Saturday, January 13, 2024

[Reagan, aka] "The scum bag was completely owned by the military–industrial-media-pharmaceutical complex. No politician will get you out of this, because THEY GOT YOU INTO IT How do you repeal something through the very people paid to inflict it upon you?

Way too many chemicals: specifically chlorine & calcium. What does calcium do? It calcifies the pineal gland.

Way too many chemicals: specifically chlorine & calcium.

“The calcium build up is the worst we’ve ever seen it.” What does calcium do? It calcifies the pineal gland. “We’re seeing chlorine levels equal to what’s in swimming pools.” He couldn’t express enough how we should NEVER drink or cook w/tap water.

BTW, boron helps to restore the pineal gland from dysfunction from fluoride and calcium.  


Friday, January 12, 2024

Dear American Taxpayer: See What You're Funding . . .

Biden & his Administration refuse to enforce our immigration laws. They aren't requiring the MILLIONS of people illegally crossing our southern border to show proof of anything - shots, health, criminal records. Nothing.

MUST WATCH: Gonzalo exposing Viktoria Nuland!

Absolutely loved this guy.  Learned so much by him.