Showing posts with label pineal gland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pineal gland. Show all posts

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Way too many chemicals: specifically chlorine & calcium. What does calcium do? It calcifies the pineal gland.

Way too many chemicals: specifically chlorine & calcium.

“The calcium build up is the worst we’ve ever seen it.” What does calcium do? It calcifies the pineal gland. “We’re seeing chlorine levels equal to what’s in swimming pools.” He couldn’t express enough how we should NEVER drink or cook w/tap water.

BTW, boron helps to restore the pineal gland from dysfunction from fluoride and calcium.  


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The pituitary releases hormones throughout the endocrine system to ensure physiological functions in our body; the pineal gland is mostly responsible for producing melatonin.

From PubMed  


The present study was carried out to investigate if ethanol alters the aromatization of androgens and concentrations of hepatic estrogen and androgen receptors. Hepatic aromatization of androgen to estrogen was significantly increased by ethanol administration. There was a significant increase in serum estrogen level but a decreased circulating testosterone level in alcohol-fed rats. Furthermore, the concentration of estrogen receptors in liver cytosol was significantly higher in alcohol-fed rats (37 +/- 5.3 fmol/mg protein), as compared to the intact control value (21 +/- 4.8 fmol/mg protein). However, hepatic androgen receptor levels were much lower (4.4 +/- 0.5) in alcohol-fed rats than those (10.2 +/- 1.4 fmol/mg protein) in control animals. Similarly, castration increased hepatic aromatization of androgens and concentrations of serum estrogen and hepatic estrogen receptors, but it decreased the contents of circulating androgen and hepatic androgen receptors. These findings indicate that alcohol administration is considered a chemical form of castration, altering the hepatic steroid metabolism and sex hormone receptor contents and contributing to the pathogenesis of feminization. A combination of alcohol-feeding and castration has no synergistic effect on the hepatic steroid receptors and aromatization, but this combination does have a more profound effect in lowering the concentration of circulating androgen.

Here are some foods that raise, or increase, your androgen receptors.  First, knock off the alcohol except for the occasional celebration of personal milestones.  Don't get me wrong.  I love red wine. Would drink it regularly if didn't have all the nasty side effects on the brain and liver.  Those side effects can make a person irritable and grumpy the next day for which you'll need plenty of coffee the next morning to revive yourself.  But alcohol and coffee both deplete your vitamin B stores.  In fact, these beverages are referred to as B blockers because they block the absorption of vitamin B into your tissues.  Because alcohol does have nasty effects on hormones even tissues, I abstained long ago, decades now.  I was always considered a lightweight when friends, relatives, and acquaintances had no problem putting away excessive amounts.  

Coffee does have benefits but too much can drain the brain of B vitamins and deplete the pituitary gland [A MAJOR PLAYER IN YOUR ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, sometimes called "the master gland"] hormones

Which hormones does the pituitary gland make?
The anterior lobe of your pituitary gland makes and releases the following hormones:
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH or corticotrophin): ACTH plays a role in how your body responds to stress. It stimulates your adrenal glands to produce cortisol (the “stress hormone”), which has many functions, including regulating metabolism, maintaining blood pressure, regulating blood glucose (blood sugar) levels and reducing inflammation, among others.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): FSH stimulates sperm production in people assigned male at birth. FSH stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen and plays a role in egg development in people assigned female at birth. This is known as a gonadotrophic hormone.
Growth hormone (GH): In children, growth hormone stimulates growth. In other words, it helps children grow taller. In adults, growth hormone helps maintain healthy muscles and bones and impacts fat distribution. GH also impacts your metabolism (how your body turns the food you eat into energy).
Look at how these idiots describe biological functions.  Science is corrupted.  F**k these compliant bureaucrats.  "assigned"?  
Luteinizing hormone (LH): LH stimulates ovulation in people assigned female at birth and testosterone production in people assigned male at birth. LH is also known as a gonadotrophic hormone because of the role it plays in controlling the function of the ovaries and testes, known as the gonads.
Prolactin: Prolactin stimulates breast milk production (lactation) after giving birth. It can affect fertility and sexual functions in adults.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): TSH stimulates your thyroid to produce thyroid hormones that manage your metabolism, energy levels, and your nervous system.
And a few more

But we all want a simplified life. In that case, ignore everything I've said or printed here, and go on about your business.  But if you want to maintain a high level of productivity long into your years, then be vigilant on bodily processes that deliver on productivity.   To keep your pituitary gland functioning at peak levels as you continue drinking coffee, then it would help, help a lot, to be consuming boron.  

The difference between the Pituitary Gland and the Pineal Gland is that the pituitary releases hormones throughout the endocrine system to ensure physiological functions in our body, whereas the pineal gland is mostly responsible for producing melatonin.  People take melatonin supplements to keep the pineal gland producing melatonin.  Boron helps to keep that organ regulated.  Pineal gland is not just for melatonin.  It's also responsible for critical thinking.  For the Pituitary gland, eat red meat, get sunlight at peak hours, 11-2, get Omega-3s through fish oil, and supplement with vitamin D. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Fluoride literally turns the pineal gland to stone

Sometimes I really don't know which way to turn.  Some say fluoride is bad for you but they fail to identify what to use in its place to keep your teeth hard and keep more of them in your mouth. 

