Writer and paralegal Katherine Watt describes for Jason Bermas (@JasonBermas) how the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which was set up in 1930 and is privately owned (just like all other federal central banks), is able to control legislatures via manipulation of the monetary system.

"[T]hrough its manipulation of transactions, and currencies, and inflation rates, and the other things that are controlled by central bankers, they [the BIS] have a direct... door to the legislatures," Watt says. "Because Congress doesn't set up its own monetary system, it depends on the Federal Reserve in our case and the same thing is true in other countries." Watt notes that this manipulation mechanism "can go all the way down to... losing your PayPal account, losing your job, if you're a corporation—especially if you're a corporation that has any federal contracts..." She offers as an example corporations losing access to federal contracts in 2021 if they didn't comply with the Biden administration's COVID-injection contractor mandate. Watt also highlights intergovernmental agreements or IGAs in this context, which are "contracts to get the money packages through things like the CARES Act..." that flow all the way down to the county governance level. Watt notes that "at the beginning [of the COVID era] and going forward it'll be the same: to get the money they [the counties] have to do the programs and follow the instructions that are given to them by the executive branch of the federal government." Watt also highlights "a big push" starting in the 2000s at the county level "to do joint training exercises between federal military law enforcement and public health officials and state and local law enforcement officers and healthcare workers to train them in the idea that when these public health emergencies are declared, the law enforcement officers are supposed to go around and control populations and get them to behaviorally comply with these orders." The writer/paralegal adds, "the healthcare workers are supposed to be the front-line that administers the weapons calling them medicinal products..." To fight this money flow's effect on governance, Watt says it's critical to "repeal emergency preparedness plans and make it clear that when the orders come down from the Health and Human Services Secretary through the state health departments to the counties, the county law enforcement officers and the county healthcare workers are not going to carry out the instructions because they understand... the instructions are to kill the population. Or to round them up so they can be killed elsewhere."

Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World, Adam Lebor, 2014.

Here is the full video.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Rogan is the Neo-Legacy Media. A $100mil business is not indie."

00:27. Brett Weinstein was not a COVID dissident.  He wore the masks, and fine, you want to wear the masks, fine, but he shamed people who didn't wear them.  When so many true COVID dissidents, so many real doctors and medical professionals and nurses had already been out there risking their jobs, their income, their security, their reputation, and sometimes possibly their lives to bring you the facts.  These people are essentially doing The Stolen Valor thing when you claim that you fought in a war and you get all the kudos and you get all the medals and you get all the trust from society and goodwill that comes from that.  But you really didn't ever fight.  You just bought a uniform at the Army Surplus and you go to Memorial Day ceremonies and Veterans Day ceremonies and you're like, "Oh, I fought" and you didn't?  That's what Brett Weinstein is doing.  

Corporate Espionage at McDonald's . . . Ice Cream Machine?

Johnny Vedmore

Pottinger is being withdrawn from the top teams of the legal teams.   

Stone's book focuses on William Yandell Elliott, an American Rhodes Scholar, Round Table member, behind-the-scenes kingmaker, and advisor to six US presidents.

Richard Poe explains that,
Elliott recruited Kissinger into the CIA. But both men worked for the British.

Stone suggests that America's defeat in Vietnam was deliberately engineered by Kissinger, to break US pride, so Americans would humbly accept global government.