At least MD and ND, Dr. Carolyn Dean spells out the problems with fluoride as opposed to way too many pseudo-health writers who come up short on a true understanding of the best nutrients for dental health.  Too many narcissists on Twitter rely on poetic memes and clever phrases but leave you absolutely empty-handed and empty headed with zero recommendations.  It's like they've become gurus by way of memes.  Healthbot, however, is not one of these.  He's quite good.  His tweets are sharp and to he point and incontrovertible. 

I like Healthbot @healthbot.  He tweets out some basic facts that we all need to heed and get back to.  

Like this.

That's good intel.  It's Twitter intel and we all understand that it has limited value.  But it is better than nothing.  It's a start for deeper understanding.  

But when it comes to tweets on fluoride, all that we get is that same old demonizing narrative, perhaps well deserved, about fluoride hazards and how the chemical is a neurotoxin, how it leads to dementia, and a host of other ailments, but he leaves us wanting for alternatives to fluoride that would harden our teeth, fortify and preserve tooth pulp, gums, and other anatomical structures of our smile and bite.  

Yeah, this ain't good.

So good info. on fluoride.  In fact,  of all the folks or any of the folks who delineate the hazards of fluoride, Healthbot may be the best.  Hard to ignore the value of that service.

But no word on how to keep more healthy teeth in your mouth.  No word on how to prevent teeth from cracking, and so forth.  I get it.  He's not a dentist. But nor can dentists provide insights for you either, except to have you schedule another appointment two weeks from now.  

Nutritional researcher, Bill Sardi, has written in how vitamin D hardens tooth enamel and how far-soluble vitamin A restores tooth pulp.  So there.  You've got two items that you didn't have before that can be effective.  To what degree of preservation and restoration these compounds deliver results depends in a host if factors: age, diet, disease, injuries, and others, including genetics.  But at least he gives you a place to start.  Further, when I wrote to him directly asking about how to strengthen teeth topically, he said, without hesitation, fluoride.  So fluoride plays a role, but there are trade-offs, and maybe that is all we can hope for.  And that folks with beautiful teeth are simply winners on the genetic lottery. 

But a lot can go wrong with the mouth, the anatomical orifice occupying the lower half of our face.  

MD and ND, Dr. Carolyn Dean to the rescue. 


Fluoride is not added to drinking water to clean it or make it healthier but to prevent cavities by making the enamel of your teeth stronger. In the past decade, all the pro-fluoride research has scientifically validated this fact. But they totally ignore the other effects of fluoride – up to and including cancer. Some websites even call fluoride a superhero!

Let me take a few minutes to outline the problems with fluoride. The enamel of the tooth binds to fluorine creating a whole new compound called fluoroapatite. Instead of being beneficial to teeth, accumulated evidence shows that fluoride during infancy and early childhood may damage the developing tooth-forming cells and lead to defective enamel referred to as “dental fluorosis.”

This condition is characterized by white, yellow, and brown spots and/or pitted permanent teeth. But you don’t even know that in infants until their teeth have erupted through the gumline. By then it’s too late to do anything about it.

Fluorosis has been acknowledged by the ADA, which recommends that parents not use fluoridated water for children under 6 months (including water used to make up baby formula bottles) and to avoid fluoridated toothpaste for children two years and younger. For older children, the ADA advises that only a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste should be used. And that kids should be taught to spit out rather than swallow toothpaste! But they added sweeteners and flavors that make toothpaste very tasty. And, of course, chemicals are absorbed through the mucus membranes of the mouth.

She recommends that you don't use Listerine.  Oh, boy, here we go again . . . a list of don'ts without compensating list of musts.  


Take the most popular antiseptic throat gargle on the market – actually, don’t take it – avoid it like the plague. I don’t even have to name it, you all know from the relentless advertising that tells us we all have bad breath and aren’t fit to face our friends and family without this product.

The total amount of active ingredients in Listerine is: 0.258%. Those ingredients are Oils of Thyme, Eucalyptus, Wintergreen and Menthol. The inactive ingredients are Water, Alcohol (21.6%), Sorbitol Solution, Flavoring, Poloxamer 407, Benzoic Acid, Sodium Saccharin, Sodium Benzoate, FD&C Green 3 making Listerine a 50-proof alcohol product!

Okay, this was interesting.  So if you're using and consuming fluoride, you're depleting your body and bones of magnesium.  Wow.  


While most of Europe and half of the United States have completely abandoned the use of fluoride in the water supply, it still remains in the other half of the United States, in toothpaste, and as a molecule in SSRI antidepressants such as Prozac. Fluoride seeks out minerals such as magnesium and binds with it, making magnesium unavailable to the body and unable to do its work. The magnesium fluoride mineral produced is called sellaite; it is almost insoluble and ends up taking the place of magnesium in hard tissues like bone and cartilage, but its brittleness makes the bone susceptible to fracture. The reduction in available magnesium causes a decrease in enzymatic action in the body.”

This is devastating.  Just think how many people have either been on Prozac or some other antidepressant and each day that they take it magnesium is either blocked or depleted. The horrible irony is that supplementing with magnesium is the first line if defense one would take to overcome any varying firms if depression.  


A little-known fact is that there are 15 classes of drugs and thus hundreds of prescription drugs using fluoride as an active ingredient. In the above section, I mention that Prozac contains fluoride, which means that Prozac depletes magnesium every day that you take it. And if you’ve read my Magnesium Miracle book you know that magnesium deficiency causes anxiety and depression.

Whether natural or synthetic fluoride from industrial waste, fluoride does not simply wash out from the surface of your teeth or from the recesses of your gums.  Dr. Dean says that fluoride gets immediately absorbed through the mucus membrane of your mouth.

She notes that titanium dioxide is in all-white toothpaste, adding that she's still out on its toxicity against its effectiveness.  A quick search raises a red flag.  

Nutritionally speaking, she cites collagen-producing vitamin C as the key nutrient for protecting your teeth.  I take vitamin C every day but my gums still need work. Sections are not too healthy.  Maybe adding Hyaluronic Acid would help the cause. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Slate Runs Cover for Fauci

Never forgive.  Never forget.  Hold the Line.  Following Nikki Minaj's statement that her cousin's friend grew impotent following the vaccine, Slate, who pretends to do investigative journalism, slams MInaj in a hit piece calling her claims "vaccine misinformation."  Tags can work to praise or condemn.  So instead of vetting her claims, Slate goes to treat her dissenting claims as delusional.  Slate writes, 

A classic example of vaccine misinformation and how it spreads, Minaj’s post set off a nightlong round of ridicule. Many speculated her cousin’s friend in fact acquired a sexually transmitted infection that derailed his wedding,

calling her conversations with friends and family "rumors," in an effort to effectively dismiss any untoward claims about the vaccines outright before an investigation.  Why report on what she says at all?  Does one person, one celebrity have that kind of influence over Pfizer's bottom line?  Funny how the media doesn't run down other celebrities who helped launch the fear and panic porn of 2020 around COVID.  Remember it was Tom Hanks and his dutiful wife who took their marching orders and came out confessing that they too got COVID.  Very convenient  Too convenient. 

So instead of getting health records on her cousin's friend, Slate accuses the friend of promiscuity, of being a whore, and carrying an STD, suggesting somehow that the person should be avoided for their opinion because he is a possible biological vector but for certain a business destroyer.  The truth is that it's not just men but women, too, who have reported swelling, bleeding, and inflammation from their reproductive organs.  Primarily because the vaccines destroy the pineal gland of the brain, the one controls the sex hormones and youthful appearances.  

But rumors like the one Minaj heard, particularly around men’s sexual health, have made up a common thread of COVID vaccine conspiracies that really do affect vaccine decision-making. And they obscure an actually alarming fact: COVID-19 itself, not the vaccine, can “linger” in the penis and have serious effects on men’s sexual health. I called Dr. Aaron Spitz, a prominent urologist and the author of The Penis Book: A Doctor’s Complete Guide to the Penis, to explain what the current science tells us about what COVID really does to men’s bodies, the fears he’s heard from his patients, and why viruses like this only become real to some men when it concerns their dick. Our conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.

Ironically, an article that urges men to get the vaccine, simultaneously reveals how sexual impotence is acquired by COVID and its vaccines to prevent COVID.

Coronavirus infection is already known to damage blood vessels, and vessels that supply blood to the penis appear to be no exception.

Researchers armed with an electron microscope found coronavirus particles in penile tissue samples taken from two former COVID-19 patients who became impotent following their infection, which had occurred six and eight months earlier.

Further study revealed evidence of blood vessel damage in the penises of the COVID-19 patients, compared to two other men with erectile dysfunction who'd never been infected, the researchers reported May 7 in the World Journal of Men's Health.

"We found that the virus affects the blood vessels that supply the penis, causing erectile dysfunction," said senior researcher Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, director of the reproductive urology program at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. "The blood vessels themselves malfunction and are not able to provide enough blood to enter the penis for an erection."

Finally, someone making sense.  We know that the vaccines cause blood clots, colloquially referred to as "Clot shots." Any impairment in circulation is going to disrupt function, maybe even cause permanent damage. 

Melatonin is uniquely suited to treat COVID-19 in men, particularly older men, as well as treat fallout or adverse effects, like infertility and impotence, from the vaccine.  NCBI explains,

As a matter of fact, Covid-19 may be remarkably severe in elderly males, i.e. in a population in which plasma levels of MLT may be particularly low (Touitou et al. 1985).